Официальное письмо. 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цели урока:

  1. Обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Написание письма личного и официального характера”.
  2. Работать над совершенствованием письменных навыков.
  3. Ознакомить с правилами написания письма о приеме на работу.
  4. Научить учащихся составлять личное резюме.

Задачи урока:

  1. Учить сравнивать и различать стили письма (официальный и неофициальный).
  2. Закрепить лексические единицы, характерные для различных стилей.
  3. Совершенствовать навыки отбора лексики, соответсвенно стилю письма.
  4. Работать над оформлением официального письма о приеме на работу.

Дидактическое оборудование урока:

  1. учебник “Spotlight”
  2. тетради учащихся
  3. презентация
  4. компьютер
  5. бланки резюме

Ход урока

1. Приветствие

Тeacher: Hello, everybody! I am glad to see you. First of all answer my questions: How are you? How is it going? Are you in a good/bad mood today? Are you OK/ alright? Is there anything to complain of? Is there anything to boast of?

I am glad that all of you are well today.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Now I spell some words and you guess them

1) l-e-s-s-o-n

2) s-p-o-t-l-i-g-h-t

3) t-e-a-c-h-e-r

4) s-t-u-d-e-n-t-s

5) l-e-t-t-e-r

6) f-o-r-m-a-l

7) i-n-f-o-r-m-a-l

8) s-t-y-l-e-s

9) e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t

I think our lesson will be excellent.

3. Введение в тему урока

T: Let’s discuss a little. In our life we often write something. We write for different purposes. It may be a composition, a report, a letter, a message and so on. There are different purposes of writing. When we write something, we must follow definite rules.

First of all tell me please, what types of writing styles you know (formal/informal). We use each style for appropriate aim.

4. Сопоставительный анализ стилей

Look at the board. Formal style is appropriate for (слайд 2) P-1


Informal style is appropriate for P-2

When we use informal style we must remember the following features (слайд 3) T-P

And now let’s compare it with formal style (слайд 4)

5. Отработка лексики, характерной для различных стилей письма.

When we write different letters we must remember useful phrases, appropriate for each style. Let’s revise them (слайд 5)

Writing an informal letter we use (read an example)

Writing a formal letter we use ( слайд 6)

Writing a letter of application we use (слайд 7)

You may write down some useful phrases, which help you with youк home task.

6. Анализ писем различных стилей

Look at the letter and define its style. Prove your answer (слайд 8)

Look at the next letter and define it. (слайд 9)

7. Исправление письма, выбор лексики, соответственно стилю. (слайд 10)

The next task is a formal letter to a hotel. Choose the words/ phrases that are more formal and appropriate to this style of letter. Think over.

Delete the unnecessary words and read this letter. P-1 read your variant.

Do you agree?

8. Учить составлять резюме.

When you write an application letter you must enclose your curriculum vitae (CV) to your letter. What does it mean CV?

Open your books at p. 54. Let’s read an example of an application letter. Pupil 1, read it, please. Now using the information from this letter you must complete the CV. First of all complete the headings.

A – Personal Details (слайд 11)

B – Education

C – Work experience

D – Personal Qualities

Fill in gaps with the information from the letter T-Ps (бланки)

The next task is your personal CV. You have a blank. Fill in a form.

Are you ready? Read, please (3 Ps).

9. Выбор необходимой информации

Imagine you have seen the following advert in the Weekly Herald.

Read it. (слайд 12)

Decide which of the following would be appropriate for a letter of application for this job (necessary /un -) (слайд 13)

Let’s read Andrea’s letter of application for the position in the advert

(слайд 14)

Is it appropriate? Rewrite this letter, make it more formal and appropriate. Read your variant.

10. Домашнее задание: образец объявлений для написания заявления.

Your home task will be to write a letter of application (100-150 words) choosing the following advert - P1/ P2 (слайд 15)

When you finish, check your writing and don’t forget the following rules (слайд 16)

Good luck!

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.