Тема урока "The world of opportunities". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цели и задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствование произносительных и лексических знаний по разговорной теме "Professions"; повторение лексико-грамматических навыков диалогической речи.
  2. Закрепление новой лексики по теме; употребление ее в диалогической и монологической речи.
  3. Совершенствование умений видеоаудирования, обсуждение полученной информации, выражение своего мнения.

План урока.

I. Good-morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please. I hope you are fine today, aren’t you?

Look at the blackboard, please and guess the theme of our lesson.

The theme of our today’s lesson is The world of opportunities’.

School, lessons, homework, teachers…. How nice it is at school! You are in the 9th form now and you should decide what to do after finishing it. Choosing a job is not an easy task. The world gives you so many opportunities to find a job to your taste. I suppose that you’ll make the right choice and your life will be successful. So, today we are going to speak about different jobs, professions and your plans for future.

We’ll practice the vocabulary on the topic, develop speaking abilities, practice making phone calls and do some other tasks (Презентация. Слайд 1.)

II. Well, you know, our world is changed, and there are some new things and new professions too. The names of some professions came to our language from English. For example, a crisis-manager, an auditor, an image-maker and others. Your homework for today’s lesson was to find some information about these new professions in English or in Russian. Are you ready? What can you tell us about a crisis-manager? (дети рассказывают о современных профессиях) Приложение 1.

Thank you very much. That was really interesting and informing. Would you like to be an auditor of a web-designer in future?

III. If you want to have a good salary you should have some skills, abilities and qualities. Let’s review them. What is the English for “остроумие”? и т.д.

Well done. Now look at the screen. Now, finish the sentences. (Слайд 2)

1. It is necessary for a doctor to have……..
2. A good doctor should be…..
3. It is necessary for a teacher ……..
4. He should be…….
5. He should never be…….

And now answer my questions, please.

– Is it necessary for a teacher to have physical strength?

– What skills and qualities should a good waiter have?

What about a sportsman?

– Is it necessary for a cook to have driving skills?

Right you are. IT skills are necessary for everybody today, aren’t they?

I think it’s time to ask what qualities you personally have and lack.

As for me, I have initiative and creativity, but I lack physical strength. And what about you? (Дети отвечают на вопросы.)

Ok. Thank you for your answers. What skills are necessary for your future profession? How do you think?

That’s nice. Kate (pupil 4), you are going to be a photojournalist, aren’t you?

IV. Well, you know, Kate likes to take interviews as well. So, she interviewed our 9th formers about their plans for future. I think it’ll be interesting for you to listen to the results. (Результаты исследования в Приложении 2.) (Слайды 3–5)

Thank you ever so much, Kate. I wish some of you wanted to be teachers and interpreters in future. But these professions are not so popular among teenagers nowadays. And what professions are popular among British students of your age? Can you guess? (Слайд 6)

V. Let’s see. Look at the screen. The most popular job for them according to the latest survey is a sales manager (22%), then an accountant (12 %). 11 % of British students want to be lawyers, 7 % – chief accountants, 6 % – supervisors. To be engineers or medical representatives want few students of your age. As you can see they want to be neither politicians nor spaceman, but some of them want to become lawyers and to work in medicine like you.

VI. Now it’s time to have a short rest. Let’s play a game “A Hot Seat”. Do you remember the rules? Who wants to start the game?

So, come to the front and sit on this chair.

You like to play games, don’t you?

By the way, what toys did you play with in your childhood? I personally played with big dolls. They were my favourite toys?

Ok. And psychologists say that a favorite child’s toy shows his abilities and future profession.

(Слайды 7–10)

  • If a child prefers to play with puzzles, cubes he is a future mathematician, a programmer or an architect.
  • If he usually plays with soldiers, he is a future leader.
  • If he usually plays with cars, he will choose a profession of a worker.
  • If a child prefers to play with soft toys, he will become a journalist, social worker or he will study languages.
  • If his favorite toy is a dinosaur, he will be good at Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
  • If a boy often plays with dolls, it is better to consult a psychologist.
  • If a girl likes to play with “boys’ toys” such as cars, she is very emotional and impulsive.
  • Isn’t it interesting? But don’t take it too seriously.

