Эффективные формы и приемы обучения английскому языку, 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Познавательный аспект

Роль выдающихся достижений и их влияние на современную жизнь.

Развивающий аспект

Развитие умения сотрудничать, отстаивать свою точку зрения. Развитие воображения, языковой догадки.

Воспитательный аспект

Воспитание уважительного отношения к труду и творчеству людей, внесших серьезный вклад в развитие науки, уважительного отношения к мнению одноклассников.

Учебный аспект

Тренировка лексического материала, практика употребления Past Indefinite and Past Perfect Passive, развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, чтение текста с извлечением информации.

Ход урока

Almost every day a new technique or product appears in the world.
But we always need something more useful,
more effective, more comfortable.

1. Приветствие (Greeting)

Warming- up activity: Can you imagine your life without modern inventions? What inventions are the most important for you? Which of them have changed our life? What are the names of the most outstanding scientists, from your viewpoint?

2. Reading and speaking

Name some of the objects/actions you can see in the pictures. Then direct them to columns A and B and in a few minutes, individually or in pairs match the items, using your dictionaries if necessary.


a. air conditioning Electric fans
b. booking online Queuing up for the tickets
c. central heating Coal fires
d. charge and credit cards Cash
e. computer games Board games
f. dishwasher Doing the washing-up
g. downloading sound files Buying a CD or cassette
h. a microwave oven A cooker/stove
i. renting a DVD Going to the cinema
j. sending text messages Sending letters and faxes
k. shophing malls Street markets
l. a washing machine Washing clothes by hand

Students should rank the importance of the different things and demonstrate this by showing how they would rank it, giving reasons for your choices, discuss their ideas in small groups/ A student from one or two groups can report back to the class. The teacher can also demonstrate this by showing how she would rank them, giving reasons for her choices.

Read the text to see how many of their ideas are mentioned before comparing ideas in pairs. We’ll check the meaning of reality TV show to make sure if students understand that the Bowler family lived exactly as they would have done 100 years ago. Discuss possible differences as a class, and list students’ ideas on the board.

The 1900 house

The Bowler family was one of more than 400 families who applied to 1900 House, a reality TV show which took a typical family back a hundred years to see how people lived in the days before the Internet, computer games and even electricity.

The Bowler family spent three months in a London home without a telephone, fridge, computers, radio, TV, fast food or central heating. TV cameras recorded their day. The Bowlers wore clothes from 1900, ate only food which was available in England at that time, and cooked their meals on a single stove which also gave them their hot water.

Paul Bowler still went to work every day (dressed in a nineteenth-century uniform), and the children went to school as normal. They changed their clothes on the way to and from school and their classmates didn’t know about their unusual home life. Joyce stayed at home, cooking and cleaning like a typical housewife of the time.
‘I’m jealous, because if it’s 1900 or 2005 my husband gets the better deal,’ she said. ‘Everything takes three times as long, like the cooking and everything.’ The stove took twenty-eight minutes to boil water, and cleaning the house and clothes without a vacuum cleaner or washing machine was a nightmare.

So does Joyce think that people’s lives were better in the old days?

‘I think they had just as many troubles and worries, and I don’t think their life was better or worse. There were lots of things back then that I’m happy I don’t have to deal with nowadays, but on the other hand life was simpler.’

Eleven-year-old Hilary said, ‘We had a lot more time with our family, and it was hard being nice to each other all the time. Having contact with your family all the time is really, really weird.’

What did the Bowler family miss most about modern life while living in the 1900 house?

Paul, 39: ‘a hot shower’
Joyce, 44: ‘a quick cup of tea from a kettle you could just 40 turn on’
Kathryn, 17: ‘telephone, shampoo and hot water’
Hilary, 11: ‘computer games, music and normal sounds like the washing machine’
Joseph, 9: ‘pizza and the computer’

Students read the text again before checking answers in pairs and then with the whole class.

Role – play.

The boys are interested in the problems of (dis)advantages of modern life. Let’ listen to them.

3. There are people who led civilization along a new path, about inventions they made and about their influence on our lifestyle.

Let’s do the exercises. What inventions have been made by these scientists.

Match two columns, give the answers using Past Indefinite Passive (check yourself; группа 3 человека).

Vocabulary: sacrifice without reluctance – пожертвовать без сожаления; who led civilization along a new path – которые повели цивилизацию по новому пути.

1. Sergei Korolev

2. A.Popov

3. Karl Benz

4. M.V.Lomonosov

5. I.D. Pavlov

6. K. Tsiolkovsky

7. Bill Gates

8. Henry Ford

9. John Logie Baird

10. James M.Spangler

a. constructed a primitive centrifuge to test-on chicken and mice - the effects of acceleration.

b. invented and demonstrated the radio receiving set in operating.

с. created Microsoft-DOS (Disc Operating System)

d. created the worlds first car assembly line

e. founded the first chemical laboratory

f. invented television in 1926

g. produced the worlds first patrol-driven motor car in Germany in 1885

h. made many experiments with dogs

i. built the first vacuum cleaner

j. designed the first artificial satellite in 1957

Выберите верный вариант (правильные ответы на экране).

