Разработка урока по теме "Write a Limerick!". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тип урока:

Урок-обобщение пройденного страноведческого материала.

Цель урока:

Совершенствовать страноведческие знания о жанре “лимерик”, его структуре.

Образовательная задача:

1) Активизировать лексику по теме на основе грамматических структур The Past Simple Tense.

2) Развивать фонетические навыки при создании лимериков.

Воспитательная задача:

1) Развивать у учащихся чувства взаимопомощи.

2) Формировать толерантность к представителям различных языковых культур, уважительное отношение к языку, как средству межкультурного общения.

Развивающая задача:

1) Развивать у учащихся умения и навыки сравнения, анализа структуры стихотворной формы.

2) Развивать воображение, логику, творческое начало, языковую догадку.

3) Учить сопоставлять, анализировать и сравнивать лимерики на английском и русском языках.

Оснащение урока:

1) Рисунки детей для фонетической зарядки.

2) Раздаточные карточки с заданиями.

3) Детские рисунки к лимерикам.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T – Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Cl – Good morning, teacher!

T – I am glad to see you.

CL –We are glad to see you too.

T – Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the theme of our lesson “Write a Limerick!”. Can you guess what we are going to do on this lesson?

Cl – We are going to write a limerick!

T – Do you want to have fun today?

Cl – Yes, we do!

T – OK, then. Let’s start!

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T – Well-well, do you remember what poem we learnt at the last lesson?

Cl – “The Key of the Kingdom”!

T – Yes. We will revise it. The pictures on the blackboard will help you. Mind the structure “There is”. Say after me! (С опорой на рисунки, нарисованные детьми и вывешенные на доске).

This is the key of the Kingdom: (рисунок королевства и ключа)

In that kingdom there is a city, (рисунок большого города)

In that city there is a town, (рисунок маленького городка)

In that town there is a street, (рисунок улицы)

In that street there is a lane, (рисунок переулка)

In that lane there is a house, (рисунок дома)

In that house there is a room, (рисунок комнаты)

In that room there is a bed, (рисунок кровати)

On that bed there is a basket. (рисунок корзины с цветами)

In that basket there are some flowers.

Flowers in the basket.
Basket on the bed.
Bed in the room.
Room in the house.
House in the yard.
Yard in the lane.
Lane in the street.
Street in the town.
Town in the city.
City in the kingdom.
Of the kingdom this is the key.

III. Речевая зарядка.

T – Brilliant! What a nice poem! I like it. But I also enjoy jokes and funny games. Besides, I am very curious and want to know some facts about you. Answer my funny questions, please. Be attentive and answer very quickly “Yes” or “No”.

1) Do you have five arms?

2) Do you have long hair?

3) Do you have red eyes?

4) Do you have two hands?

5) Do you have a tail?

6) Do you have big teeth?

7) Do you have a head?

8) Do you have three ears?

9) Do you have a long nose?

IV. Закрепление грамматических навыков употребления The Past Simple Tense на основе лимериков.

T - But I know a lady whose nose was really very long. Listen to the poem:

There was a Young Lady whose nose
Was so long that it reached to her toes;
So she hired an Old Lady,
Whose conduct was steady,
To carry that wonderful nose.

На доске:

Была леди младая, чей нос
Доставал до земли, так подрос.
И пришлось ей нанять леди старую,
Поведенье чье твердо и здравое,
Чтоб несла удивительный нос.

T - Do you remember such poems? What kind of poem is it?

Cl - It’s a limerick!

T - You are right. Let’s remember what a limerick is.

P1 - It’s a nonsense poem.

P2 - It’s a short poem.

P3 - It’s a funny poem.

P4 - It is always in the Past Tense.

P5 - It has five lines.

P6 - The third and fourth lines are shorter than the others.

P7 - We rhyme the first line with the second and fifth.

P8 - We rhyme the third line with the fourth.

P10 - The main character is in the first line.

P11 - The actions are in the third line.

P12 - The result is in the fifth line.

T – How nice of you. These are the rules of writing a limerick. You must be very careful with them during our lesson.

And now I want you to learn my limerick. I prepared sheets of paper with this limerick for you. But, oh, dear! I am so absent-minded. The lines in the limerick are mixed up. Help me to put them in the right order. Let’s divide into 3groups. Work in groups. Take Сard №1 (Приложение 1). Who is the first?

Was so long that it reached to her toes
Whose conduct was steady
There was a Young Lady whose nose
To carry that wonderful nose
So she hired an Old Lady.

T- Are you ready? Please, read it aloud! Thank you very much! You are so helpful! And I know that you are very hardworking pupils as well. You learnt much about the Past Simple Tense.

