План-конспект открытого урока по теме "Город" в 4-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

  1. Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, аудирования и письма.
  2. Совершенствовать умение употреблять must, mustn’t в определенных ситуациях.
  3. Совершенствовать умение употреблять обороты there is, there are.
  4. Совершенствовать умение употреблять лексические единицы по теме в активной речи.
  5. Развивать речь, внимание, память, логическое мышление, фонетический слух учащихся.
  6. Воспитывать культуру общения, чувство взаимопомощи.


  • учебник PB “Get Set Go – 3” р.39:4,
  • кассета,
  • магнитофон,
  • карточки с заданиями,
  • картины с изображением Йошкар-Олы,
  • маска,
  • шапочка совы,
  • сладости.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока.

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. Hello, guests. I’m not a teacher today. I’m Germiona from the film “Harry Potter”. Today we’ve got an unusual lesson. We are going to finish a topic “town”. We are going to speak about our town, recite poems and sing songs.

Tuck-tuck. (Стук в дверь, заходит ученик в костюме совы с письмом.)

P: I’m an owl. I have got a letter for Germiona.

G..: Thanks. Let’s read.

“Your friends Harry and Ron are kidnapped. You should find them. The map and the magic feather will help you. Good luck.”

2 .Основная часть.

G.: Oh, dear children! Help me, please. Let’s look at the map. We have no plane, we have no train but we have the magic feather. (На карте изображены различные места со схемой следования)

Let’s try to look for them at the market. How can we get to the market?

P: Walk along Green Street, turn left into Market Street. It’s on the left, next to the cinema.


One, two, three
Fly, feather, with children and me.
Oh, here is the sale of sounds.

[e] [i] [a:] [ i:]

G. If you hear this sound you should raise one finger, this one – two fingers, this one – four fingers. Are you ready?

In, bee, map, car, bag, sheep, milk, sit, be.

G.: There are no my friends at the market.

G.: Let’s try to look for them at the cinema. Harry and Ron like films and cartoons. How can we get to the cinema?

P.: Walk along King Street, turn left into Market Street. It’s on the right, next to the market.


One, two, three
Fly , feather, with children and me.

G.: The new cartoon is on at the cinema. You are the actors of it. Stand up. Come up to me. Let’s sing the song.


Put your finger on your head.
Put your finger on your head.
On your head-2 times
Don’t forget! Don’t forget!


Put your finger on your nose.
Put your finger on your nose.
On your nose- 2 times
Don’t forget! Don’t forget!


Put your finger on your chest.
Put your finger on your chest.
On your nose- 2 times
Don’t forget! Don’t forget!

G.: We have not found them. Where are my friends? May be they are sick.

Let’s go to the hospital. How can we get to the hospital?

P: Walk along King Street. It’s on the left, opposite the museum.


One, two, three
Fly, feather, with children and me.

Let’s read the dialogue on page 49 ex.1.

Let’s act out your dialogues.

G.: There are no my friends at the hospital.

G.: Let’s try to look for them at the zooHarry and Ron like animals. How can we get to the zoo?

P.: Walk along Green Street, cross Market Street. It’s on the right.


One, two, three
Fly, feather, with children and me.

G.: Now read and complete the sentences. Use must or mustn’t.

(Карточки, дети заполняют пропуски)

  1. You… buy a ticket.
  2. You…bang the glass.
  3. You… feed the animals.
  4. You… touch the animals.
  5. You… shout.
  6. You… drop letter.

G: There are no children at the zoo.

G.: Let’s try to look for them at the police station. May be they are there.

How can we get to the police station? (Ответы детей)

G.: Policemen try to find criminals. They will help us .The policemen must guess where the criminals are.

  1. It is the place where you buy bread, milk and ice cream. (Shop)
  2. It is the place where you go when you are sick. (Hospital)
  3. It is the place where you play with your ball and your kite. (Park)
  4. It is the place where you buy a train ticket, to get on a train. (Station)
  5. It is the place where you eat and drink. (Restaurant)

G.: We have not found them.

G.: Let’s try to find them at the museum. They like to watch ancient things there.

How can we get to the police station?

P: Walk along King Street. It’s on the right, next to the school.


One, two, three
Fly, feather, with children and me.

G.: There is the exhibition about Yoshkar-Ola. I don’t know about Yoshkar-Ola?

Tell me please about it.

G.: Make up sentences about your town using there is/ there are. (Дети составляют предложения).

G.: There are no my friends here, too.

G.: Let’s try to find them at the hotel. There are lots of poets, actors and actresses at the hotel. Let’s recite poems.


We smell with our nose.
We see with our eyes.
We eat with our mouth
Tasty pudding and pies.

How many fingers have I got?
Five on my right hand
Five on my left hand
How many fingers have I got?

G.: Where are my friends?

G.: May be they are at school. They like reading, writing and counting. How can we get to school?

P: Walk along King Street. It’s on the right, next to the museum.

G.: One, two, three

Fly, feather, with children and me.

G.: Now open your books, read the poem and answer the question.

Are they working well?

“Who is working well?”
Nick is counting to ten
Ann is looking at the door.
Bob is sitting on the floor.
All of us are working well.
Waiting, waiting for the bell.

G.: Who is working well?

P: Nick is working well.

3.Заключительный этап.

G.: You are working well.

(Раздает детям конфеты с фантами, на которых написаны английские имена, среди них Harry и Ron)

G.: I think we’ve found my friends. Who are you? Where is Harry? Where is Ron? Oh, my dear, I’m glad to see you. Let’s sing the song “I’m at the zoo” together."

I’m at the zoo, looking at a snake.
I’m at the restaurant, eating a cake.
I’m at the toyshop, buying a balloon.
We’re all having fun this afternoon!

I’m at the station, getting on a train.
I’m at the toyshop, buying a plane.
I’m at the cinema, watching a cartoon.
We’re all having fun this afternoon!

G.: So it’s time to finish up. Thank you for your good work. Your marks are … .We have no homework for tomorrow. The lesson is over. Goodbye.