Parts of Speech Festival

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Классы: 5, 6

Grammarian-1: Есть такое королевство Parts of Speech. В королевстве том живет многочисленный народ. All the residents are here:

A king and a queen,
Princess and attendants,
Ministers and wizards,
Ladies of the kingdom,
And a lot of servants.
In this magic place we meet
A three-headed regent
Of the verb “to Be”.

На сцену под разную музыку по очереди выходят учащиеся в костюмах разных цветов. Принцессы и королева как существительные (цвет - розовый), министры как личные местоимения (цвет-серый), король глагол”to be”, регент короля - дракон, пажи принцесс как прилагательные (цвет - голубой), волшебники как глаголы (цвет - красный), наречия как дамы королевства (цвет - желтый), слуги как предлоги (цвет - зеленый).

Grammarian-2: Today all members of the Kingdom are dressed in their beautiful clothes. They will have a great festival. I think you also want to visit the Great festival.

Grammarian-2: The queen and her princesses will open our festival. What is a noun? Let’s listen to them.

(принцессы выходят танцуя под музыку и делают реверанс)

Students – Nouns together:

Nouns, nouns, looking all around
A noun is a person, place, or thing

Student 1:

Boy, girl, mom, dad
Doctor, teacher, or my friend.


If a person’s there, I declare,
“You have found a noun”

Students –Nouns together:

Nouns, nouns, looking all around
A noun is a person, place, or thing.


Space: store, city, town,
Forest, yard and playground.


If a place is there, I declare,
“You have found a noun”

Students - Nouns together:

Nouns, nouns, looking all around
A noun is a person, place, or thing.

Student -1:

Dog, cat, boat, car,
Carrots, broccoli, and star.


If a thing is there, I declare,
“You have found a noun”

Students-Nouns together:

Nouns, nouns, looking all around
A noun is a person, place, or thing.


Children, women,
Men and mice -
Study hard
And you’ll be wise!

Grammarian-1: Now you know what noun is. Thank you, nouns.

Выходят пажи-прилагательные под музыку.

Grammarian-2: Adjectives describe a noun.

Grammarian-1: Adjectives tell the kind of nouns -great, small, pretty, white, or brown.

Student –Adjective 1:

My T-shirt is blue
And my hat is pink
My trousers are yellow
My socks are green
Tell me, what do you think?
My jacket is purple,
My shoes are white.
Tell me, what do you think?
My gloves are brown
My scarf is black.
Tell me, what do you think?

Student –Adjective 2:

Dear Mr Peep,
Your knowledge is deep,
Your advice is wise
Your news is nice,
Your hair is fair’
Your money is there,
Your watch is wrong,
Your will is strong.

Student –Adjective 3:

Honey is sweeter than sugar,
Coffee is stronger than tea,
Juice is better than water,
You can’t be smarter than me.
A peach is sweeter than a cake.
A sea is deeper than a lake.
A boy is noisier than a bee.
A girl is shorter than a tree.
A plane is faster than a train.
A bike is slower than a train.
A duck is bigger than a frog.
A cat is weaker than a dog.

Звучит музыка и выступающие вместе со зрителями исполняют песню.

Good, better, the best
Never let it rest
Till the Good is the Better
and the better best.

Grammarian-2: Pronouns take the place of nouns.

Под музыку выходят местоимения в одежде министров и все хором называют местоимения: I, he, she, we, they, you, it.

В руках у министра поднос с яблоками, и он раздает яблоки.


One apple for me
And one for you,
One for him
And for her, too.
Two for us
And two for them
And now remember
And say it again.

Grammarian-2: In the United Kingdom живет король “To Be”. Король, Его Величество, a linking verb to Be. (Под музыку выходит король.)


Sometimes I am a linking verb [13]
A link between two words
Like shall be, will be, should be, would be, can be and could be.
Linking verbs are commonly
The forms of the verb “to be”
Like was and were, is and are
Am, being and be.

Звучит музыка и исполняется Grammar Chant: [2]


Don’t forget me!
I’m the verb to be
I’m very important
As you will see.
Don’t please,
Don’t forget me!
Don’t forget me,
I’m the verb to be.


В стране английской есть король и регент у него дракон.
Дракон трехглавый, умный очень ни на кого он не похожий.

Звучит музыка и исполняется Grammar Chant: [2]

I am, I'm
Rhymes with time
You are, You’re
rhymes with sure
He is, he's
Rhymes with please
She is , she's
Rhymes with cheese
We are, we're
rhymes with dear
They are, they're
Rhymes with hair

Grammarian-1: Our dragon is very kind. He invites you to sing the song.

