Элективный курс по английскому языку "Мировая художественная культура" для 9-х классов

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“Мировая художественная культура (History of World Art)”

Советом Европы были выделены основные, базовые компетенции, которыми должен обладать образованный человек, в числе которых – готовность жить в поликультурном обществе, с представителями разных культур, понимать различия культур, а также владеть устной и письменной коммуникацией (подробнее см. ИЯШ – 2001, №4). В связи с этим и выделяется лингвокультурологический коммуникативный подход к обучению иностранным языкам.

Элективный курс по английскому языку “Мировая художественная культура / History of World Art” рассчитан на 12 часов.

Цель данного курса: формирование, у учащихся, основ культуроведческой компетенции.

Он предназначен для решения следующих задач:

  1. познакомить учащихся с некоторыми этапами развития мирового изобразительного искусства;
  2. выработать у учащихся умение вести беседу на искусствоведческую тему;
  3. воспитывать у учащихся устойчивый интерес к произведениям искусства.

Учащиеся должны знать: основные понятия и направления в области мировой художественной культуры, владеть терминологией, как на родном, так и на английском языках; биографии выдающихся деятелей изобразительного искусства, их произведения.

Учащиеся должны уметь: сравнивать и обобщать, анализировать основные произведения, видеть характерные черты того или иного направления в искусстве, использовать культуроведческую информацию в речевой деятельности.

Тема Форма урока
1. Мировая художественная культура: основные этапы, понятия / World Art Culture: main stages, notions урок-лекция
2. Классическая греческая мифология как основа античной культуры / Classical Greek mythology as the base of the Antique culture урок-беседа
3. Герои греческой мифологии / Heroes of Greek mythology урок-беседа
4. История Античной культуры / History of Antique culture урок-беседа
5. История итальянского Возрождения. Основные принципы: “гуманизм”, “античные традиции”, “национальные черты” / History of Italian Renaissance. The basic principles such as “humanism”, “antique traditions”, “national features” урок-лекция
6. Великие художники итальянского Ренессанса. Леонардо да Винчи / Great painters of Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci урок-беседа
7. Великие художники итальянского Ренессанса. Микеланджело / Great painters of Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo урок-беседа
8. Великие художники итальянского Ренессанса. Рафаэль Санти / Great painters of Italian Renaissance. Raphael Santi урок-беседа
9. Золотой век испанской живописи: Эль Греко, Мурильо, Родриго Веласкес, Рибера / Golden Age of Spanish Art: El Greco, Murillo, Rodriguez Velasquez, Ribera урок-защита рефератов
10. Британское искусство 18 века: Томас Гейнсборо, Жозеф Тёрнер / British Art of the 18th century: Thomas Gainsborough, Joseph Turner урок-беседа
11. Французский импрессионизм: Клод Моне, Тулуз-Лотрек, Поль Гоген, Генри-Матисс, Пабло Пикассо / French impressionism: Claude Monet, Toulouse Lautrec, Paul Gauguin, Henry-Matisse, Pablo Picasso урок-защита рефератов
12. Двадцатый век: поп-арт, дадаизм, футуризм, др. / Twentieth century: pop-art, Dadaism, futurism and others урок-беседа

Уроки электива построены таким образом:

  • Текст культуроведческой направленности или содержащий необходимую информацию для понимания сюжета картин;
  • Мини-словарь к тексту;
  • Упражнения на усвоение лексики и ее активизации.

Тексты в основном взяты из пособия Миньяр-Белоручевой А. П. (она использовала оригинальный тексты), но значительно сокращенные и несколько адаптированные. Последовательность изложения материала зависит от творческого подхода учителя.


  1. Герои древнегреческой мифологии: Книга для чтения на английском языке. – СПб.: КАРО, 2004.
  2. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П. Английский язык. Западноевропейское искусство от Джотто до Рембрандта. – М.: Проспект-АП, 2004.
  3. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П. Английский язык. Западноевропейское искусство от Хогарта до Сальвадора Дали. – М.: Проспект-АП, 2004.
  4. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П. Английский язык. Русское искусство. – М.: Проспект-АП, 2004.
  5. Мифы Древней Греции: Книга для чтения на английском языке. – СПб.: КАРО, 2004.
  6. Энциклопедия для детей. Искусство. Т. 7-8. – М.: Аванта, 2001.

