Урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе школы с углубленным изучением английского языка "How Climate Can Influence Meals". Аудирование

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии

На уроке использован учебно-методический комплект «Английский язык» авторов О.А. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой для VI класса, М., «Просвещение», 2015. В задания карточки включены у. 28, 29, 30, с.65 учебника, а также для прослушивания использован аудиофайл №10  из аудиокурса.

“How Climate Can Influence Meals”.


  • развивать умения учащихся воспринимать иноязычный текст как источник информации;
  • развивать языковую догадку при переводе некоторых незнакомых слов;
  • развивать умения и навыки устной и письменной речи на основе услышанного текста;
  • воспитывать чувство юмора.

Оборудование:  аудиотекст из аудиокурса, карточка с заданиями для учащихся.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие. Задачи урока.

II. Речевая зарядка. Беседа с учащимися об особенностях климата в разных странах и влиянии его на  жизнедеятельность человека.

What can you say about the climate of Moscow and other parts of Russia? Of London and other parts of Britain?

What do you know about the climate of Italy?

What kind of climate do you prefer?

How does the climate in different parts of the world influence the food people eat, the clothes people wear, the way of life people have?

III. Развитие умений аудирования.

1. Фонетическая и речевая отработка незнакомых слов и выражений.

in southern countries;
a meal;
under the moon and stars;
to produce a romantic effect;
to seem sth;
to prove sth.

2. Беседа с учащимися с целью запоминания новых слов.

1) Is Italy a southern country which is situated in the south?

2) Is dinner the main meal of the day for most people?

3) What do people feel while in the warm evening they sit under the moon and stars?

4) What action can produce a romantic effect?

5) Does the city seem grey in the cold rainy afternoon?

6) Is it difficult to prove that it often rains in London in summer? 

3. Установка на первое прослушивание, аудирование текста, контроль понимания.

Listen to the story and answer the questions (примечание 1).

1) Who is this story about?

2) Who moved to London and bought a restaurant there? 

3) Who came to the restaurant and had lunch there?

4) Why did Mr. Jenkins have to drink his soup?

4. Установка на второе прослушивание и аудирование текста.

Listen to the story again and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

5. Контроль понимания.

1. Check your understanding: TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED (примечание 2, задания на карточке).

  1. In the southern countries many people like drinking juice in the fresh air.     _________
  2. The restaurants put tables in a garden or in the street.                                 _________
  3. At first London seemed nice, bright and friendly to Renato.                        _________
  4. It rains much more in England then it does in Italy.                                      _________
  5. Renato’s idea was really good and did work.                                             _________
  6. Mr. Jenkins would like to come to Renato’s restaurant again.                    _________

2. Put the sentences in the right order (у.28, с.26).

  1. Renato moved to England and bought a restaurant in London.                     _________
  2. Mr. Jenkins had lunch in Renato’s restaurant.                                              _________
  3.  Renato was born in Italy and lived there for thirty-two years.                      _________
  4. Mr. Jenkins told his wife about his lunch in Renato’s restaurant.                   _________
  5.  Renato decided to put some of the tables out into the street.                       _________
  6. Renato couldn’t forget Italy and his home town.                                          _________

3. Fill in the gaps in the story of Mr. Jenkins.

“I ______________________at that new Italian restaurant today and it ________________
all the  time. It   _________________________   minutes to ________________ my soup”.

IV. Развитие умений и навыков письменной речи с опорой на услышанное.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where do people in southern countries like eating when the heat is very strong?
  1. What do people feel while eating  under the moon and stars in the evening?
  1. Why did Renato want to buy a restaurant?
  1. Why was his idea of outside restaurant not really good?
  1. Do you think that Mr. Jenkins would like to come to Renato’s restaurant again? Why?

2. Think and say why it is important to know the climate of the place where you are (у.30, с.26)

V. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание (у.29, с.26 письменно). (Примечание 3)