Открытый урок по теме "Investigation in progress"

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • Совершенствование речевых навыков и умений в монологической речи.
  • Активизация лексики по теме “Расследования”.
  • Развитие навыков чтения, аудирования и письма.
  • Учить грамотно строить высказывания по предложенной теме.
  • Обобщение изученного материала.

Личностно – развивающие:

  • Совершенствование творческих способностей учащихся.
  • Развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к формированию выводов.
  • Формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: карточки с упражнениями, слайды, компьютер, проектор, экран, упражнения с заданиями, выполненные на компьютере с помощью программы для презентации “Power Point ”, костюмы из сценки “The Phantom”.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning! Glad to see you. How are you boys and girls? Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson.

If you are ready for the lesson, let’s start.

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

Today the theme of our lesson is “Join the Agatha Christie club”. So today we are going to speak about detectives and investigations. We’ll see an interesting detective story “The Phantom” and try to solve some puzzles.

3. Знакомство с биографией и творчеством Агаты Кристи.

To begin with, let’s look at the blackboard. What can you see here? Whose portrait is there on the blackboard? It’s Agatha Christie – a famous detective writer. Nastya will tell us about her. Listen to the biography of Agatha Christie and answer the question. What do these numbers refer to?


Agatha Christie Biography

Agatha Christie 1890-1976

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, England on September 15, 1890. She was educated at home and was sent to school in Paris when she was 16. She studied singing and piano.

In 1914 she married Colonel Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. The couple had one daughter, Rosalind, before their divorce in 1928. During World War I she worked in Torquay in a Red Cross Hospital which gave her knowledge of poisons. It was very useful knowledge for her mysteries novels.

In 56 years she wrote 66 detective novels(the best of which are: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (1934), DEATH ON THE NILE (1937), and TEN LITTLE NIGGERS (1939)
She received the Order of Dame Commander of the British Empire in 1971.
She died on January 12th, 1976
Agatha Christie is the world's best-known mystery writer. In The Guinness Book of Records she is listed  as the best-selling fiction author of all time (an estimated two billion copies of her works sold; a billion copies in the English language. Another billion in over 45 foreign languages). It is often said that she is outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare.

Have you heard some new interesting facts?

4. Разгадывание головоломки.

We have learnt a lot about this famous writer, so we can try to join the Agatha Christie club.

But the first task is solving the puzzle. Look at the blackboard and let’s find the right answer. Here is a famous pop group. Can you guess who is who?

Журнал “Speak out” № 5 2001, стр. 29

So, I see all of us can be members of the Agatha Christie club.

5. Проверка лексики.

Match the words with their definitions.

I have a test for you. Do you know words well? Write down your name and surname and I’ll give you some minutes to do this test.

Match the words with their definitions

1 an alibi a) Someone who does illegal things
2 a witness b) A police officer whose job is to discover crimes
3 an evidence c) To try and find out the truth about something
4 a detective d) To see how and when it happen
5 to suspect e) Someone who sees a crime or mystery
6 to investigate f) An object or a piece of information that helps someone to solve a crime or mystery
7 a clue g) If you have it, you can prove that you were somewhere else when a crime was committed
8 to witness h) Someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime
9 a suspect i) It is the information which is used in a court of law to try to prove something. It is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses
10 a crime j) To believe someone to be guilty
11 a criminal k) An illegal activity

Keys: 1 g, 2 e, 3 i, 4 b, 5 j, 6 c, 7 f, 8 d, 9 h, 10 k, 11 a

Who is the best in criminal words?

6. Разгадывание кроссворда . Do the crossword. Ex 12, p.58 WorkBook.

But it is not the last task for you! Each member of the club should know the words that are connected with crime and punishment. Let’s see if you are good at detective vocabulary. Do the crossword puzzle, please.


  1. criminal
  2. examined
  3. evidence
  4. detective
  5. suspect
  6. witness
  7. police
  8. agent
  9. case
  10. crime
  11. cop
  12. investigation

7. Просмотр детективного рассказа “The Phantom”.

Would you like to try working as a detective? Do you think it is easy? Now we’ll see a performance showing a detective story “The Phantom”. Please be attentive. Your task is to say in the end who is the criminal.

Журнал “Speak Out” №1 2002, стр. 29

Answer: Detective Smart pointed to Susan. It was a rainy day so there was no need for Susan to water the flowers in the garden.

Thank you for your acting. It was very wonderful. But now we should answer the question: Who did Detective Smart point to? Why?

8. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex 1, p.121.

At home you should write a detective story for the Agatha Christie club almanac. ( Для домашнего задания дано начало рассказа. Учащиеся должны выбрать любой понравившийся им рассказ и закончить его, придумав окончание детективного рассказа.)

What was the most interesting story? What story did you like most of all? So, let’s choose the best “writer ”.

9. Работа с пословицами .

Now I’ve got some English proverbs. You should find the Russian equivalent to them.

- He is a thief indeed that robs a thief.
Вор у вора дубинку украл.

- Liars should have good memories.
У лгуна должна быть хорошая память.

- All is well that ends well.
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

- Peter has been paid without robbing Paul.
И волки сыты, и овцы целы.

- Curiosity killed the cat.
Много будешь знать – скоро состаришься.

- An open box tempts the thief.
Не вводи вора в искушение.

- To kill two birds with one stone.
Убить двух зайцев.

- Murder will out.
Шила в мешке не утаишь.

Thank you ! Well done !

10. Подведение итогов урока .

You are very good today. All of you are the members of the Agatha Christie club. But only some of you can be a detective. Thank you for being active at the lesson. You have good and excellent marks. Now, please write down your home task. Have you got any questions? The lesson is over. Good-bye.
