Внеклассное мероприятие "Занимательная биология". Турнир по биологии на английском языке для учащихся 6-х классов

Разделы: Биология, Иностранные языки

Учебно-методический комплекс: УМК “ENGLISH 5”, Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В., Москва, “Просвещение”, 2011.

Цели урока:

Обучающая: cформировать навыки говорения на английском языке с использованием речевых образцов.

Развивающая: заинтересовать детей в изучении английского языка как универсального средства в межпредметной сфере общения.

Воспитательная: воспитать у учащихся толерантность при работе в группах.

Задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствовать навыки говорения.
  2. Отработать навыки ответов на вопросы.
  3. Отработать навыки монологического высказывания.
  4. Отработать употребление оборотов there is/are и there was/were в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах.
  5. Повторить и активизировать лексику по теме “Животные” и “Растения”.

Оборудование: плакаты, рисунки, МР3-магнитола, CD-диск, раздаточный материал, чучела животных.

Место проведения: класс, биологический музей СПбАППО.

Ход мероприятия

I этап (вводный)

1.2. Орг. момент

1.2. Целеполагание,мотивация учебной деятельности

(The teacher says) Good morning, dear boys. Good morning, dear girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

(Children answer: “Fine, thank you”).

(The teacher says)Today we’re going to have a very unusual lesson

We’re going to

– sing songs

– read and speak about animals and plants

– guess some riddles

– do some interesting tasks

– play some games

Today all of you are three teams. You’re the first team. You’re the second team. You’re the third team. Look at your desks. There are some very nice things there. They’re your symbols. Take and put them around your neck. Well done!

(Children put on their symbols on their necks)

2 мин.

II. Основной этап

2.1. Включение учащихся в речевую деятельность, систематизация изученной ранее лексики

(The teacher says) So, the first team, what is your symbol?

(The children answer) – It is a bird.

(The teacher says)Yes, you’re right. You’re the team “BIRDS”, the second team, look your symbol. What’s this? (The children answer) – It’s a lion.

(The teacher says) You’re the team “LIONS”. And at last, the third team, what is your symbol? (The children answer) – It’s a pig.) You are the team “PIGS”.

Do you like Biology? (The children answer) –Yes, we do!

Do you know Biology? (The children answer) –Yes, we do!

We are going to check it! Look at the pictures! What can you tell us about these animals and plants? (The teacher shows pictures, the children describe them)

(The teacher says) It’s fantastic! You are very clever pupils!

5 мин.

2.2. Ознакомительное чтение (The teacher says) Now let’s read some interesting facts about animals. On your desks there’s some information. Each team should read it aloud turn by turn. (Children read aloud)

“Birds” read

  • Giraffes have got the biggest heart and the highest blood pressure from all land animals.
  • Giraffes have got absolutely black languages, which length can reach 45 cm.
  • Blood temperature at fishes of Antarctica can reach-1,7 degrees Celsius.
  • Electric generators of the South American electric eel can generate tension to 1 200 volts at current 1,2 A. It would suffice to light six hundred-watt bulbs.
  • That egg of an ostrich cooked in cool, it is necessary to boil it not less than 40 minutes.
  • French call a pigeon "a flying rat".
  • Tigers have not got only striped fur, but also striped skin.
  • Longest of the registered flights of chicken lasted 13 seconds.
  • The mass of a brain of an elephant makes about 0,27% from the weight of his body.
  • It is possible to make eleven and a half omelets of one egg of an ostrich
  • The iguana can be under water till 28 minutes

“Lions” read

  • The rat can live without water longer than a camel.
  • Speed of movement of a snail — about 1,5 mm/sec.
  • On Earth about 4 000 species of frogs and toads are known
  • Hippopotamuses, after elephants, are the heaviest mammals of Earth. Their weight can reach 4 tons.
  • The weight of ostrich's egg can reach 1,5 kg
  • Humming-birds can't go.
  • Bat is the only mammal that can fly.
  • To make a kilogramof honey, the bee has to fly about 2 million flowers.
  • Blood of a grasshopper is white, lobster’s is blue
  • Polar bears can run with a speed of 40 km/h.
  • The desert snail can sleep the whole three years

“Pigs” read

  • The cheetah can reach the maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour. It does it to the fastest mammals on the earth. It can't long hold this speed. After sprint rest till 20 minutes is necessary to a predator.
  • In water the fastest mammals are dolphins. Their body has a streamline shape and is created for fast swimming. They reach speed to 90 miles/h.
  • The largest running birds — ostriches. They can't fly, however run on the ground very quickly, reaching 70 km/h. Their very strong feet with two fingers are perfectly adapted for it.
  • The speed record in the world of insects was established by a cockroach: about 5,5 km/h. If to calculate growth of a cockroach according to human, we to outstrip it, have to run with a speed of 330 km/h
  • The biggest animal is a blue whale, its length is 30 m, and weight is 122 t.
  • The most "armed" animal – a white shark.

10 мин.

