Обобщающий урок в 9-м классе "Food and healthy diet"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

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Задачи урока:

  • Научит понимать и осмысливать содержание текста.
  • Развить чувство ответственности за свое здоровье.
  • Приобщить уч-ся к здоровому образу жизни.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

2. Аудирование вступительного слова учителя.

Dear students, today we are going to discuss a very important problem "Meals and healthy dieting". You have read a lot of texts, articles on this problem. I'm going to tell you about the British and food.

Visitors to Britain generally agree about one thing British cooking, "It's terrible!" they say. "You can cook vegetables in so many interesting ways. But the British cook vegetables for too long, so they lose their taste. These visitors cat in the wrong places. The best British cooking is in good restaurants and hotels or at home.

British tastes have changed a lot over the past twenty years. In the 1990s the national overage for each person was 352 grams of "red" meat each week, but now it's less than 250 grams. People prefer chicken and fresh fish. And more people are interests in healthy eating these days. In 1988 the national overage was go 5 grams of fruit and fruit juices each week, but now it's nearly 2.000 grams.

The British population drinks about 2.000.000 a cups of tea a day! That is an average of nearly 1.040 cups of tea a year for each person. Tea – mostly green tea from China came to Britain in the late 1500s, but it was only for the rich. It became cheape about three hundred years later, when it was planted in India and later in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). People from all classes started drinking it. But some people thought that too much tea was bad for your health. So they started putting milk in it, to make it healthier.

Today, most people have a meal between 12 and 2 p.m. In the past, this meal was called ''dinner'' in working families. But now most people call it ''lunch''. '' Dinner'' has become a bigger meal in the evenings.

Popular ways to loose weight and avoid gaining it.

3. Вопросы для проверки понимания услышанного.


1. Why do some people call British cooking terrible?
Student 1. Because they cook vegetables for too long time and they lose their taste and vitamins.


2. How much have British tastes changed?
S2. Oh, they have changed a lot.


3. Why do the British prefer chicken and fresh fish?
S3. I think that's because they are healthier.


4. When did the British start drinking tea?
S4. I think they are cheaper.


5. What tea did the British drink at that time?
S5. The British started drinking tea in the late 1500s.


6. Did all people drink it?
S6. They mostly had green tea from China.


7. Why did the British start putting milk in their tea?
S7. No, they didn't. It was only for the rich.


8. You are quiet right . When we eat or drink something we must think whether it's good or not for our health.
S8. The British started doing it to make it healthier.

4. Работа по закреплению изученного материала.


Technology not only brings us new foods, it also brings all kinds of information about food, nutrition, health and diet. Books, newspapers, radio and television spread information faster than ever before. Not all of it is accurate information, however. Myths and fads all well as scientific studies appear in the media.

Read the pieces of information and decide which are the myths and which are scientific facts.

1. Garlic prevents heart desease.
S1. Garlic prevents hear desease is – a scientific fact.
2. Apricot is good for your skin.
S2. Apricot is good for you skin is – a scientific fact.
3. Green tea protects your teeth.
S3. Green tea protects your teeth – a scientific fact.
4. Brown eggs are more nutritions than white eggs.
S4. Brown eggs are more nutritions than white eggs – a myth.
5. Onion is good for your nerves.
S5. Onion is good for your nerves – a scientific fact.
6. Eating raw goldfish helps to gain strenth.
S6. Eating raw goldfish helps to gain strenth – a myth.
7. Milk strengthens your bones.
S7. Milk strengthens your bones – a scientific fact.
8. Cutting out certain foods is the fastest way to a healthy diet.
S8. Cutting out certain foods is the fastest way to a healthy diet – a myth.
9. Banana is good for your muscles.
S9. Banana is good for your muscles – a scientific fact.
10. Cabbage may help prevent the development of cancer.
S10.Cabbage may help-prevent the development of cancer – a scientific fact.
11. Cranberry helps soothe your tired eyes.
S11. Cranberry helps soothe your tired eyes – a scientific fact.
12. Eating only one type of food, such as grape fruit, helps to lose weight.
S12. Eating only one type of food, helps to lose weight – a myth.
13. Eating healthy means trying to consume a little less than you'd like to.
S13. Eating healthy means trying to consume a little less than you'd like to – a myth.
14. Carrots are good for your eyesight.
S14. Carrots are good for your eyesight – a scientific fact.
15. Milk is very good for children.
S15. Milk is very good for children – a scientific fact.


