Внеклассное мероприятие "Великобритания XX века"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Dear guests! We are happy to see you. Today we are having a party “Great Britain in the XX th century”

Time which we live in is unusual. It is 2007 now. It’s the beginning of the XXIst century and the 3rd millennium. We don’t know what we’ll have in a future, but I hope it will be beautiful and interesting. They say we can’t have a great future if we don’t realize the past. Our party is about the past of Britain.

Добрый день, дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем творческом отчёте “Великобритания XX века”. Мы с вами живём уже в XXI веке, а будем говорить о том, что происходило несколько десятилетий тому назад. Но недаром говорят: “Человек не может иметь будущего, если он не осознал прошлого”. Поэтому наш праздник посвящён прошлому Великобритании.


Look at our great book. Its name is “Great Britain in the XX century”. It tells about the British old times. The first page is about the beginning of the century. Those years were the years of prosperity for Britain. The whole nation was influenced by the standards set by Queen Victoria in the XIX century. The Victorian era was the era of balls. People enjoyed them very much.

Наша красочная книга называется “Великобритания 20 века”. В ней отражены некоторые моменты истории и культуры Британии прошлого столетия. Первая страница книги посвящена началу века, когда любимым развлечением людей были балы.

Сцена на балу. Девушки танцуют вальс.

Florence: What a pretty dress, Emily!

Emily: Thank you. Do you like it, Florence?

Florence: Yes, you look wonderful in it. Where did you get it?

Emily: I was invited to a ball recently and I thought twice what to wear. My servant-maid made a dress for me.

Florence: It’s marvelous!

Mary: Fashion is very changeable. My granny says that in Tudor Times the richest people showed off their wealth wearing silk, woolen and linen clothes.

Florence: Exactly! But I know it was fashionable to have slim bodies in the XVIII century.

Emily: I’m the same opinion about nowadays.

Florence: I like balls very much. I can dance, sing, play and spend good time.

Helene: As for me I like to listen to music, especially waltzes of Shopen. But now I learn the concert of Reading for the piano.

Emily: Oh, ladies, play this concert for our guests.

Девушки исполняют пьесу в 4 руки.


Our next page is about 30-s. In the period after the First World War British Women won the right to vote. Their sense of independence they showed off in wearing their hair short and wearing brief dresses. King George V ruled the country that time. When he died in 1936 his older son Edward had to come to the throne. But he fell in love with American lady Wallace Simpson. It was a real, deep feeling.

Следующая страница нашей книги рассказывает о 30-х годах прошлого столетия. В 1936 году после смерти короля Георга V на трон должен был войти его сын, принц Эдвард. Но ради любви к американке Уоллес Симпсон он отказался стать королём Великобритании. Эдвард и Уоллес поженились и жили в браке счастливо до самой смерти.

Встреча принца Эдварда и Уоллес Симпсон.

Edward: Wallace, I’m waiting for you for a long time. I must say you very important words.

Wallace: What? What happened, my dear Edward?

E.: I should come to the throne. I shall be crowned in a few months.

W.: And me? What about me?

E.: Don’t worry. I shan’t be crowned.

W.: Why, Edward?

E.: Because of you, Wallace. It’s impossible to marry you and to be the king at the same time. I decided to stay with you. It’s out of my power to live without you, Wallace.

Стихотворение “Address to my beloved” (“Reading for Profit and Pleasure”) (см. Приложение)

E.: And you? What about you?


Стихотворение “Only you”. (см. Приложение)

E.: Listen to this music. It sounds pleasant. I hope our life will be the same. Звучит вальс Шопена.

Edward reclined from the throne and his brother Duke of York George became the King. Prince Edward and Wallace Simpson came to France and married in 1937. They lived together during 30 years and loved each other very much.


The next page of our book is about 50-s. Many festivals started that time. One of them is the Edinburgh festival.

Следующая страница нашей книги о Великобритании посвящена возникновению Эдинбургского фестиваля в 1946 году. На этот фестиваль съезжаются люди из многих стран мира. (Действующие лица: 1, 2- британцы, 3-англичанин, 4-шотландец, 5-американец)

I: In a few minutes we’ll get Edinburgh. I think our rest will be excellent.

II: I also think so. Besides there is great holiday there. It is the famous Edinburgh festival.

I: Oh, how interesting. When did the people begin to hold it?

II: The festival started in 1947. Every year the best performances all over the world are shown in Edinburgh.

