Healthy Eating (Здоровое питание). 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9



  • формировать лексические навыки по теме “Good and bad habits”;
  • формировать навыки чтения с целью поиска конкретной информации;
  • формировать навыки чтения с общим охватом содержания;
  • формировать умение говорить на основе прочитанного;
  • формировать грамматические навыки – повторить наречия и степени сравнения.

Воспитательные: формирование ответственного отношения к здоровью.

Образовательные: познакомить с полезными и вредными привычками в питании за рубежом, дать понятие о наиболее популярных продуктах питания.

Развивающие: развивать мыслительные операции (способность устанавливать логические связи); развивать личностную активность (высказывать свою точку зрения).


  1. Наглядные пособия (плакат – пирамида питания “Healthy types of food”; карточки с высказываниями о здоровом питании).
  2. Мультимедийная презентация. (Презентация 1.)
  3. Раздаточный материал (рабочие листы). (Приложение 1.)

Учебник “Happy English-4”; “Activity Book” (Кузовлев В. П.), Internet: Andrew F. Smith, Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food, ABC-CLIO; The Learning Network: Teaching & Learning With The New York Times

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: My dear guests and friends! Today is already the 22nd of March!

Spring winds are singing,
Singing in the trees.
The new ideas are waving,
Waving in the breeze.
The bright sun is shining,
Shining in the sky
Over hills and valleys
In floods of golden light.

I see that you are well and happy because you prefer to follow good habits. I know that Ann likes dancing, Galina and Svetlana take part in sport competitions, Sergey and Oleg like skating, Polina does morning exercises, Victoria and Dinara take care about their appearance.

And we are going to deal with the very important problem – good and bad habits, because the unit is called “Healthy Living Guide”.

II. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.

There are two beautiful trees here, the leaves on the first tree are green, this tree is alive, and it symbolizes good or healthy habits. The other tree is nearly dead, it shows bad habits. Please, choose the cards with good or bad habits, hang them on this or that tree and give arguments for them.

Рис. 1

Pupils say how they understand these habits.

Teacher: What habits did we discuss last week? Yes, we spoke about drinking alcohol, smoking, sleeping less or more etc. What is the theme of our lesson today? You are right. It is “Health habits in eating”. Look at the blackboard. There are our aims and a plan of the lesson on it.

  1. To learn and train new words.
  2. To read the text and try to speak.
  3. To revise adverbs.

III. Grammar for revision.

Teacher: We begin to speak and to read about habits in eating with healthy eating tips.
(For reading the next text we need to revise adverbs and their degrees of comparison:
little, much, many, a lot of.) Учащиеся выполняют упражнения.

Complete these healthy eating tips using much, many, little, a lot of.

Don’t Forget:

Too ––– food makes you slim.
Too ––– food makes you fat.
Too ––– sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.
Eat ––– high fat food and ––– fibre.
–––– fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.
Key: little, much, many, little, much, a lot of (через мультимедиа).

Во втором упражнении учащиеся исправляют ошибки.

Correct the mistakes.

1. Eat more sugar (less).
2. Don’t eat vegetables.
3. Eat many fat (little).
4. Eat less fresh fruit (more).
5. Eat a lot of salt (little).
6. Eat a lot between meals (don’t).

IV. Работа над чтением. Before reading

Teacher: Match the words with their translations;

1. Junk food a) перекусить на ходу
2. Health benefits b) жизненный
3. Nutrition c) набирать вес
4. To gain the weight d) сердечный приступ
5. Saturated fat e) нездоровая пища
6. Heart attack f) пища, питательный
7. Vital g) польза для здоровья
8. To have a snack h) насыщенный жиром

Teacher: Now please, take the sheets with a text. Look at the text’s headline “Junk food”, and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Eating junk food is a great passion of people.
  2. A lot of people have ever enjoyed a hamburger.
  3. The American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is not well-known.
  4. Junk food has is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  5. Junk food has poor nutrition and that’s why is unhealthy.
  6. Junk food doesn’t cause diseases.
  7. Junk food is attractive. Keys: T, T, F, F, T, F, T

Teacher: I see you know some information about unhealthy food. Let’s read the text.

While reading (Приложение 1)

Teacher: While reading match the headlines with the paragraphs. One headline is to be left.

A) The Famous American Habit
B) Junk Food Day
C) Junk Food and Schoolchildren
D) Is Junk Food Rich in Nutrition?
E) Junk Food is Attractive

I. Eating junk food and fast food is a great all-American passion. American kids and grownups love their candy bars, Big Macs and fries, ice cream bars. Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a lawn? May be you're against all these hot dogs and cheeseburgers, because it's a junk food. Anyway such food is attractive and really makes our life more comfortable and more pleasant, especially outdoors, don't they?

II. It’s impossible to imagine American take-away food or snacks without popcorn. Clear as a day, it is made from corn. But what about the first part of the word “pop”. Actually, when you put a kernel of corn on a fire, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn. The famous American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is well-known. Many people like to put salt or butter in their popcorn; some prefer to have it without. Americans love their popcorn.

III. Remember, junk foods are empty calories. An empty calorie lacks (испытывают недостаток) in vitamins, minerals, or amino acids, and fibre but has high energy (calories).
Since junk food is high in fats and sugars, it is responsible for obesity, dental cavities, Type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.

IV. Many parents already knew: Junk foods – loaded with artificial food colours and preservatives – cause behavioral problems in children.

The research found a large number of children became more inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive. The children were given a test drink with artificial additives (искусственные добавки). In England, where the study was conducted, people wanted to ban junk food at schools because it can lead to reading and other problems in school.

Ученики читают текст и подбирают заголовки к параграфам текста. Проверяем!

Teacher: Read the text once more. After reading the text one group gives reasons for the popularity of junk food; the other speaks about dangers of eating junk food. Write them on the sheets of paper.

После второго прочтения текста одна группа называет плюсы junk food, другая группа – минусы, которые влияют на здоровье человека.

V. Speaking. Eating habits

Teacher: Well done! Thank you. What do we know about healthy eating? Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. Do you agree with me? Listen to information about the groups of nutrition, and get ready to answer my questions, to share your opinions.

Презентации, подготовленные учащимися. (Презентация 2, Презентация 3.)


Рис. 2

The questions for discussion:

What foods contain carbohydrates?
What are the five basic types of food a person should eat?
What does dairy build in our body?
Why are fruits and vegetables important for our health?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?

What do you usually have for dinner? What groups are the foods from?

What do you usually eat for supper?

What groups are the foods from?

What snacks are healthy for you to eat?

What is junk food? Give some examples.

Is it healthy to skip meals?

Meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, bread, cereal, fats, sugar.

I have... /I always have cereal for breakfast.

Fruits, bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, peas, beans, sugar.

Dairy builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

Fruits and vegetables help us have healthy gums, good eyesight by providing Vitamins A and C.

I always/ never eat...

No. It may affect your energy level and you might be weak, nervous (jumpy) or irritable (in a bad mood).

VI. Home task.

Teacher: So thank you very much for your work. Your homework is

  • to write a menu for a day using the knowledge of five basic types of food a person should eat. Don’t forget about vitamins and minerals. Give arguments for choosing the dishes.
  • The second level of home task – compare your menu with the food in our dining room.
  • And the highest level of home task – to write an essay to the forum of Teaching & Learning With The New York Times or What Are Your ‘Food Rules’?

What rules, if any, do you eat by? For instance, do you believe that “It’s not food if it comes to you through the window of a car” or that “One should always leave the table a little bit hungry”? Journalist Michael Pollan has recently written a book that outlines 64 simple principles for eating that will both keep you healthy and help the planet.