A Book is one of the greatest wonders of the world!

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • to develop students’ abilities, skills and habits in speaking;
  • to involve students in topic discussion to enliven their interest in reading.

Skills: to practice speaking abilities.

Resources used: internet resource, newspaper “English”, slides, books.


I. Introduction

The theme of the lesson

Slide show (1-3)

Good morning dear colleagues, dear students.

Let’s start our lesson. There are so many books here, so we are going to talk about books.

The theme of the lesson: “A Book is the Greatest Wonder in the World”.

From our childhood we know different fairy - tales read by our parents, later we tried to choose our favorite books with fantastic stories, adventure stories, novels and poems. Books stayed and will stay with us during all our life, books are our friends.

And why a book is the  greatest wonder in the world, you will learn from the poem “I Wonder”.


II. Warm-up activity

Student reads the poem “I wonder” (using the slides)

“I wonder, why the grass is green
And why the wind is never seen.
Who taught the birds to build a nest
And told the trees to take a rest.
And when the moon is not quite round.
Where can the missing bit be found?
Who lights the stars, when they blow out
And makes the lightning flash about?
Who paints the rainbow in the sky?
And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?”

Student: Well, dear friends the answers to these and all other questions we’ll find only in books.

Student: so, reading (№47)

III. Play “A Lazy student”

Student (a boy) appears:

What are you talking about?

Student 1: about books

Student (a boy):…about books???

I don’t like reading. I’d prefer music and dancing.

Student 1: Well, then, this is for you to listen and think over.

Play (act. 1, act. 2)

IV. Discussion

The role of books in our life.

Reading paper-bound books or electronic books.

Advantages and disadvantages.

Student: you are right, as for me I enjoy reading books…

Student 2: But in the time of new technology people are fond of reading electronic books…

About e-books

Teacher: Do you think that in future e-books will replace the paper-bound books?

Students: express their opinions, they try to challenge each other.

V. Intellectual game “What? Where? When?”

Now the Brilliant Intellectuals, you are invited to the game.

First of all take cards and find the end of proverb.

I round. Answer the questions

  1. Who is the author of the literary treasure “Alice in Wonderland”?
  2. What British writer wrote the novels “Oliver Twist” and “David Copperfield”?
  3. Who is the most popular hero of English ballads?
  4. Where’s the Poet’s Corner situated?
  5. Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Dickens, Thackeray. One of the names doesn’t fit the list. Which one and why?
  6. What book character got his name when he was a grown up?
  7. Who was the national poet of Scotland?
  8. What British writer is the author of the fantasy tales “The Hobbits” and “The Lond of the Rings”?
  9. Who was the close friend of Sherlock Holmes?
  10. What is the real professions of Arther Conan Doyle

II round. Explain these sayings:

  1. “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life” (Samuel Johnson)
  2. There are books to read, books to reread, books not to read at all” 9Oscar Wilde)
  3. “To be or not to be” (Hamlet. Shakespeare)
  4. “Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human being brought a story” (Emerson)

The juror will announce the results.

Now let’s relax and sing our song.

My books are just standing on bookshelves
That I’m always happy to read.
My favourite’s  under my pillow,
The English book is what I need.
Read books, read books,
They were invented to read, to read.
Read books, read books,
English books are what you need.
The book that was written in English
Improves your knowledge as well.
It teaches you lexics and grammar
And how the English words spell.
Read books, read books,
They were invented to read, to read.
Read books, read books,
English books are what you need.

VI. Conclusion.

Summering it up, I’d like you to show me your mood and tell about lesson.

Teacher: Students show their cards expressing moods and tell a few words.

Teacher: And what about you the lazy student, what have you learnt from the lesson?

Lazy student: (express his attitude)