Языковые игры к устному курсу учебника М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English 2" "Wonderland of games" (teacher's guide). 2-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 2

"It is more then a game.
It is an institution. "
Thomas Hughus

Dear Collegues,

These games can be used by teacher who works with the book "Enjoy English" M.Z. Beboletova. There are some games in the book but not enough.

These games will help to make the learning process easier, more enjoyable and also more effective. I hope that games are excellent aids for the teacher who wants to make language learning more meaningful and more fun. There are games to each unit of the oral course. Some games need some preparation.

Each game has aims, game type, and form of the game, time, materials and procedure. You find "Games material" after the games.

I hope that teacher, who works with younger learners will enjoy using these games.

Wish you success and hope you will enjoy working with the games.

Best wishes,


Topics of oral course of the book "Enjoy English"

Topics Lessons Games Aim
1. Animals. 6 1."Hello game".

2."Find your twin"

3."Magic pencilbox"

4."Who is missing"



My name is:

What's your name?

Numbers (1-10)


2. My family. 10 5."Zip-zap"

6."Telephone game"

7."Who is late for dinner?"

8."Uniting families"

9."Identity swap"

10."Which is my house"

11.Lotto-game "Who is the first"

What's your name? He/She


Members of the family

Members of the family




3. Sports and games. 16 12."Mime and guess".

13."First to say Z"

14."Clap your hands"

Kinds of sports; can



4. My toys. 5 15."Colour chain"

16."My favorite colour"



Unit 1 "Hello, English!"

Game 1 "Hello game".

Aims language: names, basic introductions, and greetings.

Game type: movement game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 5 minutes.

Materials: a dram, whistle or other noise maker;


1. All the children sit on chairs in a circle. You are in the middle.

2. Go up to a child, shake hands and say "Hello, my name is :"

3. You and the child now introduce yourselves to other children. Then they stand up and introduce themselves to other children.

4. When all the children are up and moving about make a noise with your drum or whistle. You and the children must run and find a seat. There will be one seat too few.

5. The child who doesn't find a seat goes to the middle and starts the game again. You sit on a seat like the other children.


After they have introduced themselves, the children sit in a circle and one throws a soft ball to another who has to say : "Hello, I'm :".

After they have introduced themselves the children sit in a circle and you throw a soft ball to them and ask :"What's your name?". They answer: "My name is:"

Game2 "Find your twin".

Aim linguistic: What's your name?

My name is:

Game type: movement game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: 5 - 7 minutes.

Preparation: Write the names of English boys or girls (names of well - known people) on the cards. Each name should be written on two cards and there should be a card for each child.


Give out the cards and tell the children that they are that persons and must find their "twin". Children ask: "What is your name?"

They ask each other questions until they find the child who has the same card. Who finds the first is the winner.

Game 3 "Magic pencilbox"

Aims language: Have you got ...?

Numbers 1 - 10

Game type: guessing game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 4 minutes.

Materials: a pencilbox, 10 pencils.

Preparation: Hide a secret number of pencils in the magicbox but remember exactly how many.


Shake the box and ask the children in turn: "How many pencils have I got?"

In turn, the children try to guess the number of pencils by asking: "Have you got 5 pencils?"

If a child guesses the correct number then he or she keeps the pencils and becomes the "teacher" for the next round adding fresh pencils.

Game 4 "Who is missing?"

Aims language: animals

Game type: guessing game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 5 minutes.

Preparation: toys of animals (pictures of animals).


All the children sit in front of you. You are at the table. The animals are on the table.

Children look attentively at the toys of animals.

Ask the children to close their eyes while you take away one of the animals.

Children open their eyes. You ask: "Who is missing?" They answer: "A cat". You say: "Yes" or "No".

The child who guesses the toy becomes a winner. You hide the animals 4 - 5 times.

Game 5 "Zip-zap!"

Aims language: What's your name? She/he. His/her name is. She/he is:

Other: Group dynamics; memory training; left-right coordination; quick reactions.

Time: 7 minutes.


The children sit on chairs in a circle. There are no empty chairs.

Stand in the middle. Point to a child and say either Zip! Or Zap!

When you say Zip! the child you are pointing to say the name of the child sitting to his or her left, for example, "Her name is Jana/She is Jana." When you say Zap! The child you are pointing to say the name of the child sitting to his or her right.

Once the children get used to the game. Keep the place fast. After a while, instead of pointing to a child, call: "Zip-zap!" Now all the children stand up and run to a different chair.

The children quickly find out the names of their new neighbours. Check that the children ask each other in English. Allow only a short time for this. Then point again and say: "Zip!" "Or Zap!"

After three or four rounds, call: "Zip-Zap!" And sit down on a free chair too. This leaves one child without a chair. He or she takes over you role by pointing and saying: "Zip!", "Zap!" or "Zip-Zap!"

Unit 2 "Welcome to our theatre!"

Game 6 "Telephone game"

Aims language: Listening, understanding sequences of numbers; how to answer the phone; numbers 1-10.

Game type: role-play game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 4 minutes.

Materials: two identical series of cards with telephone numbers written on them red and green (one card per child).

Description: the children "telephone" each other and learn simple telephone language and numbers.


Prepare the telephone number cards. Write two numbers, one in red and one in green, or each card keep the numbers as distinct as possible for beginners. The phone numbers should correspond to the type of phone numbers they are familiar with, for example six or seven - digit numbers.


Mix the cards and give one to each child. Explain to the children that the red number is their own telephone number and the green number is the number of one of the other children.

"Dial" the green number on your card, repeating the numbers. The children listen and look at the red numbers on their cards, to see if it is their number.

When a child hears his or her number, he or she says: "Hello, I am"...

