Урок-обобщение "Sea Battle Knowledge" (по учебнику 5-го класса для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка И.Н. Верещагина, Т.А. Притыкина)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока: обобщение изученного материала по темам “World around us”, “Travelling”, “Grammar rules: used to, Present Perfect”; тренировка навыков монологической и диалогической речи; совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков.

Оборудование: мультимедийные средства, компьютер.

Ход мероприятия

T: Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys! I am glad to see you!

(Учитель приветствует детей и предлагает им разделиться на 3 команды по 5-7 человек в каждой команде: раздаются карточки разного цвета c названиями команд.).

T: Today we shall play the game “Sea Battle”. We have three teams: “Super Sailors”, “Smart Pirots”, “Great Cooks”. I hope you know how to play this game. You will try to gues where the ship of the enemy is. The team, that guess where the ship is, will get a “5” score and they will have the ship. Then you will have the task. But if they don’t do te task, they won’t get the ship. At the end of the game the teams will count the ships and we shall find out who is the winner.

Учитель привлекает внимание к игровому полю на мульмедийном оборудовании (Презентация в Power Poin, см. Приложение 1) и напоминает правила игры.

Игровое поле.




















Корабль А.

T: I want you to answer my questions.


  1. How many oceans are there on the planet? (There are four oceans).
  2. What is the smallest country in the world? (the Vatican).
  3. What counties do these flags belong to? (Canada, America, Egypt, Australia).

Корабль B.


  1. In this ancient city New Year’s Day was sacred, the God with two faces, which looked before and after. In other words one face of the God looked Into the future, the other back into the past. (Rome).
  2. People celebrate this holiday at the end of February or at the beginning of March. During this holiday they celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring. In old times people usually cooked pancakes, had fires burnt straw figures of winter,
  3. they sang songs and danced. What holiday is it? (Maslenitsa).

  4. When do people celebrate Guy Fawks Day? (on the 5th of November).

Корабль C.


  1. Put the words in a logical order. already, has, in, Kate, London, arrived (Kate has already arrived in London)
  2. Put the words in a logical order used not to, my, like, brother, a, child. when, fish, (My brother used not to like fish wnen a child).
  3. Fill in the missing word. If a child is ..........., he’s always asking questions. (curious).

Корабль D.


  1. Match the words
  2. a customs train

    a fast control

    passport officer

  3. Make the right choice. We felt the (warm,warmth) of the sun on our faces and hands? (warmth)
  4. Make the sentence complete, using the right word. What’s his ........? – He is Russian. (nationality).

Корабль E.


  1. The question of the team.
  2. The question of the team.
  3. The question of the team.

Корабль F.


  1. Who was the first US president? (George Washington).
  2. He lived in Stradford-on-Avon. He went to a grammar school.He acted at the London theatre called “The Globe”.He wrote about 37 plays and many poems. (William Shakespeare).
  3. Look at the portrait and say who was the greatest American humorist. What is his name? (Mark Twain).

Ученики подсчитывают количество кораблей и поздравляют победителей.

См. презентацию.