Урок английского языка по теме «Хобби». 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6


- активизировать и закреплять  лексику по теме;
- отрабатывать правильное произношение слов, словосочетаний;
- совершенствовать речевые умения и навыки;
- развивать рецептивные и продуктивные виды   речевой деятельности (аудирование,      говорение, письмо, чтение); 
- развивать интерес к иностранному языку и желание говорить на нём;
- развивать  языковую догадку;
- воспитывать умение работать в парах, группе.

Ход урока

1. Организационной момент.

Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! I hope you are feeling well today! What‘s the weather like today? Let’s begin our lesson!

2. Фонетическая разминка.

Listen and repeat the words

[a:]  gardening, cartoons, dancing, postcard, drama

[i: ] reading, weekend, people, see, keep 

[I ] rugby, comedy, library, detective, story

[m] music, stamps, games, swimming

[t] tennis, travelling, football, computer

3. Работа с интерактивной доской.

a) Look at the board and guess the words.









b) Match the words with their descriptions.

gardening   to be healthy and slim
travelling   to work in the garden
taking pictures   to make a photo
collecting things   to go from place to place or different places
keeping fit   to bring things together

4. Сообщение темы урока.

Who guessed the theme of our lesson? 

You are right. The theme of our lesson is Hobbies.

5. Речевая разминка.

What is a hobby? What hobbies do you know? Have you got a hobby? What do you like to do when you have free time?

6. Работа с учебником.

Open your text books on page 73 exercise 3. Say what hobbies are popular in your family.

7. Reading.

Let’s divide into three groups. Read the text and find out what the British say about their hobbies.

8. Relaxing.

9. Writing.

Make up sentences. Write them down.

  • sports, popular, my, family, is, in.
  • you, fit, keep, do, how?
  • parents, jogging, do, your, like?
  • we, weekend, play, football, every.

10. Checking up with Smart board.

Let’s check up your sentences. Well done.

11.  Speaking.

Tell about your hobby.

My hobby is ….

I like …...

It helps me …

I can ….

My hobby is very interesting because …...

I think ….. is very popular …..

I am sure my hobby ….

12. Homework.

13. Summarizing.

You are great today.  What was interesting at the lesson? What did you like best of all? 
The lesson is over! Good-bye!

Используемая литература

  1. Биболетова М.З., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием /Enjoy English: Учебник для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.
  2. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский с удовольствием /Enjoy English для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.