Читаем сказку на английском языке на уроке и дома

Разделы: Иностранные языки


I. Посмотри на картинку и попробуй отгадать, какую сказку ты прочитаешь. Как она называется по-русски? (На картинке изображены танцующие принц и принцесса из сказки "Золушка".)

А. Перед тем как ты прочтёшь 1-ую часть сказки, ответь на вопросы:

  • Who is the girl in the picture?
  • Where did she live?
  • Was she rich or poor?
  • Was she beautiful or ugly?

Б. Прочитай 1-ую часть текста и проверь свои ответы на вопросы в задании I..

Once upon a time a young beautiful girl, called Cinderella, lived with her step-mother and two ugly step-sisters. They were horrid to her and made her do all the chores around the house.
From morning until night, Cinderella scrubbed the floors, tidied the house, cooked the meals and washed the pots. Her step-sisters even made her wash and iron their clothes.
One morning a letter came. It was an invitation from the palace to attend a ball in honour of the Prince’s birthday.
Cinderella’s step-mother and step-sisters were very excited and talked of nothing else. They made Cinderella get all their clothes ready and ordered her about all day long.
On the evening of the ball, when her step-mother and step-sisters were dressed in their finest clothes, Cinderella asked: "Can I go to the ball?"
"No", – shouted her step-mother. "You have to stay at home and tidy up."

Слова и выражения:

  • step-mother – мачеха;
  • step-sister – сводная сестра;
  • horrid ужасный;
  • chores – работа по дому;
  • scrub – скрести;
  • tidy – убирать, приводить в порядок;
  • in honour of – в честь;
  • were excited – были возбуждены;
  • else – еще;
  • have to stay – должна остаться.

1. Задай вопросы, используя данные ниже слова:

  1. Who / Cinderella / live with?
  2. Her step-sisters / were horrid / to her?
  3. What / Cinderella / do / in the house?
  4. Why / Cinderella’s step-sisters / were excited?
  5. Cinderella / want / to go to the ball?

2. Напиши ответы на вопросы из задания 1.

3. Cross-Out. What does Cinderella do on Saturday? Зачеркни все буквы, которые встречаются 4 раза. Соедини оставшиеся буквы и получишь ответ на вопрос.

P O * G O J

4. Закончи предложения. Начало предложений обозначено цифрами, окончание предложений обозначено буквами.

1) Cinderella’s step-mother and step-sisters
2) They made Cinderella get
3) On the evening of the ball
4) Cinderella asked if she
a) could go to the ball.
b) they were dressed in their best clothes
c) were very excited.
d) all their clothes ready.

II. Ты помнишь, что случилось дальше? Как могут быть употреблены следующие слова в тексте: cry, like, change, the ball, old clothes, home?

А. Подумай и составь с ними предложения.

Б. Прочитай 2-ю часть сказки и сравни свои предложения с предложениями в тексте. Правильными были твои предположения или нет?

When they had left, Cinderella sat sadly in the kitchen. "Why are they so unkind to me?", – she asked the little cat who sat at her feet. Then she began to cry. Through her sobs Cinderella heard a kindly voice asking: "Why are you crying, my dear?"
"Because my step-mother and step-sisters do not like me and will not let me go to the ball at the palace", – Cinderella said.
When Cinderella looked up she saw a lady with a wand in her hand.
"Who are you?", – she asked.
"I’m your Fairy Godmother and if you do exactly as I ask, you will soon be at the palace."
Cinderella happily agreed.
The Fairy Godmother waved her wand and changed mice into white horses, a pumpkin into a carriage, a rat into a coachman and four lizards from the garden into footmen.
Then the Fairy Godmother touched Cinderella’s old clothes with her wand and they changed into a beautiful ballgown and the prettiest pair of glass slippers.
Cinderella climbed into the coach.
"Remember, be home at midnight," – called her Fairy Godmother.

Слова и выражения:

  • sobs – всхлипывания;
  • wand – палочка;
  • Godmother – крестная мать;
  • exactly – точно; change – изменять;
  • pumpkin – тыква;
  • coachman – кучер;
  • lizard – ящерица;
  • pair of glass slippers – пара хрустальных туфель;
  • coach – карета.

1. Ответь письменно на вопросы.

  1. Why did Cinderella sit sadly in the kitchen?
  2. What did she hear through her sobs?
  3. Who did she see?
  4. How did the Fairy Godmother change everything?
  5. What did the Fairy Godmother tell Cinderella to remember?

2. Составь вопросы, используя в них приведенные ниже слова:

  1. Why / they / unkind / to me?
  2. Why / you / cry / my dear?
  3. What / she / do / with her wand?
  4. What / she / change / a pumpkin into?
  5. How / she / change / Cinderella’s clothes?
  6. Where / Cinderella / sit?

3. Переставь буквы в словах, чтобы получить слова из сказки.