  1. Canned food had been invented long before frozen food …
    a) was invented b) has been invented c) had been invented
  2. By the time the first television was invented the world’s first cinema…
    a) was opened b) has been opened c) had been opened
  3. By the beginning of the 21st century a lot of inventions …
    a) were made b) have been made c) had been made
  4. In 1997 the idea of cloning …
    a) was developed b) has been developed c) had developed
  5. A telegraph was invented when a telescope… already …
    a) was invented b) has been invented c) had been invented

Выберите верный вариант.

  1. By the time my parents were born Lego bricks … yet.
    a) were not created b) have not been created c) had not been created
  2. A steam engine … by James Watt in 1765.
    a) was created b) has been created c) had been created
  3. By 1883 the first skyscraper …
    a) was constructed b) has been constructed c) had been constructed
  4. After the typewriter had been created it … widely in the world.
    a) was used b) has been used c) had been used
  5. The first electric cell had been invented long before the first photocopier …
    a) was made b) has been made c) had been made.

4. Group work. Now let’s gather some information about the things you can hardly live without (extremely useful) and the things you can sacrifice without reluctance (really useless). Get the information from your classmates.

(Какая техника наиболее используема дома, какая из них самая полезная, какая самая бесполезная, без которой можно обойтись)

Name the things

  Student I Student II Student III
You can hardly live without (extremely useful)      
Sacrifice without reluctance (really useless)      

Compare your lists (which things were

named most often):

  • My classmates can hardly live without…

The extremely useful things for my classmates are…

  • My classmates can sacrifice without reluctance…

The really useless things for my classmates are…

5. Read the article and present these inventions imagining that you are the inventors of these gadgets.

The pupils are divided into groups by their choice. Each group receives a magazine article. They read the articles and prepare the presentation using pens, sheets of paper. The teacher helps. During the presentation other pupils are making notes.

What? Where? For what purpose?
Wearable computer In Japan To work

Group 1


Have you ever wondered what your dog is really thinking? Takara, a Japanese toymaker, has invented a gadget which translates dog barks into human words! Depending on your dog barks and growls, this gadget-called the Bowlingual — “translates” them into phrases like “I can’t stand it,” “How boring,” and “I’m lonely. Play with me, please.”

Bow-wow Гав-гав
Gadget Приспособление, устройство
Growl Рычать
I can’t stand it Я не выношу этого
Boring Скучный

Group 2

Car of the Future

What will the car of the future look like? This one has no engine. It doesn’t need petrol. There isn’t even a steering wheel. Best of all, it doesn’t pollute the air! Unlike today’s cars, the Hy-wire, designed by General Motors, doesn’t give off any harmful gases into the air. It is powered by chemical reactions between oxygen and water. The only thing this car releases is water vapour. General Motors says the Hy-wire court be on the road by 2010 —just in time for you to drive!

engine Мотор
petrol Бензин
steering wheel Руль
pollute Загрязнять
Harmful Вредный
Oxygen Кислород
Releases Выпускать
vapour Пар

Group 3

Wearable Computers

If you are hooked on the computer and can’t tear yourself from it, don’t worry. Soon you’ll be able to wear it- on your wrist, in your glasses and even in your earrings. The fist wearable computers are already on sale though they are probably a bit bulgy right now.
Don’t be surprised if in a few yeas you’ll be putting on your socks and your computer each morning before going to work. Of course, you might not even have to leave the house. Scientists predict that in the future most of us will work from home!

Wearable Пригодный для носки, носимый на себе
Be hooked on Быть привязанным к чему-либо, не представлять себе жизни без чего-либо
tear Оторваться, отвлечься
wrist Запястье
bulgy Громоздкий

Group 4

At Your Service

If you are sick and tired of helping your parents about the house, then a new robot could be the answer.

Wakamaru, made by Mitsubishi, has been designed to make people’s life easier. This bright yellow robot with beady eyes can do different jobs for you and help you remember things you have to do. Here are some things Wakamaru can say: “Let me search the Internet!”, “What time will you be back?”

If Wakamaru is on its own and something seems wrong. it can e-mail its owner to let them know there is a problem.

It’s so clever that when its batteries run out Wakamaru knows that it needs to recharge itself, so it does!

beady eyes Глаза-бусинки
on one’s own Один, в одиночестве
run out Садиться (о батарейках)
recharge Перезаряжать (о батарейках)

6. Discussion

Teacher: Which inventions do you think are the most important? Which inventions do you think are the most useful? Give your reasons.

7. Ivan is a representative of a trade firm which sells electric and electronical appliances. Here is the presentation of some gadgets for you (in Power Point). If you like something you may ask your parents to buy it for you as a new year present. You can also ask him any questions you like.

Иван представитель фирмы, торгующей техникой и другим современным оборудованием. Он сделал презентации с техническими новинками. Если вам что-то понравится, вы сможете убедить родителей купить вам это к Новому году. Задайте любые интересующие вас вопросы.

Which features highlighted in the advertisement are the most essential for you?

Which of the arguments would you give for or against the advertised things?

Would you buy the advertised things?

8. Обобщение.What are your cons and pros of modern life?

9. Рефлексия деятельности учащихся. Подведение итогов. Оценки. Смайлики.

Finally, which faces match how you feel about your lesson?

Рисунок 1

Рисунок 2

Презентация в MS PowerPoint. Приложение № 1

Используемые источники

1. Газета English № 18, 2006;

2. Students’ book “NEW CUTTING EDGE”, Longman;

3. “Поурочные разработки по английскому языку” О.В. Наговицина