I have some interesting questions for you. But what happened? The sheets got wet! The questions disappeared. Only answers are left. Write questions to the answers. Work in groups. Сard №2 (Приложение 2) (c опорой на предложения учащиеся составляют вопросы):

1. There was a Young Lady.

2. She had a long nose.

3. She hired an Old Lady.

4. Her conduct was steady.

5. She had a wonderful nose.

T – Thanks a lot! Аnd how about irregular verbs? Do you know them well enough?

Card №3 (Приложение 3) Find the verbs in the Past Simple and name the first form. Work in groups. Who is the best? (группы соревнуются, кто быстрее и правильно назовет все неправильные глаголы в лимерике):

Для первой группы:

There was an Old Man of the East
Who gave all his children a feast;
But they all ate so much
Аnd their conduct was such
That it killed that Old Man of the East.

Для второй группы:

There was an Old Man of the West,
Who never could get any rest;
So they set him to spin
On his nose and chin,
Which cured that Old Man of the West.

Для третьей группы:

There was a Young Lady whose eyes
Were unique as to colour and size;
When she opened them wide,
People all turned aside,
And started away in surprise.

T – How clever you are! You remember everything.

Children, will you help me once more? I prepared some funny pictures to limericks, but I forgot to which limerick they are. Can you match the pictures and these limericks?

Card №4 (Приложение 4).

T – Good for you!

V. Проверка домашнего задания.

T – I know that you like to draw pictures yourselves too. At home you prepared mini-projects. I asked Артем, Аня, Ваня, Максим to draw pictures to four limericks. Настя, Алла, Кристина, Маша learnt them by heart. Ксюша, Милена, Настя, Таня did their translation. Please, you are welcome.

(Одни учащиеся декламируют наизусть лимерики, другие демонстрируют рисунки к ним, затем третья группа представляют свои переводы).

There once was a cute little bunny,
Who I thought was sweet and funny.
He ate all the carrots,
And looked at the parrots,
And that was my cute little bunny.

There was an Old Man of the North,
Who fell into a basin of broth;
But a laudable cook
Fished him out with a hook,
Which saved that Old Man of the North.

There once was a butterfly from France,
Who flew up and did a dance.
She thought that she might
Crash into a kite
And never do another dance.

There once was a bear at the zoo
Who always had something to do.
When it bored him, you know,
To go to and fro,
He reversed it and went fro and to.

T – That was excellent! You are so talented! I like your projects very much.

VI. Составление лимериков.

T – And it’s high time to make up your own limericks. As for me, I am not much of a poet, but I want to present my own ones: in Russian and in English:

Мальчики и девочки чудесные
Из Монинской школы известной
Пели, плясали.
Читали, писали
Стихи-лимерики прелестные.

There once were children in Monino,
Who couldn’t be naughty any more.
They made up limericks
Like house of bricks.
How smart were those children in Monino!

T – Oh, it’s your turn now. Work in groups. Card №5 (Приложение 5). These are the words to help you.

Group 1: Your topic is “School”, group 2: your topic is “Animals”, group3: your topic is “Hobby”. (Учащимся дается время на составление лимериков по группам).

Слова для I группы:

  1. a wonderful teacher
  2. unbelievable creature
  3. school
  4. cool
  5. distinguished feature

Слова для II группы:

  1. a homeless cat Blacky
  2. a lackey
  3. serve to mice
  4. nice
  5. saved him from hunger

Слова для III группы:

  1. a beautiful Lady, Russia
  2. pretty Natasha
  3. hobby, fashion
  4. not her profession
  5. of that graceful Lady

T – Whose limerick was the best? As for me, I liked all of them very much!

(Беседа с детьми, чей лимерик понравился больше).

VII. Заключительный этап.

T – Well, children, I am so pleased with our lesson. You are bright-minded and talented pupils. And now you know what a limerick is. And that there was a wonderful poet Edward Lear who wrote such nonsense poems. Your marks are “Excellent” today.

Your homework is … (дифференцированное домашнее задание, см. Приложение)

T – Children, will you help me once more? But before let’s read the poem about learning limericks at school. Card №6 (Приложение 6). Read and translate it. (Дети читают по строчке и переводят лимерик). Fill in the gap with the words in brackets.

We had a lesson at school
The lesson was quite cool
We read limericks out loud
The teacher was proud
It’s______ to learn limericks at school.

(good – здорово познавать новое !)

(not good – плохо x)

(no use – не вижу необходимости ?)

 T – Give me your sheets of paper. Thank you! Good – bye!


1) Лимерик (поэзия) – Википедия: http://www.bencourtney.com/ebooks/lear/ (дата обращения: 01.09.2013)

2) Фэнтези. Юмор. Поэзия. И многое другое: http://lir.ramot.ru/limeriki/lim1.htm (дата обращения: 01.09.2013)

3) Правила написания лимериков: http://anatbel.tripod.com/rules.htm (дата обращения: 01.09.2013)