Итоговый урок по теме "In Town"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: подготовить учащихся к защите проекта “Our Town in 2025”.

Задачи урока:


  1. обобщить и закрепить навыки и умения учащихся в устной и письменной речи по теме “Town”;
  2. используя личностно ориентированный подход и метод проектов, формировать навыки работы по проектной методике с использованием компьютерных технологий и здоровьесберегающих технологий.


  1. воспитание культуры общения в группах;
  2. поддержка интереса к изучению английского языка;
  3. формирование познавательной активности учащихся.


  1. развитие у учащихся самостоятельности, инициативности, умения работать в группе и отстаивать свое мнение.

Оборудование урока: кабинет оформлен как уголок большого города: светофор, фонарный столб, телефонная будка, дорожные знаки, картины больших и маленьких городов, схема нашего поселка, план Самары, запись диалога “In The Street”, кроссворды по теме (ребята делают заготовки на компьютере) , плакаты над “магазинами”: “Good cheap products”, “Products Without Chemicals”, “The Best Products In Town”, etc. (вся наглядность выполнена с применением компьютерных технологий).

Ход урока

1)  Объявление темы и цели урока.

2)  Фонетическая и предречевая разминка: Скороговорка “Are you ready?”

– Are you ready?Are you ready?Are you ready?

– Not quite, not quite, not quite. Just a minute. Don’t rush me!

– Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!

– I’ll be ready in a minute.

in a minute.
in a minute.

– Come on! Let’s go! Come on! Let’s go!
Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!

– I can’t find my keys. I can’t find my keys.

– Come on! Let’s go! Come on! Let’s go!
Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!

– I found all my things.
Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go

Yes, let’s go to our town. But first we must repeat all words about the town and safety rules. Because it is very dangerous to go about the town if you don’t know the safety rules. (Ребята читают стихи.)

The streets go up,
The streets go down,
And in and out                                      
About the town.

In the streets
The buses run-
Two by two
Or one by one.

Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Run up and down.

Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left
And then to the right.
Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet.

Look to this side,
Look to that side.
The green says, “Go!” Now go slow! The red says, “Stop”! Now do so.

3) Read the words and make up sentences

(Ребята читают слова по теме город и составляют предложения с этими словами. Один ученик находит слова по теме на ленточке.)

4)  Make up sentences

 (Работа с подстановочными таблицами.)

1)  Go along this street as far as Old Street
  road The Tower
  avenue Oxford Street
  lane Green Street
2)  Go straight two blocks and turn to the left.
  three   to the right.
3)  You must get off at the next stop.
4)  You must change from №17bus to №8 bus
  №34tram    №10 tram
  №98trolley-bus to  №18trolley-bus. etc

5)  Find the answers
(Ребята к каждому вопросу подбирают правильный ответ.)

(Работают 2 слабых ученика, остальные составляют предложения из слов.)

6)  Guess where I’ve hidden

(На доске картина города, один ученик загадывает, где в городе он спрятался, ребята отгадывают) .

7)  Guess where Olga lives.

(Кто-то из учеников загадывает место на картине города, ребята отгадывают, где она/он живет.)

Does she live near the cinema?

opposite the flower shop?
far from the theater?
near the market?
between the bank and the post-office?
in front of the museum?
behind the church?
on the roof?
under the bench?

8)  Make up the dialogues and read them.

(Работают в группах, располагают данные предложения так, чтобы получились диалоги, добавляют свои собственные предложения и записывают их на листочки)

1)  a)  It is about two miles. b) Excuse me. c) Thank you very much. d) How far is it? e) Can you tell me how to get to the post office? f) You’re welcome.
b) Excuse me. c) Thank you very much. d) How far is it? e) Can you tell me how to get to the market? f)  Not at all. g)  Well, you can take a taxi or a bus.

2)  a) Excuse me. b) Yes, it is. c) Not at all. d) Go straight. e) It’s over there. f)  Thank you very much. g)  Is it the right way to the bookshop?

3) a) Thank you very much. b)  Turn right and go straight ahead. c) Excuse me. d) Not at all. e) Can you tell me where the police station is? Etc.

(Пока группы работают с диалогами, один ученик составляет рассказ из разрезанных предложений.)

9) Make up your own dialogues” In the street” (работают в парах)

10) Listen to the dialogue and say where Kathy wants to get.

(Аудиозапись диалога из материалов ЕШКО.)

11) Now we’ll repeat the safety rules.

The more we think of Safety,
Of Safety, of Safety,
The more we think of Safety,
The Safer we’ll be.

The Safety is your friend,
And Safety is my friend,
The more we think of Safety,
The Safer we’ll be

  1. You should cross the street at the crossing. (only on zebras).
  2. You should cross the street when the light is green.
  3. We must look left when we cross the street.
  4. You should cross the street before the tram, but behind the bus.
  5. If traffic is coming, let it pass.
  6. Passengers should wait for the tram on the pavement opposite the tram-stop.
  7. Don’t play games in the street, it is very dangerous.
  8. You should first look right when you cross the street in Great Britain.

