Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "Великобритания и Казахстан"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

The theme: Kazakhstan and Great Britain.

The aim: To practice the previous material, to develop pupils' abilities in oral comprehension.

Visual aids: The flags and maps of the countries, the sightseeing of Kazakhstan and Great Britain.

Plan of the extra – curricular work

I. Introduction

  1. Otkel
  2. Beles
  3. Beket
  4. Asu
  5. Zheruiyk

The procedure of the competition.

Two team take part in the competition the pupils from the 8th grades. Each team consists of five pupils and has a captain.

The 1st round is OTKEL. The captains of each team must answer 5 questions in 1 minute. Each correct answer is equal to 100 tenge. I'm sure you know some facts about Kazakhstan and Great Britain. Can you answer the following questions? Good luck. If your answer is wrong, the captain of another team can give his variant.

  1. The Capital of Kazakhstan is____________
  2. Astana is on the River______________
  3. What countries does Kazakhstan border with?
  4. What is the population of Kazakhstan?
  5. What is the area of Kazakhstan?

The question for the 2nd captain.

1. What is the official name of Britain?

2. What is the longest river in Britain?

3. What parts does the UK consist of?

4. What river runs through London?

5. The population of Great Britain?

The II nd round is Beles.

There are two questions for each team. One question is equal to 200 tenge. Each team discusses the question together and will answer in 1 minute. If the answer is wrong, the member of the another team can give their variant.

1. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.

2. The birth place of Saken Seifullin and Magzhan Zhumabayev. Then it was renamed.

1. It is small, but it is very important. It is the oldest part of London. Thousands of people come here every morning to work in large offices. It is the heart of London, the business and financial life of the country.

2. Tell us the first verse and a refrain of the anthem by heart.

Алтын күн аспаны, алтын дән даласы,
Даңқымыз шықты ғой, Намысын бермеген, қазағым мықты ғой!
Менің елім, менің елім,
Ерліктің дастаны, Еліме қарашы! Ежелден ер деген,
Гүлің болып егілемін,
Жырың болып төгілемін елім!
Туған жерім менің – Қазақстаным!

The III rd round is Beket.

There are 2 puzzles for you. Each team discusses the puzzle and will answer in 2 minutes. Each puzzle's score is equal to 300 tenge. Good luck!

The IV th round is Asu.

There are some sentences according with the grammar. Your tasks are to find in which tenses and voices are used these sentences. Each correct answer is equal to 400 tenge.

1. We have polluted the environment.

2. Once a man lived in a greater harmony with nature.

3. Radio active wastes have been polluting the land since 1860.

4. Garbage disposal brings illnesses and diseases, it spoils the view of the city.

The V th round is Zheruiyk.

I'll read a tongue twister for you. Your task is to say it by heart quickly. The score is equal to 500 tenge.

1. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

2. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

That's all for today. So, the final score of competition is.........

Let's congratulate the winners.

This diploma is for the team which engaged the 1st place.

Thank you for your participation and attention. Good bye!