Сравнительный анализ английских и русских народных сказок. План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


  • совершенствование навыков монологической речи;
  • активизация лексики по теме "Личность";


  • развитие умения анализировать художественное произведение;
  • активизация творческих способностей студентов;
  • повышение интереса к чтению;
  • расширение лингвострановедческого кругозора студентов;


  • формирование уважительного отношения к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка;
  • развитие умений учебного сотрудничества при осуществлении коллективного творческо-исследовательского проекта.

Оформление: выставка иллюстраций к сказкам, выполненных учащимися, на доске пословицы и поговорки на английском языке и соответствующие им русские , а также список прилагательных, обозначающих черты характера.

Форма урока: заключительный этап творческо-исследовательского проекта: урок-дискуссия с презентацией каждым членом группы своего вывода в ходе проделанного анализа.

Этапы работы:

  • совместное обсуждение идеи;
  • самостоятельное чтение английских народных сказок;
  • самостоятельная творческая исследовательская деятельность студентов (подбор русских народных сказок с подобным сюжетом, героями, моралью, перевод их на английский язык и проведение сравнительного анализа);
  • презентация результатов в виде дискуссии;
  • выводы.

Ход урока

Teacher: Today I'm glad to finish our mutual project-work devoted to comparison of English and Russian folk tales. The purpose of our lesson is to draw a conclusion if there are more features of difference or likeness between Russian and British people and in what way folklore reflects it.

All of you were given a task: to find a pair of tales from Russian and British folklore with similar plots or characters and to analyze them. Now we're going to answer the following questions:

-In what ways do our folk tales differ?

-What is the reason for this difference?

-Is there any similarity in our folklore?

-What do folk tales teach children ?

We begin with Warming-Up as usual.

Let me remind you that folklore includes not only tales but proverbs and sayings as well. I would like you to look at the board and read the following English proverbs as quick as possible .Then we'll choose a Russian equivalent from the list of Russian proverbs.

Student 1: Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise- Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает.

Student 2: Feather by feather a goose is plucked - Терпение и труд все перетрут.

Student 3: Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow- Лучше синица в руке, чем журавль в небе.

Student 4: Between two stools one falls to the ground- За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.

Student 5: A bully is always a coward- Молодец против овец, а против молодца и сам овца.

Student 6: Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you - Не буди лиха, пока оно тихо.

Student 7: Handsome is as handsome does - Не тот хорош,кто лицом пригож, а тот хорош, кто для дела гож.

Now let's put all the adjectives from the list into two columns according to the qualities they denote: positive or negative.

Students: Positive: kind, honest, just, fair, modest, polite, diligent, wise, strong-willed, resolute, sociable, gracious, optimistic, well-bred, brave, courageous, sincere, reliable, prudent, generous, cheerful, smart, persistent, determined, confident, protective, witty, serious, ambitious, intelligent, communicative, reserved, hard-working

Negative: cunning, greedy, mean, selfish, conceited, envious, cruel, impudent, jealous, lazy, rude, depressing, absent-minded, obstinate, disobedient, stubborn.

Teacher: after you analize Russian and English tales we 'll fill in the following table:

  Traits of character:
Russian folk tales Positive Negative
English folk tales    

Student 1.: I have compared a Russian folk tale "Frog-princess" ("Царевна-лягушка") and an English folk-tale "Frog-prince." I chose these tales because the main characters of both tales are cursed people doomed to be frogs until a loving person makes them free from the curse. The main idea of these tales is that love can overcome all troubles and difficulties. To my mind it's a very curious fact that tales with different plots and characters have the same idea. I think it's because people all over the world hate cruel and greedy persons, despise dishonesty and like such qualities as being kind, patient and ready to help.

  Positive Negative
Russian folk tales Frog-princess: wise, generous, fair ,witty, loving, patient, determined,strong-willed, hard- working Koshchey: cruel, dishonest, greedy;
English folk tales Frog-prince: intellectual,patient, ready to help,brave, honest Witch: cruel and envious;

Princess: selfish, conceited,spoilt,dishonest.

Student 2.: I compared two folk tales: Russian "Kolobock" and English "The Gingerbread Man". They are very similar. In both of them the main hero is a creature made by the couple unable to have children . In Russian folk tale the son was made of flour, in English of gingerbread. In both tales they were brave but easy-going and boastful and were punished for that. The moral and the main idea of these folk tales is to teach children to obey their parents, not to boast, to be more serious, not to break the rules.

  Positive Negative
Russian folk tale Kolobock: brave Kolobock: easy-going, boastful, disobediant
English folk tale Gingerbread Man: brave Gingerbread Man: impudent, boastful.