5. Look at your list of scientific facts.

Make a collage showing the influence of certain products on the body.
Why do you need different products?
How are they good for you?
How often do you use them?
What dishes can you make using these products?

S1. Garlic is good for my heart because garlic is rich in vitamins. I try to eat it every day I put garlic in all kinds of salads.

S2. Milk is good for your bones bacause milk is rich in vitamins such as A and D. And minerals such as calcium. It makes my bones strong. I like milk soup.

6. Children in many British schools are given a special booklet called. " Personal Health Guide". This booklet describes ways to be as healthy as possible.

Complete Dr. Amy Murphy's article about healthy eating with the necessary words.

“In order to stay HEALTHY this important to have a balanced DIET – in other words, food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food.

These groups are PROTEIN , FAT and CARBOHYDRATES.

You find protein in lots of food, for example MEAT, FISH, NUTS, CHEESE and MILK . It helps your body GROW and be HEALTHY and it gives you ENERGY .

Fat gives you ENERGY but don't eat a lot – it's BAD for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from animals for example MILK, CHEESE, BUTTER and MEAT .

Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your ENERGY. BREAD, PASTA, CEREALS , fruits and vegetables such as POTATOES and CABBAGE all contain lots of carbohydrates.

Fruits, vegetables, BEANS and NUTS , brown BREAD all have fibre. It doesn't give you energy, but it fills your stomach when you are hungry.

There are many different VITAMINS and minerals. They help your body he HEALTHY .You can get all your vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables?”



Now look at the labels of some foods you can buy Study the nutrition information?


Are these products good for you? What is bad for you? Why?

S1. Juice contains a lot of vitamins. It is considered to be good for my skin.
S2. Jam can make me fat, and it's not very good for my teeth and skin.
S3. I don't want to be overweight so I wouldn't eat this bar of chocolate.
S4. Fresh fish is good for my health. And I'd eat it as often as possible.

7. Teacher:

Now let's speak about your attitude towards diet.

S1. To tell you the truth I have never been on a diet because I think diets are bad for health. But I try not to eat many sweets.

I think you must go on a diet if a doctor said you to do so. But I do morning exercises every day and go in for sport. It helps me to be fit.

S2. I suppose that a diet is very good for out body and health. That's why I've gone on a diet three times. I agree that a diet can be bad for your health. But if you control this process and choose a good diet it will be nice. Besides I go to the gym two times a week and run every morning.

S3. It seems to me that getting on a diet is very harm ful in our age. We should eat food reach in vitamins and microelements in this period of time. Lack of these elements will influence hardly on our health. But it is pretty nice if you go to the gym. As for me, I do regular exercises. Doing exercises in system will make us healthy and strong. I have chosen a healthy way ot life. Living a healthy way of live helps people to keep fit and be healthy.

S4. Of course it's necessary to be in a good shape, especially before summer when you want to look slim and wonderful. Last year when I returned from a vacation to the Crimea I decided to go on a diet.

I wanted to lose weight. I simply controlled what I ate and the results were amazing. I think if you do it wisely and choose only healthy food you can achieve your goal. Right now I try to keep fit by going to the gym and doing exercises in the morning. I also go swimming when I have some spare time luckily the swimming pool is situated not far from my house.

Looking wonderful and healthy show people the results of your life style.

S5. Going on a diet is necessary if you are overweight. But you should go on a balanced diet and eat food rich in minerals, vitamins and body – building foods. Don't eat much fat and carbohydrates. Do morning exercises every morning, go in for sport and you'll look great.

8. Подведение итогов урока.

9. Домашнее задание.