Примеры уроков


In the beginning there was nothing but Chaos – a huge dark mass where everything was hidden. Out of this mass came the goddess Ge (Earth) and then the gods Uranus (the Heavens) and Pontus (the Seas). It was from these that all the ancient world was peopled. Most important were children of Ge and Uranus: twelve gigantic Titans, six male and six female, some horrible one-eyed giants called Cyclopes, and some hundred-handed giants called Hecantoncheires. Uranus hated the sight of his ugly children and sent them to the Underworld. Ge, however, had a pity on them and asked the bravest of the Titans – Cronus – to rise against his father. Cronus therefore attacked Uranus, wounded him, and cast him into chains.

The Reign of Cronus

Cronus now ruled over the world and married a female Titan called Rhea. He did what his mother, Ge, asked of him, and brought back the ugly brothers from the Underworld. But Cronus then became afraid of his own children, because he had been told that he would one day be deposed by his own son. He therefore swallowed the children one by one, but his wife tricked him about the youngest child Zeus. She wrapped a stone in baby clothes and Cronus swallowed that instead. So Zeus grew to manhood in safety.

The Reign of Zeus

The time came for Zeus to seize power from his father. But first his mother Rhea gave Cronus a special drink which made him sick, and he brought up the swallowed children, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. Zeus then made himself the chief god of the world and the heavens, and the children cast lots for which parts they should rule. Hades took the lower world of Underworld, and Poseidon the sea. The other Titans either accepted the rule of Zeus or were banished to the Underworld after fierce fighting. Mount Olympus was where Zeus reigned, and it became the home of the gods. By now, however, mortal man had been created, and the most famous gods and goddess mixed with ordinary men and women. Their children became heroes of the Ancient Greece (For example, Heracles was the son of the mortal Alcmene and Zeus). Unlike mortal man, the gods could never die, but they suffered nearly all the troubles that came to mankind.


there was nothing but… – не было ничего, кроме

huge – громадный

hide (hid, hidden) – прятаться

god, goddess – бог, богиня

ancient – древний

gigantic – гигантский

male – мужчина

female – женщина

giant – гигант

sight – вид

have a pity – пожалеть

wound – ранить

reign – царствовать, господствовать

become afraid (of) – начать бояться

bring back – вернуть

depose – свергать, смещать

therefore – по этой причине, следовательно

swallow – глотать

trick – обманывать, надувать

wrap – завернуть

manhood – возмужалость, зрелость

seize power – захватить власть

Earth – земля

Heavens – небеса

rule – править

accept – принимать

banish – изгонять

either …or… – или … или

create – создавать

ordinary – обычный, заурядный

suffer – страдать

nearly – почти

mankind – человечество


1. Read the text. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).

1) In the beginning of the world there were a lot of mortal people and gods.
2) Zeus was the son of Cronus and a female Titan.
3) Mount Everest was the place where Zeus reigned.
4) Cronus swallowed the children because he didn’t like them? They were ugly.
5) Cronus rose against his father as well as Zeus.
6) After Zeus made himself the chief god all the Titans accepted the rule of Zeus.

2. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions.

  1. What gods were the three gods from whom all the ancient world was peopled?
  2. Why did Ge ask Cronus to attack Uranus?
  3. What were the children of Ge and Uranus?
  4. Why couldn’t Cronus swallow all his children?
  5. What made Cronus bring up the swallowed children?
  6. Who had been created by the time Zeus made himself the chief god of the world?
  7. What were the children of the immortal gods and ordinary people?

3. Vocabulary. Arrange the following in the pairs of antonyms.

Ancient, beautiful, against, beginning, mortal, lower, dark, youngest;

Ugly, oldest, upper, end, light, modern, for, immortal.

4. Do you know anything about…?

Aphrodite Apollo Ares Artemis Athene
Dionysus Hades Pan Pandora Zeus Achilles
Ariadna Daedalus Minotaur Heracles

5. Tell about

The beginning of the world


Among the painters of the poetic current in the late fifteenth century, Sandro Botticelli stands alone in depth of feeling and delicacy of style.