Student 3.: I have analized "The Cock-Golden Crest" ("Пeтушок-Золотой Гребешок") and "The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen". The plots of the tales are very similar. The evil character in both tales is a cruel, cunning and greedy Fox who wants to eat up stupid and naive Cock (in Russian folk tale), lazy and rude Mouse and Cock (in English folk tale). Positive characters who rescue the weakest are: English Little Red Hen who is very hard-working, wise, ready-witted and bald and Russian Cat and Blackbird, loyal and courageous friends of the silly Cock. In my opinion the moral of these two folk tales is to teach children to think first then do, to obey the older ones, to be helpful and generous.

  Positive Negative
Russian folk tale Cat and Blackbird: brave, generous, loyal Fox: cunning and cruel
English folk tale Little Red Hen: wise, hard-working, courageous, ready-witted Fox: cruel but stupid

Student 4.: I 've read the Russian tale "By the Pike's Wish" ("По щучьему велению") and the English one "Lazy Jack". I can't say they are very alike. The plots are different and the main characters are different too. They are similar in being very lazy , they even have problems in their families because they don't like to work.But both tales have happy ends: Yemelya and Jack become rich, marry beautiful girls and are happy. I can'explain it. I always thought that common people all over the world taught their children to be hard-working. Why are such guys as Yemelya and Jack rewarded in the end ? What for?

Student 5. I'm sure Yemelya and Jack are happy because they both have the same traits of characters: they are not wise , may be even simple-minded but they are not cruel, not cunning, they are kind , generous and cheerful. In my opinion common people always appreciate these qualities very high. That's why English and Russian people told such tales to their children. They taught kids to be kind first of all. These folk tales show that people may speak different languages and

  Positive Negative
Russian folk tale Yemelya:kind, generous,cheerful,doesn't think much about money Yemelya: lazy
English folk tale Jack: cheerful and kind Jack: lazy

live far away from each other but they have the same values.

Student 6. I've read a lot of English folk tales and most of all I like "Jack The Giant -Killer". It's a story about a very brave guy who defeated all the enemies with the help of his mind as he was clever and ready-witted. At first I could not find any Russian folk tale where the hero is like Jack but my Granny reminded me about Ivan-The Tzar's son (Иван-царевич). He defeated such a monstrous creature as Koshchey and made free his bride. Moreover, he helped different animals and they helped him. It seems to me that in Russian tales this idea of assistance to each other is very strong.

  Positive Negative
Russian folk-tales Ivan: brave and very kind Koshchey: cruel, greedy, mean
English folk tales Jack: brave ,bald, courageous, clever, witty, wise Giants: silly and cruel

It' s evident that the moral of both tales is that evil must be overcome. They teach children to be brave, to struggle against bad people and help the youngest and the weakest.

Teacher: We have discussed many folk tales and now it's time to answer the questions put in the beginning of our lesson. What is different and alike in Russian and English folklore?

Student 1: Many folk stories have the same theme: the main character has problems with his/her family or in some way separated from them. The situation becomes worse during the story.The main character faces many difficulties, often with supernatural or fantasy element.The main character is usually young, attractive,kind, ready-witted. The evil characters are usually powerful but stupid . Very often the main character is helped by some supernatural person.

Student 2: All folk tales take place in some past period and begin with a definite cliche: "Once upon a time "or ": давным-давно:" or :"В некотором царстве, в некотором государстве:" I think such beginnings help a child feel the atmosphere of a wonderful world where miracles can happen.

Student 3: Evil as a rule is overcome and all the tales end happily.

Student 4: Most of the folk tales teach children to obey their parents, respect the older ones, help those who is weak and need their help.

Student 5: I think the difference is very slight: in English folklore main characters are more practical.

Student 5: As far as I know there are a lot of unique tales in English and Russian folklore. They have very unusual plots and it's impossible to compare them with other stories. For example, "Catskin", "Tom Tit Tot", "Cap of Rushes", "The Fish and the Ring", "Red Ettin", "Snegurochka", "Morozko", "Gusy-Lebedy", and many others.

Teacher: I'm sure now we are ready to draw a conclusion. Who can formulate it?

Student 1: We have understood that in spite of the great distance between our countries and different political and economical systems, we have the same values in life, we bring up our children to be generous, kind, polite, obedient, grateful, good-natured and hard-working.

Student 2: Our tales are different in plots but they teach children all over the world the same things in a tactful and entertaining manner. That is why we consider the fairy-tales and folk tales to be very important in upbringing children.

Student 3: I believe teachers should use folk tales teaching children to grow helpful, loyal, big-hearted, modest and tolerant like our favourite personages from the tales.