III: Hello.

I: Hello. Where are you from?

III: We are from England and want to sing a song.

Исполняется песня “Lads and lassies”

IV: Good afternoon.

Ведущий: Good afternoon. Who are you?

IV: I’m Juliana McHale. I am Scottish. I came from the Highlands. I like my country very much. There is nothing like the high mountain, deep valleys and grassy plains of my bonny Scotland. My heart’s in the Highlands as Robert Burns wrote.

Исполняется стихотворение “В горах моё сердце” Р. Бёрнса. (см. Приложение)

V: Excuse me.

II: Yes?

V: Where is the holiday?

II: It’s here. Oh, sir, you are an American, aren’t you?

V: Yes, how do you mean?

II: Easy. You have an accent. You grew up in New England, didn’t you?

V: Absolutely. Now I’m living on a farm and have many cows.

II: Are you a cowboy?

V: Yes, you are right. Every year I go to Scotland to the festivals.

II: I know that cowboys like country music very much.

V: And we also like to dance.

Исполняется танец “Кантри”.


The Beatles and 70-s is the next theme of our party. This group was formed at the end of 50s. John, Paul, George and Ringo were very talented boys who made a revolution in pop music. The boys composed songs for the youth. The Beatles showed professionalism and became the impressive figures on the stage. Their manager Brian Epstein gave them a new “clean” image with short hair, white shirts and elegant suits.

4 страница книги рассказывает о легендарной группе “Битлз”. В её составе было 4 человека: Джон Леннон, Пол Макартни, Джордж Харрисон и Ринго Стар. У группы был свой имидж - короткие стрижки, белые рубашки и элегантные костюмы. Песни Биттлз знали и знают миллионы слушателей во всём мире.

Many more people began listening to pop music. Girls loved the Beatles and boys tried to look like them. Beatlomania swept Britain and America. Certainly you know that the Beatles was not the first names of the group. You can see all the names of the group. Read them in the correct order. (The Quarrymen, the Nurk Twins, Johnny and the Moondogs, Long John and the Silver Beatles, the Beatles)

Who is the leader of the group? (John Lennon) Meet him.

Listen to my description of the next guest:

He was born on the 18th of June in 1942. He began to work with J.Lennon in 1956. They worked in a pair. Nowadays he composed the concerts and songs. (Paul McCartney) Meet him.

You will see the next member of the group if you answer my question: What is the birthplace of “the four”? (Liverpool). Meet our guest G. Harrison.

Who is the last member of the group? (R.Starr)

And now listen to the song “Yellow Submarine”

Исполняется песня “Жёлтая субмарина” (см.Приложение)


The last period is the 90-s. It’s very changeable and difficult time for people. But none the less people all over the world like to go to Britain and visit different museums.

Последняя страница нашей книги расскажет нам о группе “Spice girls”.

I: Hello.

II: Hello. I haven’t seen you for ages. When did you come to London?

I: I came 2 days ago. I’d like to make the most of my holidays. What would you advise me to visit?

II: Oh, there are a lot of special tours. They’ll take you to all the important historical places.

I: I’m interested in British history and culture. What would you recommend for me?

II: I think Madam Tussaud’s is the best for you.

I: Where is it?

II: It’s at Baker Street. Let’s go together.

I: OK.

III: Dear guests! You are in one of interesting museum of London. It is Madam Tussaud’s and our excursion is beginning. Our museum contains life-size wax figures of famous people both living and dead. New models are made as people become famous. You can see there the British Royal Family, Princess Diana, many politicians such as Churchill, famous actors and actresses like Marilyn Monroe, Joan Collins.

I: Excuse me. I’m a tourist from Russia. What figures of Russian people do you have?

III: We have figures of V.Lenin, M.Gorbachyov, B.Yeltsin.

II: And what about singers and music groups?

III: You can see there M.Jackson, the Beatles. Look right. You can see the pop-group “Spice Girls”. It’s the popular group of 90-s.

David: But I can make them alive.

III: How? Are you a magician?

David: Yes, I’m David Copperfield. (колдует, восковые фигуры оживают)

Девушки танцуют танец на песню группы “Spice Girls”.

Our book is finished. We hope that it was very interesting for you to read it. We think you will remember about the past and yesterday.

В заключение нашего праздника послушайте песню “Вчера” в исполнении наших участников.

Исполнение песни “Yesterday” (см.Приложение)

Thank you for your attention and goodbye.