Обобщающий урок в 5-м классе "Путешествие в Долину Знаний"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Consolidating lesson in the 5th form “A Trip to the Valley of Knowledge” (“ENGLISH 5” by V.P.Kuzovlev, N.M.Lapa)

Units: Where Are You From? What Have You Got?
Topic: A Tour to the Valley of Knowledge.

  • Bringing up in pupils interest and respect to the culture of English-speaking countries.
  • Encouraging pupils to communicate with the teacher and each other on the topic.
  • Practicing and consolidating listening, speaking, reading and thinking skills on the topic.
  • Developing motivation to learn English through poems, songs and games.

Equipment: the blackboard, decorated with the pictures of the field, a bridge, a castle, a farm, a cafe, a stadium, a wood; cards with tasks.

Plan of the lesson

1. Warming-up.

1) Greeting.
2) Discussing pupils’ affairs.
3) Talking about the weather.

2. Introduction.

1) Reading the leaflets of tourist tours.
2) Discussing and planning a tour.

3. Stating target.

4. Practice. Production.

1) A Field of Pronunciation.
2) A Bridge of Meeting.
3) A Castle of Famous People.
4) A Relaxation.
5) Mc Donald’s Farm.
6) A Tourist Cafe.
7) A Sport Station.
8) A Wood of Liars.

5. Conclusion

1) A Summary of Target.
2) Evaluating Pupils’ Work at the Lesson.


1. Warming-up

Teacher: Pupils:
– Good afternoon, friends!
– I’m glad to see you.
– How are you today?
– And you?  
– I’m all right, thank you.
– How is life?
– How are things with you?
– Are you merry today?
– And you?
– And what about you?
– I’m very sorry. Well, my dears, N… is ill. He is sad. Let us encourage him (her).

– Fine. Now look at the window. I think the weather is fine today. And what do you think of the weather?
– It is cloudy (rainy, windy, nasty).
– Do you like the weather? Why?
– I don’t like the weather, becauseit is cool (cold, rainy…).
– Afternoon!
– We are glad to see you too.
– Fine (OK, All right), thanks.

– I’m all right, thank you.
– Life is going its usual way.
– There is nothing to complain of.
– Yes, I’m merry.
– I’m happy (sleepy, tired, sad).
– I’m ill (unwell).
– Cheer up!
– Don’t worry!
– Don’t get upset!
– It is cold (cool, warm).

– I like the weather, because it is cold  sunny.

2. Introduction

– Come here, my dears! I’ve got an idea.
– Why not go travelling?
– Do you like travelling?
– And what about you?
– I have got two leaflets from a tourist agency. Let us read them (shows leaflets to the pupils)

– Can we go to Europe?
– Why?
– And can we go to the Valley of Knowledge?
– Why do you think so? 
– We are here. What sort of idea?
– A good idea.
– Yes, I like travelling.
– …
– A Tour to Europe for Curious Tourists. A Tour to Europe during January and February.
– A Tour to the Valley of Knowledge.
– A Tour for Curious Pupils in December.
– No, we can’t go to Europe.
– It is in January and February.
– Yes, we can go to the Valley of Knowledge.
– It is in December. And it is December now.

3. Stating Target

– So, we are tourists today. We like travelling. Let us go to the Valley of Knowledge. But our tour is unusual. You should demonstrate your knowledge during our tour.

4. Practice. Production

1) Let us begin our tour with the Field of Pronunciation. Here are some tasks for you. (on the cards)

a) Name the letters, sounds and read the words. – The letter B, the sound [b], book. 
– The letter C, the sounds[s] and [k], cycle.
– The letters E and A, the sound [i:], eat.
b) Demonstrate your knowledge of  English tongue-twisters. – Double bubble gum bubbles double bubbles.
– She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
– …
c) Recite your favorite rhymes and poems.  – I want to have a big black horse,
– I want to gallop round the earth.
– The turkey is a funny bird…

2) The Bridge of Meeting.

a) Choose a name and introduce yourself (a pupil takes a card with a name, a surname, a country, a city) 
– My name is Leslie. My surname is Brown. I am from Murison. Murison is in Australia.
b) Tell about this pupil – Her name is Leslie. Her surname is  Brown. She is from Murison. It is in Australia.
c) Now I am not your teacher. I am your guest. Meet me. Ask me questions.
Then tell what you know about me. (Jane White, 25, Swansea, Wales…) 
(Pupils ask questions to the teacher and tell what they have known about the guest.)

3) A Castle of Famous People.

a) Guess a name of a famous person. Name the letters of the English Alphabet. 
– No, there is no such letter in this name.        
– Yes, …
– The letter C.
– The letter K.
b) Read the names. What do you know about these people? (Lermontov, Tukai) – Lermontov is a great Russian poet and writer. 
– Tukai is a famous Tatar poet. 

.4) A Relaxation Stop.

A game “Simon says”.

5) Mc Donald’s Farm.

a) Tell how many animals has old Mc Donald got (pictures of animals and  birds) – He has got a cow.
– He has got three turkeys. 
– …
b). What do his animals say?  – Horses say “neigh-neigh”.
– …
c). Sing a song for old Mc Donald. (Pupils sing a song “Old Mc Donald”)

6) A Tourist Cafe.

a) We buy food from other countries. What countries are these foods from?
(The teacher shows the pictures with different foods.)
– I’m sure that tea is from China.
– I think that oranges are from South America.
– …
b) Translate into English

– Я люблю сыр. Он вкусный.
– Я люблю апельсины. Они вкусные.
–  Мне бы хотелось попробовать итальянскую пиццу. Я думаю, она вкусная.
– Мне бы хотелось попробовать «лягушачьи ножки». Я думаю, они вкусные.


– I like cheese. It is tasty.
– I like oranges. They are tasty.
– I’d like to taste an Italian Pizza. I think it is tasty.
– I'd like to taste Frog's Legs. I think they are tasty.

c) Tourists can try traditional dishes of different countries at our cafe. What dishes are these: Fish and chips, Chack-chack, Pelmeni, Pizza. – Fish and chips is a British dish.
– Chack-chack is a Tatar dish.
– …

7) Sports Station.

– Interview your classmates and make a report. Try to learn who can swim, play basketball, play foot ball and who can’t. (3 reporters are chosen) Each reporter asks the pupils of his/her row:
– Can you swim?  …
… and makes a report:
– N, M, L, H can swim. S can’t swim.

8) A Wood of Liars

– Liars live in this wood. They always lie. Here is a Box of Liars from this wood. Correct the lies in it and you will be winners.

a) A Lock Ness Monster is from England.
b) In Scotland people speak Tatar.
c). Pushkin is a great American writer.
d) Pelmeni is a traditional British dish.
e) Chocolate is not tasty at all.
– It is wrong. A Lock Ness Monster is from Scotland.
– It is wrong. In Scotland people speak Scottish.
– It is wrong. Pushkin is a great Russian poet and writer.
– It is wrong. Pelmeni is a traditional Russian dish.
– It is wrong. Chocolate is very tasty.

5. Conclusion

1) A Summary of Target.
– Our Tour is over.
You are winners.
You’ve done a good job …

2) Evaluating Pupil’s Work.