План урока и дидактический материал по теме "В музее Тофаларии". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Триединство цели урока:

  • образовательный аспект: ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме “Животные и растения Тофаларии”, совершенствовать ранее приобретенные навыки и умения устной речи, аудирования, чтения.
  • развивающий аспект: развивать у учащихся память, внимание и мышление.
  • воспитательный аспект: воспитывать культуру речи, эстетический вкус, формировать познавательный интерес, расширять коммуникативные возможности, прививать чувство гордости и любви к родному краю.

Оборудование урока: видеомагнитофон, аудио и видео кассета, карта Тофаларии, иллюстрации, высказывание Федора Тютчева, раздаточный материал.

План урока:

1. Организационный момент. Сообщение учащимся темы, целей и задач урока

2. Учебный разговор по теме “Тофалария – страна гор” (географическое положение, население, климат, горы, озера, реки…)

  • вступительное слово экскурсовода о Тофаларии
  • учебный разговор класс ----ученик

3. Второй отдел музея “Тайна озера Кастарма”

  • вступительное слово экскурсовода
  • прослушивание текста “Легенда о камнях озера Кастарма”

4. контроль понимания

  • выбрать одну из предложенных названий к тексту
  • подобрать английские эквиваленты к русским словосочетаниям.

5. Третий отдел музея “Растительный и животный мир Тофаларии.”

Введение лексики по изучаемой теме.

  • вступительное слово экскурсовода
  • аудирование, фонетическая отработка

6. Контроль усвоения

  • фронтальный опрос. Ученик----класс
  • работа в группах по карточкам. Задание на заполнение пропусков. 7.Четвертый отдел музея “Обычаи и традиции народов Тофаларии.”


  • сообщение экскурсовода
  • чтение текста по карточкам и выполнения задания к нему в парах (взаимопроверка)

8. Подведение итогов работы. Учебный разговор учитель----класс

“О чем вы расскажете, когда вернетесь в свою страну?”

Установка на дальнейшую работу по этой теме.

Ход урока.

1.The theme of our lesson today is In the museum of Tofalaria. We shall speak about this wonderful country—Tofalaria.We shall get acquainted with its beautiful nature, rivers, lakes, mountains, people, their customs and traditions, with its animals and plants. I’d like to begin our lesson with the words of sir Augustos John:” You may travel the world over, but you will find nothing more beautiful...”.And really this is a wonderful country. Now let’s see a video.

Today we are going to play a role play. I’d like to describe you the situation.This is a group of British tourists. They’ve heard a lot about Tofalaria and they want to visit it. Tomorrow they will go to this mountainous country by plane. But before they’d like to get acquainted with our museum. There are 4 guards in the museum. Let me introduce them. This is Alex, this is Ann, this is Lena and this is Mary. There are 4 departments in our museum. The first department is “Tofalaria—the country of mountains”, the second “Sacred stones of Kastarma”,the third “In the world of animals and plants, the fourth”Customs and traditions of the tofalars. Let’s go to the first department.

1 Отдел музея. Вступительное слово экскурсовода.

Tofalaria is a beautiful country of mountains. Famous Siberian writer V.Rasputin said:”It is the country near the very sky”. Tofalaria is situated in the south-eastern part of Nizhneudinsk district. Its territory is larger than Albania and it is as Dania and Niderlands together.It is a large mountainous country. There are no roads but there are only pathes of wild animals. We can find the first information about tribes “dubo” in Chinese chronicles of the 5th century. In the 17th century the population of this territory became a part of Moscow State. There were organized 5 administrative districts: Sarihash, Chatey, Hash, Chogdy, Kara-Chogdy.The Tofalars were under tribute. Before the October Revolution they were called “caragases”, that means “black geese”. But in our days they have given themselves another name “tofalar”, that means “a man”.There is a lot of information about this wonderful country. I’d like you to ask me questions.

 (Предполагаемые вопросы)

  • -Where is Tofalaria situated?
  • -What is the territory of this country?
  • -What is the population of this country?
  • -What is the administrative centre of Tofalaria?
  • -What mountains are there in Tofalaria?
  • -What rivers are there in this mountainous country?
  • -What are the main occupations of these people?
  • -I’ve heard that there is a very large water-fall in this territory. What can you say about it?
  • -What can you say about lakes?

