Our school is 100. 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели урока:


  • Закрепить в речи учащихся пройденный материал по темам “School Subjects”, “At School”;
  • Обеспечить практическое использование полученных знаний, развивать навыки и умения.


  • Прививать интерес к английскому языку;
  • воспитание чувства гордости за свою cемью, школу

Оборудование и оснащение – интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор, УМК “New Millennium English” магнитофонная запись, магнитофон


1. Приветствие.

Good afternoon, dear children and guests. Today we have an unusual lesson. Next Saturday our school is going to have a birthday.

2. Речевая зарядка.

a)We’ve got a lot of guests, will you introduce yourselves? (Дети рассказывают о себе по плану)

  • Name
  • How old you are
  • What class you are in
  • Where you are from
  • Where you live
  • What your number one sport, music hit is, о своих увлечениях.)

b)Whose parents went to our school? Tell about your mums and dads who went to our school. (Дети рассказывают о родителях, какие они, их увлечениях.)

3. Дальше работа с интерактивной доской.


How old is your school? -100

4. Today is Tuesday. We have 4 lessons today. Our lessons we’ll be very interesting. Are you ready? Let’s start!

5. The first lesson is Music. Let’s sing our favourite song. Дети поют песню “Monday, Tuesday…”

6. Our second lesson is Maths. Can you do sums well? Who is the best mathematician? (Учитель называет пример, ученик отвечает , потом ответы смотрят на интерактивной доске)

15 + 7 = Fifteen and seven is twenty two
12 + 4 = Twelve and four is sixteen
45 + 5 = Forty five and five is fifty
11 + 9 =Eleven and nine is twenty
77 + 20 = Seventy seven and twenty is ninety seven
99 + 1 = Ninety nine and one is a hundred
44 + 9 = Forty four and nine is fifty three
100 + 100 = A hundred and a hundred is two hundred

7. Our third lesson is Art. Do you like to play paint? We’ll do colour sums.

Black + white =grey
Yellow + blue =green
White + green =light green
Red + blue =purple
White + red =pink
Brown + yellow =orange

8. Our fourth lesson is English.

a) Fill the gaps in. (Дети выполняют подстановочное упражнение с глаголом to be, to have)

My name____ John.
I live___ San Hose.
I ___ 40.
I __ a doctor.
I ____ got two children :a son and a daughter.

b) Match the words into 2 categories: pencil case or school bag

Pen, exercise book, pencil, ruler, book, cassette, CD, pencil key-ring, eraser, crayon

Pencil case

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • crayon

School bag

  • exercise book
  • Book
  • Cassette
  • CD
  • Key-ring

9. Подведение итогов урока.

Our lesson is over. Thank you! Урок заканчиваем песней.

“If you are happy and you know it.

Clap your hand”.
