Tell me about the past

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Информатика

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков говорения по теме “Расскажи мне о прошлом”.

Задачи урока:

Учебный аспект: развивать умения говорить в диалогической и монологической форме, читать текст с извлечением основной информации, развивать навыки аудирования;

Развивающий аспект: развивать умения сравнивать, работать в группе, делать выводы, развивать общий кругозор учащихся и их словарный запас;

Социокультурный аспект: познакомить учащихся с бытом крестьян в прошлом, сравнить жилищные условия в прошлом в России и Англии;

Воспитательный аспект: Активизировать умения учащихся по созданию проекта, развивать умения принимать совместные решения, воспитывать чувство патриотизма.

Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер, проектор, листы бумаги, фломастеры, маркеры. Урок сопровождается презентацией (Приложение 1).

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Good morning!


Good morning now.
Wake, body, wake mind!
Work, play, seek, find.
Eat breakfast, dinner too.
Wash, brush, sing, dance and do.
Good morning now.

T: “Welcome to the English lesson!”

II. Речевая зарядка.

T: How are you feeling?


I’m feeling like one million dollars.
I’m feeling like a fish in water.

T: I see you are in high feather and ready to work. I would like to recite you a short verse.

“A day runs after a day.
Years go fast.
Soon my grandson will ask:
“My dear Elly,
Tell me about the past”.

T: What can I tell about?
PP: You can tell about …
T: Where can we get the information about the past?
PP: I consider we can get the information about the past …

III. Презентация темы и цели урока.

T: What shall we talk about?
PP: We’ll talk about the past.

“Tell me about the past” is the theme of our lesson.
The past is now another land,
far beyond my reach…

T: Can you translate the epigraph of our lesson?
T: We’ll try to lift the curtain and know something about the past.
T: What questions can we discuss? Fill in a mental card.

T: We’ll talk about the objects and houses of the past, make projects.

  1. objects;
  2. houses;
  3. project.

IV. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

T: Look at the monitor. What is it? Name the objects of the past (предметы на слайде – печь, прялка, самовар, лапти, веретено, люлька, свеча, ухват и др.).

If the objects could talk, what could they say about? Make up dialogues. Ask an object about itself. You have one minute to repeat (диалоги учащихся от лица предмета из прошлого).


- What are you made of?
- I’m made of a stone.
- What are you used for?
- I’m used for heating and preparing food.
- Are you useful?
- Yes? I’m. People couldn’t live without me. (It’s a Russian stove)

Now tell as an object. Imagine that you are a cradle, a Russian stove, a fire place and etc.

V. Аудирование.

Listen to the conversation between two objects and try to guess what they are.

P: Oh, no! Another mistake!
R: Don’t worry, I’ll help you this time. But please, be more careful. I’m getting worn out.
P: Hey! Don’t blame me. I mean it isn’t really my fault.
R: Whose fault is it, then?
P: Sasha’s. That boy’s spelling is terrible!
R: He’d better start learning how to spell correctly, or I’ll disappear.
P: Don’t feel bad. With all the writing he’s doing at school, I’m disappearing too. Neither of us has long to live.

T: Do these objects belong to the past?
PP: No, because in the past people wrote by feathers. The rubber was not used.

VI. Релаксация.

It’s time to relax.
Stand up and sing our song.
Are you in? Come out!
Look about! Look about!
It’s a magic day. Let’s go this way.
To the past away from the present.
In the past it was very pleasant!
I’m not afraid of ghost,
I’m not afraid of getting lost!

VII. Развитие навыков чтения.

T: Now for the next part of our lesson.
T: Look at the monitor, please. You can see houses. Who lived in them? (Дома прошлого Англии и России).
T: It is a page from an archival document. Read how people lived in ancient times and be ready to do the tasks.

Life in York

People looked as we look now. Both men and women wore jewellery and bright clothes – red, yellow, blue, purple and green. Men wore shirts, tunics and trousers. Women wore long dresses. They lived in small houses. There were not much furniture, only a bed, a table, stools and shelves. The fireplace was the centre of family life. They didn’t often go to the market. They ate porridge and apples. They collected blackberries and nuts. Beef was the most important food. Freshwater fish was very popular. The people were not rich and they worked a lot. But they found time to relax. They liked to sing and dance and play musical instruments.

Life in Anastasievo

T: Do you know what Anastasievo is?
PP: Anastasievo is an old name of Bondary.

The houses were small. They had thatched roofs. Log - houses were made of wood and decorated with wood carving in Anastasievo. The construction of a house had been started with a stone stove. It was used for warming, cooking dinner and sleeping in cold seasons. Each house had got wooden and loam tableware. There was a table, benches, a chest for clothes, a locker for utensils, icons in the red corner, palaty for sleeping. Each house had got some additional constructions like “seny”, “svetyolka”, “podpol”. Women wore a long skirt, a blouse, an apron and a shawl. Men wore broad trousers and a shirt. Both men and women wore boast shoes or “lapty”, they wore valenki in winter.

T: Be ready to complete the table with the words and phrases.



In England In Russia
size of a house Small… Small …
roof ... thatched
furniture Table, fire place, … Russian stove, palaty, …
heating Fire place Russian stove
place for sleeping Bed Palaty, …
clothes ... ...

T: What interesting facts did find in the text?

VIII. Проект.

T: My dear friends, it’s time to make projects. I would like to offer you a project “Habitation in Russia and England in ancient times”

Let’s divide into groups. One group will make a project about habitation in Russia, the second group will make a project about habitation in England. What do you choose? I give you felt-tip pens, pencils, markers and some papers. You have 5 minutes. Good luck!

...will be in the expert group. I give you an evaluation card. (Приложение 2).

Be attentive and fair (pupils make their projects).

I can give you the following marks for the lesson:….

IX. Заключительный этап.

All the questions we would like to discuss are up. We have talked a lot about the past, we know our present. What else can we discuss?


X. Домашнее задание.

T: Take your workbooks, page 59, ex. 2.

1) You will write about our life in future, describing pictures.
2) Other pupils will write their ideas about future, you can draw pictures.

“We admire by the past
but live in present”


Our lesson is over. Thank you very much. See you later. Good bye.