(Предполагаемые ответы.)

  • -It is situated in the south-west of Irkutsk region in Nizhneudinsk district.
  • -Its territory is more than 21.000 sq.km.
  • -Its population is about 1000 people.
  • -There are about 600 aborigen tofalars.
  • -There are three large settlements here. But Aligdzher is the centre of Tofalaria.
  • -There are the Sayan mountains. There is the Udinsky pass. Here the heart of the writer-geodesist Phedoseev is buried. Now this pass is called by his name.
  • -There are a lot of rivers in Tofalaria but the most beautiful and the largest are the Uda, theBirjusa, the Khodoma.
  • -The main occupations are hunting, fishing and reindeer-breeding.
  • -Yes, it is the Kenzeljuksky water-fall. It is one of the largest water-falls of Russia.
  • -There are a lot of lakes in Tofalaria.But the largest are: the Bear, the Kastarma, the Agul lake. And about the Kastarma lake you will hear in the next department of our museum. Thank you for attention.

2 Отдел музея. “Sacred stones of Kastarma”

Вступительное слово экскурсовода.

You are at the next department of our museum. It is called “Sacred stones of Kastarma”. Look here! This exposition shows us a collection of stones that are supposed to be sacred. They say that these stones bring luck to everybody who founds them.. Such stones can be found only on the lake Kastarma and in Southern America. Lake Kastarma was considered to be sacred and the Tofalars guarded it.When they caught a stranger, they sold him into the slavery to China. There is an ancient legend about these stones. On your desks you have papers with the text of this story and the tasks you should do. Listen to the text, read it and do the tasks. You should choose the right title for the text and find English equivalents to Russian word combinations given below.

(Приложение №1)

3 Отдел музея. “ In the world of animals and plants of Tafalaria”.

Вступительное слово экскурсовода..

I’d like to begin our excursion with the words of Fyodor Tutchev:

We were to think that nature must be blind.
A face without a soul, you would be wrong,
She has a soul, and she has liberty,
And she has loved too, and she has a tongue…”

Не то, что мните вы – природа
Не слепок, не бездушный лик –
В ней есть душа, в ней есть душа, в ней есть свобода,
В ней есть любовь, в ней есть язык.

The world of animals and plants of Tofalaria is very rich and varied. It is a virgin corner of the earth.. Tofalaria has kept alive in the taiga sables, bears, heavy, but light footed elks, squirrels and lynxes, kabargas, roes, red foxes. About 80 species of birds have been counted living in Tofalaria. There are cranes, ducks, swans, geese, haxel-grouses, woodpeckers, owls, nut crecker birds.

Фонетическая отработка лексики. Выполнение задания в группах.

There are papers with the task. You will work in groups and fill in the table.

Choose any animal in the list of words №1 and fill in the blanks.

(Приложение №2)

Прослушивание сообщения о растительном мире Тофаларии и просмотр слайдов.

I’d like to say some words about plants of Tofalaria. In the picture you can see Alpine meadows. There are rare edelweiss, Alpine poppies, snowdrops. Below Alpine meadows theris the kingdom of the taiga with its cedars, larchers, young birch-trees,fir trees, pine-trees. Tofalar’s whole world from sacred stones of Kastarma to Alpine poppies entered into the Red Book. You are so feathful of harming its soul, that you want to keep saying all the time: “Careful! This is Tofalaria!”

4 . Отдел музея. “ Customs and traditions of Tafalaria.”

Сообщение экскурсовода. Выполнение задания по карточкам.

There are papers with the texts on your desks. Read this text carefully and match the answers to the questions given below. Work in pairs.

(Приложение №3)


Now I see that you have learned a lot about this wonderful country – Tofalaria, about its animals and plants, customs and traditions, nature, its people.What will you tell your friends and relatives about when you return home? I want you to think what you would write down in the Response book.

 Приложение 1

Listen, read and choose the title for this story.