2.3. Музыкальная пауза (The teacher says) Oh! It was very interesting! Now let’s sing a song.

(The children sing the song “We will rock you”)

2 мин.

2.4. Развитие навыков говорения. Проверка знаний по биологии. (The teacher says) Now let’s guess some riddles. And we’ll see which team is the cleverest. Are you ready? Great! So let’s start.
  • What cat is not a cat? And what is it?
  • What mumps is not a pig? And what is it?
  • What hedgehog is not a hedgehog? And what is it?
  • Every summer the fish dinner departs to the put term from water. What dishes enter into it? (Larvae of mosquitoes).
  • Why at rodents cutters are erased from rough vegetable food, but don't decrease? (Teeth constantly grows)
  • What is the biggest bird in the world? (African ostrich).
  • According to the Russian proverb, the head needs to be kept in cold. Question: how, according to the same proverb, it is necessary to hold feet and a stomach? (answer: Keep the head in cold, a stomach in hunger, and feet in heat. Then you will be able quickly to make decisions and is sober to think, quickly to move, and precisely you won't get cold if feet you contain in heat. This proverb was darling at known commander A. Suvorov)
  • From this it is possible to receive a flour and grain. The raw materials need to be collected after the first frosts and to soak two days, replacing water. Then, having heated to boiling, to pass through a meat grinder and the received weight to dry up. To grind dry weight. From the received product it is possible to cook porridge and the flat cake furnace. It is possible to prepare coffee. But nevertheless, though in Russia there is a lot of this product, it practically isn't demanded. In fairy tales pigs and pylons like it to eat. Question: what is it?(answer: acorns)
  • Heroes of the novel of Jules Verna "Children of the captain Grant" only were going to have supper meat of the wild lama hit by them as suddenly it became clear that it is absolutely not edible. "Perhaps did it too long lay? – perplexedly asked one of them. Question: What did Paganel answer them?(answer: "No, it, unfortunately, ran too long!" – Paganel answered. Meat killed during run, is inedible because of the milk acid collecting in operating time)
  • About what tree is there a speech? Many people living in the territory of Russia, read this tree, as sacred. On the Yakut beliefs, on branches of this tree the Owner of land lives. And here that is sung in the Russian song about this tree:

The first business is the world to shine,
The second business is a scratch to console,
The third business is patients to cure,
The fourth business is purity to observe.
Question: What is this tree? Explain about what it is spoken in the song. (Answer: birch branch. People shone houses with birch splinters; with tar from birch bark greased axes of wheels that they didn't creak; from diseases of kidneys, a liver and lungs broth of birch kidneys helps; floors were washed by da took a steam bath birch brooms)

  • "About 100 years ago by means of this insect at Swedes in Grandenburge passed elections of the governor (burgomaster), – writes to P.I.Marikovsky. – Applicants for this position sat down round a table and put on it beards. On the middle of a table placed an insect. That burgomaster was elected on whose beard it crept". Question: What insect is spoken about? (answer: louse)
  • What animal can drink 250 liters of water? (answer: camel)
  • Call the highest plant in family of cereals? (answer: bamboo)
  • What very small animals create the most grandiose constructions?
  • What animals in India consider sacred?

(The teacher asks questions, the children answer, getting one point for each right answer, the teacher writes the points on the blackboard, the team which has the most points is the winner)


2.6. Игры Now let’s play some games for fun. The first game is “Show this, please”. You can see a task on your desks. Read them and show us the things you read about.

(The teacher says) Well done. Do you like this game? Now let’s play another one. Let’s make a circle. One of you come into the middle, show us the animal and we’ll guess what it is.

(The children play the game)

5 мин.

2.7. Музыкальная пауза (The teacher says) Oh! It was great! Now let’s sing a song.

(The children sing the song “We are the champions”)

2 мин.

III. Завершающий

3.1. Подведение итогов, оценка урока учащимися

Now look at your desks. There are some balls. White and black. You should put in this hat a white ball if you liked the lesson and a black one if you didn’t like it.

(The teacher takes a hat and comes to the pupils. Children take balls and put them into the hat)

(The teacher says) Great! Now let’s look at the hat and count our white and black balls. Well done.

(Children put white or black balls into the hat.)

(The teacher says) Now let’s count balls

(Children count balls)

(The teacher says) Now I see you liked the lesson. It’s great! And you really work hard and succeeded. You sang songs, played games, learnt interesting information, answered the questions and, of course spoke English!

2 мин.

3.2 Домашнее задание Well done! Now it’s time for our home task. You should write ten questions about animals in your copy books.

So, our lesson is over. Goodbye, dear girls.

Goodbye, dear boys.

Have a good day!

2 мин.


  1. http://ua.bookfi.org/book/817104
  2. http://vneklassa.narod.ru/
  3. http://pedsovet.org/component/option,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,19095/Itemid,343/
  4. http://www.kartaspb.ru/index.php?v=1&pv=-0.207342605433019;-0.0233690836872785;100
  5. elenapodchasska.narod.ru