Botticelli was closely associated with the Medici and his fortune paralleled theirs. After the death of Lorenzo, that ended the world in which Botticelli had found honours and fame, the painter was greatly impressed by the preaching of Savonarola. When Savonarola demanded that bonfires should be made of the “profane pictures”, he contributed many of his works of art to the bonfire pile. After 1500 he gave up painting.

Botticelli’s most celebrated pictures, the Primavera (the Allegory of Spring) and the Birth of Venus were painted at a slight distance from each other in time, the first on panel, the second on canvas. The Primavera with its ambiguous but clear meaning is far from being the simple pagan mythology that it appears to be at first sight. No explanation of the Primavera is wholly successful. Probably the Primavera symbolizes Lorenzo Medici’s real wedding in 1482.

A Christianised Venus modestly dressed and resembling Botticelli’s Madonnas, reigns in the midst of a dark grove of trees bearing golden fruit. At the right Zephyrus, the wind-god, pursues the nymph Chloris; flowers issue from her mouth. She is transformed into the goddess Flora, clothed in a flower-covered gown, from its folds she strews blossoms upon the lawn. At the left Mercury is dispelling tiny clouds from the golden apple, the symbol of the Medici family. Between Mercury and Venus the Three Graces dance in a ring. These lovely creatures are shown in transparent garments. This painting is a complex allegory. As in all Botticelli’s mature works his figures are extremely attenuated, with long necks, torsos arms and sloping shoulders. Their beautiful faces and graceful bodies and limbs seem almost bloodless and weightless, their white feet touch the ground so lightly that not a flower or a leaf is bent. The individual forms are perfectly modelled. Botticelli’s representation of figures in motion is far beyond everything that preceded him and has never been excelled.


current – течение, направление

depth – глубина

fortune – удача, богатство

honour – честь, хорошая репутация, доброе имя

impress – производить впечатление

preaching – проповедь

demand – требовать

bonfire – костёр

profane –светский, нечестивый

contribute – жертвовать

pile – куча, груда

give up (gave, given) – прекращать, бросать

celebrated – знаменитый

Primavera – Весна

ambiguous – неясный, двусмысленный

panel – тонкая доска для живописи, панно

canvas – холст

pagan – языческий

resemble – быть похожим, напоминать

midst – среди

grove – роща

pursue – преследовать

issue – изливать

gown – платье, мантия

folds – складки

strew – разбрасывать

blossoms – цветок, цветение

dispel – разгонять, рассеивать

creature – существа

transparent – прозрачный

garment – одеяния

complex – сложный

mature – зрелый

attenuated – исхудавший, стройный, худой

torso – туловище, торс

sloping shoulders – покатые плечи

excel – превосходить, отличаться

precede – предшествовать


1. Read the text. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).

1) Botticelli’s contemporaries admired his works of art.
2) In the Primavera Christianized Venus reigns on Olympus.
3) Flora, Mercury and Zephyrus dance in a ring.
4) Botticelli’s figures are extremely attenuated.
5) From the gown’s folds Flora strews apples upon the lawn.
6) After 1500 Botticelli stopped painting.

2. Match the names of the gods and goddess with responsibilities:

Venus (Aphrodite) 1) the god of the west wind
The Three Graces 2) the goddess of flowering and blossoming plants, shown with wreath of flowers in her hair
Mercury (Hermis) 3) the goddess of beauty and love, she emerged from the sea-foam and the winds blew her to the coast of Cyprus
Zephyrus 4) the god of commerce and prophecy, the messenger of the gods and the bearer of the dead souls
Flora 5) the god who swallowed his children except the last one
Cronus 6) goddesses of grace and beauty who appear in art

3. Replace the expressions in italic in the following sentences with expressions from the text which have the same meaning:

a) Botticelli’s most famous pieces are the Primavera and the Birth of Venus.
b) At the left Mercury is dispersing small clouds from the golden fruit.
c) Botticelli’s figures are very lengthy.
d) The Three Graces are depicted in translucent clothes.
e) Flora scatters flowers upon the lawn.

4. Match the names of gods and goddess with the appropriate painting. Describe these works of art.

1. Primavera a. Venus
b. Flora
c. Zephyrus
d. Mercury
e. the Three Graces
f. Hour
g. Chloris
2. Birth of Venus