The stones have ailanguage of their ownjln ancient times tofalars believed in the magic powers of these stones. The legend says:

Once upon a time in very high mountains there was a beautiful lake. And a merry God Kastarma lived there. If he saw a bird, flying over the lake, he sculptured it of clay and put this figure on the shore of the lake. If he saw a beast, running near the lake, he sculptured this wild animal. If he saw a man, riding on the horse, he made that horse, that man himself, and his dog. And then a merry God put it stealthly on the road or on the shore of his lake. A man was very glad, he liked those funny figures. And Kastarma was happy, because he had pleased him.

People picked up those Kastarma's presents, brought them home and gave them to their children. They believed that these stones brought luck and happiness to everybody who had found them. They hoped that there would be good fortune in hunting. Many tofalars wore them as amulets. They said that those talismans protected everybody from troubles and the evil eye. So it had been for hundred years till our days. And in our time this lake is considered to be sacred.

  • Secret of lake Kastarma
  • Sacred lake
  • Sacred stones
  • Kastarma's talismans

Give English equivalents to Russian word combinations.

Свой собственный язык, магическая сила, весёлый бог, лепить, на берегу озера, забавные фигурки,собирать,приносить удачу, удача в охоте, защищать от несчастий и дурного глаза, считается священным.

Приложение 2


Have you ever wished you were an animal? I have!

I would be a—1 and would—-2 all day.

I would be a—3 colour.

I would live in a—4 .

On 5 nights I would hide in a 6 .

When people saw me coming, they would—7—..

I would eat 8 every day.

When I was feeling 9—, I would 10 .

Word lists.

  • sable, bear, elk, kabarga, squirrel, lynks, roe, skunk bear, red fox.
  • sleep, eat, growl, run,, swim, hop, fish, roll in mud;
  • brown, grey, red, blue, orange, black, white, yellow,green;
  • mud, forest, cave, river, tree, hole, lair;
  • dark, warm, black, cool, quiet, moonlight;
  • cave, hole, tree, lair;
  • run, yell, clap,, smile, take pictures, giggle, cry;
  • Iceland moss, lichens, cedar nuts, berries, mushrooms, grass, rind, meat;
  • tired, lucky, happy, sad, hungry, playful, angry;

 Приложение 3


There are a lot of customs and traditions in Tofalaria. It is forbidden for a woman to go behind the chum, go across rifles and other man's things. It should be very clean round the fire place. Fire woods must be very good.

Hunters have many secrets. For example, while hunting they do not call the dog " a dog". It is "chadih", that means "smelling".but at home it is called"jit". At a hunt an axe is called ua nose of woodpacker", a skin is called " a blanket". They do not say "I have found a bear", they say " I've gone mad'.

There is a secret of names. Before orthodoxy the Tofalars confessed Shamanism. And according to this religion the Tofalars kept veto on their own names. In life they used nicknames. They were very simple. " Tasol" meant "bald", "Semisol"- "fat", "Hodan"- a hair, "Hugu"- an eagle-owl.

The Tofalars eat meat and fish without salt, but they drink tea with salt. Instead of dishes they use a vessel made of a single piece of birch-bark. In Russia it is called " tuesok". People have sacred stones on their houses, magic things, protecting the family from evil forces. They do not live in houses, they live in chums, a kind of dwelling made of skins.

Doe- deer is called " vazenka"

Customs- обычаи;к is forbidden- запрещено; fire woods-дрова; an axe- охотничий нож; Woodpacker- дятел; orthodoxy- христианство; veto- запрет; nickname- прозвище; eagle-owl-филин; a vessel-сосуд; birch-bark-береста; evil forces- злые силы; skin- шкура; Doe-deer- самка оленя.

 Match the questions to the answers:

  • What is tofalar's dwelling " chum" made of?
  • What does the word " vazenka" mean?
  • What do the Tofalars drink tea with?
  • How do they eat meat and fish?
  • What does their "tuesok" look like?
  • Why do the Tofalars have talismans in theirhouses?
  • What do they say instead " I've found a bear?
  • What is the secret of names?
  • It is a vessel made of a single piece of birch-bark.
  • I've gone mad
  • Doe-deer
  • Chum is made of skins
  • In life they use nicknames
  • With salt
  •  Without salt
  • To protect the family from evil forces