Лингвистические игры в 5–6-х классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


  1. Обучение языковым играм. Практика в говорении, письме, грамматике.
  2. Развитие способности к анализу, обобщению, сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц.
  3. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся через предмет. Приобщение к работе в группе.

Участники: учащиеся 5–6 классов МОУ СОШ № 15 села Ивановское Кочубеевского района Ставропольского края

Предварительная работа:

  1. Представить себя (оригинальный рассказ из 4–5 предложений).
  2. Составить кроссворд.


  1. Слова запись песен “Hello, friend. How are you?”, “Hello,hello! Goodbye, goodbye!”
  2. Плакат с заданием игры: “Are you a quick writer?” (Бумага для выполнения задания.)
  3. Мяч и карточки с заданием для групп “I know five...”
  4. Магнитные карточки к заданию “How many words can you make?”
  5. Материал к заданию “Who did what, where and when” на плакатах-кругах
  6. Материал к заданию “Broken Plates”
  7. Материал к заданию “Jumbled sentences”
  8. Предложения на карточках для игры “Have you got a good memory?”
  9. Вопросы викторины “How much do you know about different things?”

Ход мероприятия

I. Greetings.

Our girls and our guys
Start the game and win the prize.
But, of course, it doesn't matter
Matter does that we are wise
In this jolly, funny place
There is not a boring lace
And in spite of being clever
We make fun in any case.
Best wishes and good luck!

II. Introducing themselves.

Dear boys and girls, I think you are ready to introduce yourselves. Your stories must be short and interesting. And, of course, there is a prize for the best and the most original one.

Thank you very much for your English and it's time to say “hello” to each other. Let's sing a song “Hello, friend. How are you?”.

One of you has won a prize, (giving prizes)

III. Vocabulary.

1. Now children, let's begin our competition.

The first task will be “Are you a quick writer?”. In five minutes write the names of:

  1. three capitals in Europe
  2. three months of the year
  3. five school objects
  4. two adverbs
  5. two famous tourist sights in Europe

2. Now we shall play the game “I know five...”. Each team will choose the names of the groups of words, and the members of the team should name five words of each of the groups of words. We shall use the ball.

Groups of words: colours, school subjects, animals, sports, clothes, parts of human's body.

3. How many words can you make from this one:

IV. Sentence making.

1. Let's write sentences “Who did what, where and when?”.

Choose a person from the red circle, an activity from the blue circle, a place from the yellow circle and a time from the green one. Write as many sentences as you can. You have 5 minutes.

2. Broken plates.

I'll give you halves of the sentences on different flowers. The beginning of the sentence is on the orange flower and the ending is on the yellow one. Please, match them to complete the sentence. You have 2 minutes.

3. Jumbled sentences.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. There are three sentences. And there are three minutes to do this task.

  1. her, talking, robot, exploded, when, about, Isabel, was, it.
  2. on, prohibited, walking, grass, is, the.
  3. in, Edmund Halley, comet, British, 1682, a, astronomer, saw, sky, a, the, in.

4. Now we shall play the game which is called “Snowball” though it is not winter now and there isn't snow on the ground. But the number of the sentences you say, will increase like a snowball.

Please, choose the sentence you will begin with:

  1. Yesterday I watched TV
  2. Yesterday I played tennis
  3. Yesterday I wrote a letter
  4. Yesterday I read a book

V. Quiz.

How much do you know about different things? Please, answer my questions:

  1. What's the most popular sport in the world?
  2. Where will the next Olympics be?
  3. When will the next leap year?
  4. How often does it come?
  5. Where is the Colosseum?
  6. Where is the Acropolis?
  7. Which is the longest river in the world?
  8. Which is the highest mountain in the world?
  9. How long does an elephant live?
  10. What's the tallest animal in the world?

VI. Summary. Parting.

Dear pupils, this was the last task of our competition. I think, you had a nice time. And now the results, the prizes and the song: “Hello, hello! Goodbye, goodbye!”.