If a child "dials" a wrong number, he or she must "dial" again. Similarly a number not recognized by any of the other children must be repeated. The game ends when all the children have both dialed and answered the phone.

Game 7 "Who is late for dinner?"

Aims language: family (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother uncle).

Game type: guessing game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: 4 minutes.

Materials: Pictures with the members of the family.


All the children sit on chairs in front of you.

You have the pictures of the members of the family.

Hide one picture under the table. Ask the children: "Who is late for dinner"

They ask: "A mother?" - You: "No" "A father?" - "No" "A brother?" - "Yes"

3. Who guesses the first - the winner.

Give him/her a picture.

Play 3-4 rounds.

At the end who has more pictures - the winner.

Game 8 "Uniting families."

Aims language: "Who are you?" I'm a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a grandmother, a grandfather, an uncle...

Other: understanding family relationships.

Game type: card and movement game.

Time: 5-7 minutes.

Materials: cards with pictures of family members (Chippolino and Cat), one card per child - each family has 7 members, music.


Mix the cards and give one to each child. Explain to them that card is a member of a family.

Play some music. The children move through the room exchanging cards with each other.

Stop the music after a short time. Tell the children that they must find the rest of their family. They cannot look at other players' cards but must ask questions such as: "Who are you?" The child can then answer.

I'm father Chippolino, or brother Cat etc.

When the children think they have found all the members of their family, they sit down at a table (on a carpet) and call out Ready.

Play stops and the children must describe who they are. If they are right, they win.

Game 9 "Identity swap"

Aims language: introductions: What's your name? My name is: I am 7.

Game type: role-play game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: 7 minutes.

Materials: cards with the names of heroes and with numbers.


Give all the children the cards with the name and age.

The children stand in the center of the room. Step towards one child and introduce yourself, for example, "My name is Superman. I'm ten."

The child introduces himself or herself to you in the same way: "My name is Gaechka. I'm seven."

Exchange the cards with each other.

Move to another child and introduce yourself as the first child: "My name is Gaechka. I'm seven."

The first child introduces him or herself to another child with your name: "My name is Superman. I'm ten."

All the children mix and continue to introduce themselves, using the name of the child they have just met. Monitor the short conversations to keep them on track.

After about 4 minutes tell the children to stop.

Ask all the children to introduce themselves to the group with their new identities'.

(Give for girls - the female names and for boys - male. Girls play with girls, boys - with boys)

Game 10 "Which is my house?"

Aims language: adjectives (big, small, old, new, good, bad, dark, light, nice, low, high).

Game type: guessing game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 5 minutes.

Materials: pictures with different houses. You can ask the children to draw the houses.


The children sit in a circle.

Show the children the pictures with the houses. Think of a house and ask "Which is my house?"

The children guess "Is it a new house" You say yes or no.

Who guesses the first - the winner.

Think of a house again.

Play 4-5 rounds.

Game 11 "Who is the first?"

Aims language: animals.

Game type: cards game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 7 minutes.

Materials: cards with animals (6-8 animals) for children; small pictures with animals for you; small pieces of paper for covering the animals on the cards.


The children sit on their places.

Give out cards to individual children and small pieces of paper (6 or 8).

You are at your table. You mix your small pictures with the animals, take one picture and name it. The children who have the same animal, to cover it with a small piece of paper on his/her card.

Who covers all the animals the first, the winner.

Game 12 "Mime and guess"

Aims linguistic: kinds of sports, modal verb can.

Game type: movement game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: 5 minutes.

Materials: pictures with actions; or symbols of sports: play volleyball (football basketball, tennis, hockey, chess), ride a bicycle, ski, skate, skip, swim.


Give out the cards to individual children or pairs of children.

Give the children time to prepare a mime of their action.

Get them to do their mime for the rest of the class, who guesses the action and says: "He/she or their can play tennis."

Game 13 "First to say Z"

Aims language: The alphabet.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: 5-7 minutes.

Materials: a small, soft ball.


The children sit in a circle. The first child holds the ball and starts the first round. A child may say one, two or maximum three letters of the alphabet before passing the ball to the next child. For example, child 1 says: "ABC," child 2 says: "D", child 3 says: "EFG", child 4 says: "HI".

The child who says the letter Z wins the round and gets a point. He or she then starts a new round. The game continues until a child has three points.

Game 14 "Clap your hands"

Aims language:the letters of alphabet.

Game type: memory game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: 4-5 minutes.

Materials: cards with the letters


All the children sit around in a circle.

Give a card with the letter to each child (Some of the children may have two cards).

You name any letters of alphabet, the child, who has this letter, must clap the hands and repeat it.

Game 15 "Colour chain"

Aims language: Colours

Game type: card game.

Form of the game: team game.

Materials: coloured cards (pairs).

Time: 5-6 minutes.


Divide the children into teams. The teams set in lines with their backs to you, except the first player on each team, who should face you.

Give the player at the other end of each line a set of colour flashcards. You also have a set.

When everybody is ready, hold up a colour card. The players facing you look at the card and whisper the colour down the line. The last player on each team must choose the correct colour from the set of flash cards and hold it up. If the colour is correct the team gets one point.

The last player now goes to the front of the line and faces you. Start again.

After 4 minutes the team with the most points wins.

Game 16 "My favourite colour"

Aims language: colours.

Game type: movement game.

Form of the game: group work.

Time: at least 5 minutes.

Materials: Coloured strips in all colours


All the children sit on chairs in a circle.

Give each child a coloured strip.

You are in the middle say: "Red and black". "Red and black" change the places at that time you try to sit down on one of their places.

Who losts the seat, to become a leader.

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