Not to lose your hands or feet
Do not play games in the street

When you cross a thoroughfare
Be attentive walk with care.
Look, my friends, with all your might
To your left, then to your right.

12) Let’s have a little rest. Game “Find the “hidden treasure”

(Макет города с фишками.)

13) Now, let’s repeat the signs in the street.

  1. NO SMOKING-You mustn’t smoking in this place.
  2. PAY HERE-You must pay here.
  3. NO STANDING-You mustn’t stand in this place.
  4. STOP CHILDREN-You must stop your car because school is near.
  5. P-You must put your car in this place.
  6. DANGER!-Don’t go there.
  7. WARNING-Be careful.

14) Monologue about Samara.

Now we are ready to go to the town. But our guests don’t know our town. They arrived from London. So say some words about our native town Samara.

Samara is our native town. It’s situated on the river Volga. Volga is a great Russian river. It is very beautiful. Our town is very nice. There are many parks and squares in Samara. The most beautiful theartre is the Drama Theartre in Chapaeva Square. Etc.

15) Which of these adjectives describe our town best?

(quiet, busy, dirty, clean, beautiful, famous, interesting, old, young)

16) Monologue about our settlement Petra – Dubrava.

But we live not far from Samara. The name of our settlement is Petra-Dubrava. It is not very big. The population is about 6 thousand people. We have many shops, one market, the drug’s, a small club, a plant and our school. We have no buses in the settlement. We go everywhere on foot. But we can go to Samara by bus or by taxi. In the middle of the settlement we have a big nice square. Sometimes we go to the square after school and play there. Etc.

17) “At the bus-stop”. (Getting on a bus.)

Now, let’s go to the bus-stop and get on a bus number 123
(We are in the bus.)

18) Let’s have a rest and speak about Dick and Mary. (Tongue-twisters.)

– Where does Dick live?

– He lives at the bank.

– Where does he work?

– He works at the bank.

– Where does he study?

– He studies at the bank.

– But why does he work all day, all night all day, all night at the bank, at the bank?

– Because he loves his bank more than his wife and he loves his money more than his life.

– Do you know Mary?

– Mary who?

– Mary McDonald.

– Of course, I do.

– Do you know her parents?

– Yes, of course, I do. I know her mother and her father too.

– Do you know her grandparents?

– Yes, of course, I do. I know her Granpa and her Granny too.

19) Look! These are our “street friends”. Let’s get off and speak with them.

– Hello, postbox! What do you do?
– I collect letters.

– Нello, lamppost! What do you do?
– I shine my light the whole night.

– Hello, phone box! What do you do?
– I’m here, so your friends can talk to you.

– Hеllo, traffic lights. What do you do?
– I let cars go, then stop them.

20) Now we’ll rest and read some jokes.


Conductor: Wake up, young man!
Boy: I wasn’t sleeping.
C: Wasn’t sleeping? But you had your eyes closed?
B:I know I just hate to look at ladies standing up in a crowded bus.


An old lady comes up to a policeman and asks him, “Please, sir, isn’t it that second street to the left?”


There are many cars, trolleybuses and trams in the street. A man is standing just in the middle of the street. He asks the policeman: “What is the shortest and the quickest way to the hospital?”
The policeman answers, “If you just stand where you are standing now, you will get there very quickly. This is the shortest and the quickest way to the hospital.”

21) Look!There is a big supermarket near the cinema.
Let’s go to the shop. We’ll buy something.

 (На отдельном столе лежат продукты, вещи, игрушки.)

Oh, how many goods we see on the counter!

(Ребята по очереди восхищаются)

22) At the counter.

– What do you want to buy?

– I want to buy . (Каждый ученик говорит, что он хочет купить)

– How much are these bananas?

– They are 32r a kilo.

– I’d like 2kg, please.

– That’s 64r.

– Thank you very much.

– Not at all.

23) Now we are tired. Let’s go home!

(Все ребята сожалеют.)

– What a pity!

– It’s a pity!

– I am so sorry! I regret it!

– It can’t be helped!

24) Choose English proverb.

(Ребята выбирают пословицы, подходящие к моменту прощания.)

  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  2. First think, then speak.
  3. East or West home is best.
  4. A good beginning makes a good ending.
  5. Out of sight, out of mind.
  6. There is no place like home.

25) Подведение итогов. Награждение. Выставление оценок.

26) Объяснение домашней работы.

Подготовить материал для защиты проекта “Our town in 2025” (иллюстрационный материал ребята готовили заранее)  и написать небольшое письмо о своем поселке другу по переписке.

27)  The lesson is over. Good-bye.

(Ребята прощаются.)

– Good-bye!
– Bye-bye!
– Bye!
– So long! And so on.