VII. If you are looking for a job, you have to call to some offices or shops. Now we’ll practice making phone calls for getting information about a job. Look at the screen and be ready with your dialogues between the applicant and the manager. We practiced this work at the last lesson. (Слайд 11)

Let’s start with the boys. Thank you very much, boys. (Учитель спрашивает еще одну или две пары.)

IX. You know it’s not easy to go through a job interview, but it is necessary if you want to be employed. Now I’ll show you the video with tips for a successful interview. Let’s review some words first. What is the Russian for….? If you don’t know the words write them down in your dictionary.

  • Weakness-слабое место, недостаток.
  • Jewelry-украшение.
  • Perfume-духи.
  • Make up-косметика, макияж.
  • Opportunity-возможность.
  • To oversleep-проспать.
  • To avoid-избегать.
  • Inappropriate-неуместный.
  • Weirdo-чудак, странный человек.

Be ready to answer some of my questions after the film. Listen to the applicant and the manager very attentively. (Трансляция видеосюжета ‘Job interview’.)

Did you enjoy it? Let’s discuss it then.

  1. Is it polite to be late for your first interview?
  2. Can you wear jeans and T-shirts? Now should you be dressed then?
  3. What is not advised to wear for women?
  4. Does a manager want to listen to your life story?
  5. Is it polite to answer your cell phone during the interview?
  6. What are some important things to remember when you go through a job interview?

X. Now let’s imagine that you want to get a good job and should go through a job interview. A manager of a British company is looking for a nice worker.

So, let Vicka be a manager and Diana an applicant. It was your homework, girls, to do that. Are you ready? Let’s start then. (Диалог в Приложении 3)

Very nice, girls. Who else wants to be interviewed?

Now, Vicka, you should choose who will work with you.

Thank you very much. I hope this practice will help you in future. Well, boys and girls, you’ve just heard that it’s necessary to bring your CV when applying for a job. This is a document which gives details of your education, the examinations you have passed, your qualifications and the jobs you have already had. Normally, there are special rules for writing a CV; we’ll discuss them at the next lesson.

XI. Приложение 4. A British company, which has an office in Moscow, is looking for a new staff at the moment. And you saw the advertisement about it in the Moscow news. Please write a letter to answer the advertisement. In your letter

  • Explain why you decided to write;
  • Describe your appearance;
  • Ask about the salary and the time required to do this work;
  • Write 100–140 words;
  • Remember the rules of letter writing.

It will be your homework for the next lesson. Is everything clear?

XII. Our lesson is coming to an end. I'll give ‘5’s to……….and good marks to…….Boys and girls, what have you learnt today?

The theme of our today’s lesson was ‘The world of opportunities’.

I am sure that all of you will make the right choice and your life will be happy and successful. If you want to be wealthy and healthy you have lots of opportunities to find the right job to your taste. To be a king or a cobbler depends on you. I wish all of you good luck. Our lesson is over. Good-bye. (Слайды 12–15)

XIII. Если остается время обучающимся можно предложить несколько вопросов и определить их склонности к той или иной профессии.

(Приложение 5.)

Объекты графики.

  1. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSWlq8wKbf15QgrUecTV3DS1LwFk3i6_M1LMByWav1nX-RzBHtZ5vc
  2. http://www.248am.com/images/pleo.jpg
  3. http://1.static.slando.com/photos/live/21/detskaya-mashinka-katalka-space-tolocar_37750721_1_F.jpg
  4. http://darudar.org/var/files/img/f0/f9/f0f9c94740aaa5002b51c9caa5f20f06_600.jpg
  5. http://www.malishok.com.ua/published/publicdata/SHOP/attachments/SC/products_pictures/%D0%94%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4_thm.jpg
  6. Видеоролик “Интервью”
  7. http://elf-english.ru/2010/12/sobesedovanie-na-anglijskom-video-uroki/
  8. Список популярных профессий в Великобритании. http://www.jabulela.com/politics-business/...rofession-today