  1. epts-mtehro _________________________________
  2. epts-sstrise _________________________________
  3. oecshr _____________________________________
  4. lalb ________________________________________
  5. pmupkni ____________________________________
  6. icme _______________________________________
  7. slasg pespslir ________________________________
  8. skclo _______________________________________
  9. ireradm _____________________________________

4. What did Cinderella put on her feet? Чтобы ответить на вопрос, в колонки сверху вниз напишите названия предметов, изображенных в начале каждого столбика, затем заполните пропуски и из первых букв прочтите ответ.(Рисунки : над 1-м столбиком – носки, над 3-м – кубик льда, над 5-м – тарелка, над 7-м – розы) (Slippers)

5. Colour by number. Раскрась рисунок цветами, обозначенными цифрами.

Учитель: Возьмите картинки для раскраски, напишите названия цветов на английском языке и обозначьте их цифрами

6. Puzzle picture. Учитель разрезает картинку на квадраты и предлагает учащимся приклеить составленный рисунок на плотную бумагу и раскрасить его.


А. Перед чтением 3-й части сказки что, ты думаешь, могло случиться на балу. Ответь на вопросы:

  1. Did everybody like Cinderella at the ball?
  2. Did her step-mother and stepsisters recognise her?
  3. Did the Prince like her?
  4. What happened at the ball?

Б. Прочитай 3-ю часть сказки и проверь свои ответы на вопросы.

Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball. Everyone was asking who the beautiful girl was and when the Prince danced with her all evening they thought she must be a Princess.
She was so happy and thought the Prince was very charming. They laughed and talked between dances and when the Prince asked who she was, Cinderella would not tell him.
All of a sudden the clock began to strike. It was midnight.
Quickly Cinderella said goodbye to the Prince and ran down the stairs. In her haste one of her glass slippers fell off!

Слова и выражения:

  • charming – очаровательный;
  • all of a sudden – неожиданно;
  • In her haste – в спешке.

1. Составь вопросы, используя данные слова.

  1. Who / dance / with Cinderella ?
  2. What / she / think / about the Prince ?
  3. He / ask / who / she / was ?
  4. When / the clock / begin to strike ?
  5. What / Cinderella / do ?
  6. What / happen / to her slipper ?

2. Найди окончание предложения, соединив его начало в колонке слева, с частью в колонке справа

  1. All of a sudden a) who she was.
  2. She thought b) a wonderful time at the ball.
  3. Everyone at the ball thought c) ran down the stairs.
  4. One of her slippers d) the clock began to strike.
  5. The Prince asked e) fell off.
  6. Cinderella said goodbye and f) she must be a Princess.
  7. Cinderella had g) the Prince was charming.

3. Закончи рисунок 1, соединив точки. Раскрась дворец и составь несколько предложений о нем. Напиши свои предложения.

4. Закончи рисунок 2, соединив точки, обозначенные цифрами. Начни с цифры 1. Узнаешь Золушку? Раскрась рисунок. Опиши наряд Золушки.


А. Перед прочтением следующей части текста ответь на вопросы:

  • Did the Prince ask everybody about the girl the next morning?
  • Did he order to find her?

Б. Прочитай 4-ю часть сказки и сравни свои ответы на вопросы с текстом.

The next morning the Prince asked everyone in the palace if they knew who the beautiful girl was. No one did, but one of the pages in the palace had seen her lose her slipper and brought it to the Prince.
The Prince immediately ordered his pages to find the girl whose foot would fit the glass slipper. All the ladies-in-waiting at the palace tried on the slipper but it would not fit. The pages went to all the houses in the kingdom but still they could not find the rightful owner.
The Prince waited anxiously at the palace.
When the pages arrived at Cinderella’s house her step-sisters tried on the glass slipper but it would fit neither of them.

Слова и выражения:

  • pages – пажи;
  • had seen her lose her slipper – увидел как она потеряла туфлю;
  • immediately – немедленно;
  • ladies-in-waiting – фрейлины королевы;
  • rightful owner – законный владелец;
  • anxiously – беспокойно;
  • neither of – никому из.

1. Ответь на вопросы.

  1. What did the Prince do the next morning ?
  2. What did a page bring to the Prince ?
  3. What did the Prince order his pages to do ?
  4. Where did the pages go ?
  5. What did the Prince do ?
  6. Did they go to Cinderella’s house ?

2. Составь предложения из слов.

  1. the, in, asked, palace, the, beautiful, everyone, girl, Prince, about, the.
  2. pages, slipper, one, the, had, her, of, seen, lose, the.
  3. houses, pages, to, the, went, all, the.
  4. the, waited, the, palace, Prince, at.
  5. glass, tried, step-sisters, the, slipper, Cinderella’s, on.

3. Посмотри на рис. 3. Сравни 2 картинки и найди между ними 5 различий.


А. Перед прочтением последней части сказки подумай и скажи, как могут быть в ней использованы слова: slipper, Fairy Godmother, change, recognise. Запиши свои предложения.

Б. Прочитай конец сказки и сравни свои предложения с предложениями в тексте.

