My teachers

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The garden has the Tree of Life
Its branches are warmed by sun
The Tree keeps the good of Earth
It is for teachers done

In the decisive moments of the life teachers always helped us children.

War time. We could see ruined buildings, tears, sorrow of our mothers a lot of orphans. German prisoners hardly trailing. We were small but we understood that only cur soldiers by their lives saved our country.

At this hard time we were surrounded by our kind-hearted teachers. Here is the photo of us, the first-formers sitting all in coats with sadness in our eyes. Our first teacher Maria Alexandrovna is in the middle of the photo having a very old winter coat on. But in spite of all difficulties our teacher found strength to give us spiritual warmth, tender care, attention. Maria Alexandrovna always gave additional classes to the children, who couldn’t attend school by different reasons. She often treated us to her hand-make scones. Those scones were the most tasteful! I’ll always keep my first favorite teacher in my memory.

In my mind appears the image of the modest and calm English teacher Margarita Ivanovna Orlova. Besides interesting lessons she involved us into the work of the circle. Each lesson of the circle was a discovery of something new and important things. The teacher created the atmosphere of confidence, assurance, respect each other. At  the classes of the circle we pupils, displayed much resourcefullness, activity, bright emotions. That’s why our performances with English songs, poems, plays before parents, pupils were the holidays of knowledge and friendship. I’m very grateful to my dear wise teacher, Margarita Ivanovna.

For me there was no doubt what profession to choose. I entered the faculty of foreign languages the English department. After graduating from the Institute named after K, D, Ushinsky I passed the exams for a Candidate’s degree.

New I am looking at the photo of us, student-leavers with our tutor Maria Alexandrovna Mosyagina. It is our group with the wonderful and patient teacher. She taught us phonetics and analytic reading. Besides Maria Alexandrovna acquainted us with the English culture, gave profound knowledge about English-speaking countries. She took part in compiling and publishing “The students’-Pedagogical Dictionary” together with her colleges. Maria Alexandrovna had a special style of speaking with us. We liked her conscientious attitude to work consistence, her high morel qualities and professional mastery. We didn’t think that having prepared us for our future trade she appeared to be hopelessly ill. Maria Alexandrovna will remain in my heart for ever.

Not having worked after the institute at school 37 for one year my mother dies at the age of 41. The teacher Valentina Sergeyevna Latysheva replaced my mother for me; she became my teacher and my faithful friend. We prepared lessons together. I spared her with my joy and failures she supported me at the terrible time of hardships and sufferings. She gave many useful advices; she taught me how to make pupils speak English, to see only the good in the children. Valentina Sergeyevna rendered me her ability to understand different states and reasons of pupils’ actions. She also showed me the importance of a personal example. Watching the work of Valentina Sergeyevna I felt her great efforts to form in her children the true things, honesty, their own dreams. Her kind soul and generous heart helped me to become a real teacher. Valentina Sergeyevna, my true friend and talented teacher, is always alive in my soul.

Complex life circumstances led me to the Far North with its very low temperatures and constant difficulties. There we with my husband adopted the boy who also devoted his life to children. Much was done there in our teacher’s all round educational process. I learned the Yakut language and got the title of an excellent teacher of the Russian Federation. Besides lessons I paid a special attention to the our-of-class group activity work. We held parties, concerts, language competitions, excursions, weeks of the foreign language, discussions. There were two circles in English and in German. This kind of work became the main and the most important in my work. I didn’t get any money for this. Everything was made by pupils, members of the circles.

Now I understand the following:

  • the success of the school work depends on the experience and abilities of a teacher as well as the thoughts of the children;
  • a teacher connects links in the chains of the generations;
  • there is no trifles or something which is the main thing in teaching and bringing up. As well as there is no main petal among many other petals creating the beauty of a flower.

New teachers work. Year pass by. Views, structure of life have changed. But by somebody’s unseen arm the life of a teacher has changed into the powerful trunk of the Tree of Life. The roots of the Tree are the experience of parents teachers. And branches with fruits are knowledge which teachers share their students. Near the Tree we can see a young sprout. There is also a bench at the Tree… Opening of the orchard monuments “To my Teachers” took place in May 2010 in the botanic garden of the Yaroslavsky State University named after K.D. Ushinsky.

Let’s all bow to our dear teachers for their self-sacrificing labour.