"Our Solar System"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Communication objectives:

  • Pupils will be able to talk about planets of our solar system


Educational objectives:

Pupils will

  • Develop comparative and logical thinking
  • Learn about our Solar System
  • Skills development
  • Pupils will practice
  • Working with data
  • Reading for gist and for specific information
  • Develop comparative speaking



  • Active Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, nearly, distant.
  • Passive average, rotation, orbit, diameter.



  • Comparison of adjectives.
  • If I were :, I would:
  • Nearly as:as.
  • Zero article and article THE

1. Warming up. Read and say the names of the planets.

2. Look at the chart and answer the questions.

3. Read the text and say which planet is it about?

4. Choose the appropriate form of adjective.

5. Read and translate the sentences.

6. Articles. Fill in the article where it is necessary.

7. Compare two planets:

Neptune and the Earth

Pluto and the Earth

Jupiter and the Earth

Mars and the Earth

Saturn and the Earth

Uranus and the Earth

8. Speaking. Say what planet would you go to if you were an astronaut. Join links.

Приложение 1, приложение 2.