Cinderella asked if she could try on the slipper.
"You were not at the ball," said her step-mother, "so it cannot possibly fit you."
The page however insisted that Cinderella try it on and to everyone’s surprise and amazement it fitted perfectly. Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother appeared again and with a touch of her wand Cinderella’s clothes were changed into a beautiful gown.
As soon as her step-sisters saw Cinderella in her gown, they recognised her as the beautiful girl at the ball.
The Prince was told and when he came to Cinderella’s house he asked her to marry him. Cinderella and the Prince lived happily ever after.

Слова и выражения:

  • possibly – возможно;
  • insist – настаивать;
  • to everyone’s surprise and amazement – ко всеобщему удивлению и изумлению;
  • perfectly – безупречно, идеально;
  • touch – прикасаться; recognise – узнавать.

1.Ответь на вопросы.

  • Did Cinderella try on the slipper ?
  • Why was everybody surprised ?
  • Who appeared again ?
  • How did she change Cinderella’s clothes ?
  • What did the Prince do?

2. Составь вопросы, используя данные слова.

  • What / the stepmother / say / to Cinderella ?
  • What / fit / perfectly ?
  • What / happen / to everybody’s surprise ?
  • Cinderella’s clothes / change / into a beautiful gown ?
  • Cinderella and the Prince / live / happily ?

3. Colour by number. Раскрась картинку цветами, обозначенными цифрами.

Учителю: возьмите картинки для раскраски, напишите названия цветов на английском языке и обозначьте их цифрами.

4. Сколько слов ты можешь составить из букв в имени Cinderella?

red, read, ____________________________________________________

5. Няня рассказала Джонни сказку про Синдереллу, но она не совсем хорошо помнила ее, и поэтому перепутала события и немного переделала.

  1. Расставь предложения в логическом порядке в каждой части.
  2. Найди изменения в сказке.

Part 1.

  • The man had a young daughter who was sweet and good.
  • Once upon a time there was a gentleman who married for the second time.
  • She had two daughters who were just like her.
  • His wife was a very, very proud woman. (proud – гордая)

Part 2.

  • They sat in their rooms and watched TV all day long.
  • She made the young girl work very hard and do all the dirty work around the house.
  • Her own daughters did not work around the house.
  • After the wedding, the step-mother began to show how bad she was. (wedding – свадьба)

Part 3.

  • However, Cinderella was very pretty, much prettier than her two step-sisters.
  • The poor girl was very patient and did everything the mean step-mother told her to do. (patient – терпеливая)
  • After she finished her work, she usually sat by the microwave oven.
  • She did not tell her father about all this.
  • She was always dirty, so the two sisters called her Cinderella.

Part 4.

  • He invited all the important people in the town.
  • The king gave a big party for his son.
  • The two sisters were busy; they had to choose pretty clothes to wear.
  • She had to wash and iron their dresses.
  • Cinderella was very busy too.
  • She also did their hair.

Part 5.

  • The two mean sisters laughed at Cinderella.
  • She wanted to go to the party.
  • Cinderella did not say anything, but she was very sad.

Part 6.

  • She took a shower and did her hair.
  • At last, the big day came.
  • Suddenly, a good fairy came to her.
  • She cried and cried.
  • The two sisters went to the king’s palace and poor Cinderella stayed home.

Part 7.

  • The good fairy called a taxi.
  • "Well," said the good fairy, "let’s do something about that."
  • The good fairy said, "Cinderella, do you want to go to the party?"
  • Cinderella brought the phone.
  • Then she said, "Run to the living room and bring me the phone."
  • "Yes!" cried Cinderella.
  • Cinderella said, "But I can’t go to the party! I don’t have anything to wear!"
  • So the good fairy gave Cinderella a beautiful dress.

Part 8.

  • Cinderella promised to do that.
  • Cinderella got into the taxi and waved goodbye.
  • The good fairy told Cinderella to leave the palace before midnight.
  • Then she gave her a pair of beautiful silver sandals.

Part 9.

  • Of course Cinderella’s step-mothers did not recognise her!
  • They danced and danced and everybody watched them.
  • "Ah! How beautiful she is!" thought the prince.
  • "Ah! How handsome he is!" thought Cinderella.
  • All the ladies talked about Cinderella’s beauty, her dress, and her hair.
  • When Cinderella walked in, the prince fell in love with her. (fell in love with – влюбился)

Part 10.

  • But who was she?
  • The king’s son picked up the sandal.
  • At a quarter to twelve, Cinderella ran away.
  • He said that he was in love and wanted to marry the beautiful girl.
  • One of her silver sandals fell off her foot.

Part 11.

  • The prince put an ad in the paper. (ad – объявление)
  • Her step-mother and her sisters were shocked.
  • She called the palace
  • The prince sent a helicopter to get her.
  • Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after.
  • Cinderella saw the ad.

Lost Love!

If you have a left silver sandal, size 7, call
The palace toll-free 800 555-1234

Source: The Wizard Fairy Tale Book. Published by Peter Haddock Limited, Bridlington, England. Printed in Russia.