Урок - погружение в культуру Средневековья по теме: "Лондонский Тауэр - средневековый комплекс"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • познакомить учеников с историей Тауэра;
  • воспитать интерес к истории, желание узнавать новое;
  • развивать логическое мышление, умение чувствовать и понимать других.

Тип урока: урок-исследование.

Класс: 6.

Межпредметные связи: с историей, математикой, психологией.


  • распечатка текста “Her Majesty’s Tower of London” с пропусками (каждому ученику);
  • общий вид Тауэра (каждому ученику) <Рисунок1>;
  • план Тауэра (каждому ученику) <Рисунок2>;
  • иллюстрации:
  • Белая башня;
  • стражники Тауэра в повседневной и торжественной форме;
  • королевские регалии;
  • видеосюжет о Тауэре (из кассеты “Лондон”);
  • отрывок из худ. фильма “Елизавета”;
  • газета “English” № 16 за 2005 год стр.23-24;
  • website: http://www.hrp.org.uk

План урока.

1. “Разминка”: Знаете что-либо о Тауэре? Слышали? Читали? Хотели бы знать?

2. Ученикам предложен текст о Тауэре с пропусками, <Рисунок1> и <Рисунок2>. Задание:

определить век по указанному году,

превратить фунты в килограммы,

футы – в метры,

акры – в квадратные метры,

сосчитать по плану количество башен внутреннего круга и внешнего круга защитных стен.

Welcome to the Middle Ages! Look at the plan of the Tower and fill in.


Поля для расчётов, перевода

The Tower on the north bank of the Thames

The most ancient and famous of England’s fortresses has the form of an irregular pentagon and occupies about 18 acres (= m? ) of ground. A fortress had already been built here under Claudius, the Roman Emperor. The favourable position on this hill that commands the river inspired William the Conqueror in 1078 (= century) to build a new castle here to protect the city and to demonstrate to its inhabitants the power of the Norman overlords.

Bishop Gundulf designed a massive central tower in the style of Rochester Castle.

1acre == 0,4га;


King Henry III ordered to build a circle of walls with towers. Under King

Edward a second circle of walls with round bastions to the north and towers facing the river appeared. Yet this fortress has never been seriously put to the test at any time in its -year history.

Instead this citadel has been a Royal Palace (King Charles II was the last king to stay here), a prison (King David II of Scotland, Princess (later Queen) Elizabeth, Guy Fawkes and Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy in the 20th century were imprisoned here. The last man to be beheaded was Lord Lovat in 1747) and an execution spot, a treasury, a mint until 1810, an arsenal, the first royal observatory and for 300 years there was a royal zoo.

It is now a museum of arms and armour – and, as one of the strongest fortresses in Britain, it has the Crown Jewels (королевские регалии: короны, скипетры и др. драгоценности).

The White Tower has walls 11-15 feet (= metres) thick. The building, 90 feet (= metres) high, has an almost square plan from which 4 angular turrets emerge, 3 square and 1 circular, and are covered with small 17th century domes. 1foot == 30см

The second floor is occupied by a Banqueting Hall, the Sword Room and St. John’s Chapel; the third floor has the Council Chamber, the Tudor Room and the Chapel Gallery.

St. John’s Chapel is the oldest church in London 1080 (= century) and a master-piece of Norman style. The Armoury collections occupy almost the entire third floor.

There are also the suits that belonged to the great men. A suit weighing 94 pounds (=_____kg) was made for the powerful Henry VIII. 1pound= =454g

Traitors’ Gate with an arch 60 feet (= metres) wide was the entrance to the

Tower for those accused of plotting against the state.

The Bloody Tower is where the “Little Princes” - Edward V and his brother

Richard – were believed to have been smothered in 1483 (= century).

The delightful Tower Green, where so many visitors today pose for photos, was not always pleasant. It is where many of royal and noble birth met their death.

The Crown Jewels had for many years been kept in the Wakefield Tower but since 1967 have been housed in a specially constructed strongroom below the Waterloo Barracks. They are permanently on display in a specially built modern vault.

St. Edward’s Crown (Crown of England) is made of solid gold and is decorated with 440 precious stones. It has been used regularly to crown the monarchs since the time of Charles II. The original Crown of England was one of the many treasures destroyed by Cromwell, and the Crown on display today is a copy made for the coronation of King Charles II in 1661 (= century).

The Imperial State Crown is worn by the monarch at the opening of

Parliament and other state occasions. It is possibly the most valuable crown in the world.

The Yeoman Warders (лейб-гвардейцы, стражи) or “Beefeaters”

(“бифитеры”, “мясоеды” - прозвище стражников) have guarded the

Tower since the reign of Henry VIII. They normally wear the dark-blue uniform with a red border (which Victoria gave them in 1858) but on state occasions they wear a ceremonial dress: fine red state uniforms with the golden and black stripes and the wide lace-collar, which were in fashion in the 16th century. The high ruff dates from the time of Elizabeth I.

There are 2 letters, E. R., on the front of their tunics. They stand for the Queen’s name Elizabeth Regina. The uniform is as it used to be in Tudor times (времена правления династии Тюдоров 1485 – 1603).

There are 38 Yeoman Warders guarding the Tower.

The Beefeaters, all ex-army men, are used mainly as guides. They are also involved in the security of this historic building. They are probably some of the most photographed men in Britain – thousands of tourists visit the Tower every year.

Every night at 10 p.m. at the Tower the Ceremony of the Keys or locking up of the Tower for the night takes place. It goes back to the Middle Ages. Five minutes before the hour the Headwarder comes out with a bunch of keys and an old lantern. He closes the 3 outer gates. Поля для переводаслов

The keys are carried to the Queen’s house where they are safe for the night.

It is very old ceremony – 700 years old.

In fact the Tower today is like a traditional English village. Ravens have lived in the Tower from its very beginning over 900 years ago and according to legend “only so long as they are here will the White Tower stand”…

That’s why the birds are carefully guarded.

These days there are 8 ravens altogether and, in pairs, they preside over 4 different territories in the daytime.

The ravens whose forefathers used to find food in the Tower still live here as part of its history. One of the Yeoman Warders cares for them. He feeds them on raw (сырое) meat, biscuits soaked in blood (печенье,смоченное в крови), rabbits’ heads, fruit and eggs. He talks them back into (уговаривает вернуться) their cage every night, and from time to time clips their wings – just in case...

The Tower’s great sense of history lives on in its traditions and ceremonies.

Ключи: 1) 72000 m? , 2) the 11th century, 3) 13 towers, 4) 9 towers, 5) 900-year, 6) 3 – 4.5 m, 7) 27 m, 8) the 11th century, 9) 47 kg, 10) 18 m, 11) the 15th century, 12) the 17th century.

3. Чтение, перевод, комментирование текста о Тауэре, нахождение на карте объектов, рассматривание и комментирование картинок, иллюстраций.

4. Просмотр видеосюжетов о Тауэре (из кассеты “London”; отрывок из художественного фильма “Elizabeth”: через ворота предателей принцессу везут в Тауэр, допрос, камера).

5. Игра - вживание в образ: представь, что ты – Тауэр, стражник Тауэра или ворон. Опиши, как ты выглядишь, что ты чувствуешь, о чём ты думаешь, глядя на весёлых туристов.

6. Рефлексия учеников:

Я узнал …

Я сделал открытие (для себя) …

Я задумался...

Оказывается …

Хочу ещё самостоятельно узнать…