Зрители исполняют песенку (Глагол to be в Present Simple) на мотив песни «В лесу родилась елочка»

Grammarian-2: A verb is an action word, or words that show action or being. Can you name action verbs? Would you like to meet Wizards?

Под музыку пoявляются волшебники. У них много рук и ног. В одной руке книга, в другой ручка, в третьей сковорода и т.д. Они читают стихотворение и делают жесты как бы выполняя эти действия.

Wizards as verbs:
We run, we jump, we roll,
We fall.
It’s action verbs that move us all.
We read, we write, we stand,
We go.
It’s action verbs that move us all.

Children, I think you’ll like our film. Then we’ll play the game “Guess the word”.

Демонстрируется мультик «Action Verbs» в сокращенном варианте, затем включается презентация. (Приложение. № 1) Учащиеся отгадывают слова.


An adverb tells us:
How the action takes place - slowly, quickly, nicely
When the action takes place - today, early, all day
Where the action takes place - here, outside, there

Под музыку выходят Students-Adverbs. (на желтых накидках написаны наречия)

Students-Adverbs together:

Adverbs can describe a verb
They don’t describe a noun.
They tell us when
They tell us where
They also tell us how

The 1-st Student: now, never, yesterday, already, tomorrow – All these words are adverbs because they tell us when?

The 2-nd Student: outside, inside, nearby, away, there – All these words are adverbs because they tell us where?

The 3-d Student: quickly, lazily, backwards, carefully, loudly, slowly, well - All these words are adverbs because they tell us how?

(Демонстрируются флэш-карточки с наречиями при прочтении стихотворения)

Students-Adverbs together:

My Auntie Mai's an athlete [9]
My Auntie Mai's an athlete
And she runs very fast
But I run very slowly
And I usually come last.
I do my homework carefully
And write in English well
I finish exams quickly
I can read and write and spell.
But I do gymnastics badly
And I dance like a giraffe
And friends look at me sadly
But it really makes me laugh!


Prepositions give a location
Like on, in, under, by.

Исполняется песня вместе со зрителями. [12]

On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
Where is the spider?
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
Where is the spider?
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
Where is the spider?
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
Where is the spider?
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
On, in, under, by
Bye bye!

Grammarian-1. Now we’ll recite the poem together. I’ll begin and you’ll finish.

Every name is called a noun. (зрители)
As field and fountain, street and town.
Вещи, люди и цветы,
Носороги и коты,
Джинсы, майки и штиблеты-
Называются предметы.
Ах, какие слова восхитительные!
Называются они существительные.
А по-английски……… nouns. (зрители)
In place of noun the pronoun stands,
As he and she can clap their hands.
Я-местоимение…. I.(зрители)
Вы не стойте на краю,
Ты и ВЫ – иначе… you. (зрители)
Объяснились мы в любви,
Мы- местоимение We. (зрители)
Он смеялся: хи-хи-хи.
Он – местоимение …he.(зрители)
Она спешила! Не спеши!
Она-местоимение …she. (зрители)
Они жалели всех людей,
Они-местоимение... they. (зрители)
The adjective describes a thing,
As magic wand or bridal ring.
lazy - ленивый, (зрители)
stubborn - упрямый,
nasty - противный,
empty - пустой,
angry - сердитый,
sly - очень хитрый,
cruel - жестокий,
simple - простой.
The verb means action, something done,
To read and write, to jump and run.
To dance - конечно танцевать,
To draw - обычно рисовать,
To swim-купаться,
Torun - бежать, (зрители)
To play chess - в шахматы играть, (зрители)
To sing - петь песни. Замечательно!
Учи глаголы обязательно!
How things are done the adverbs tell,
As quickly, slowly, badly, well.
Уже - наречие… Already
Когда-нибудь - иначе-Ever
Только что узнал я вас.
Только что – иначе Just (зрители)
The preposition shows relation,
As in the street or at the station.
Предлоги в языке у нас-
Служебные слова
В английской речи нам без них
Никак не обойтись.
Сверху положу предмет,
“On the sofa, on the bed.”
А в кармашек положу,
“In the pocket”, я скажу.
Возле, около и рядом.
Нам запомнить Near надо.
Между этим и другим,
Смело говорим Between. (зрители)
The whole are called the parts of Speech
Which reading, writing, speaking teach.


Веселились части речи,
На фестивале Parts of speech.

И verbs, и adverbs в хороводе бежали, стихи читали, танцевали.

Nouns, pronouns, prepositions sang and dance with them.

Grammarian-1: As you know Parts of Speech can dance and form sentences.

What is a sentence?
First come nouns
or pronouns stand,
Verbs and adverbs are after them.
Adjectives are before nouns.
Affirmative sentences can be found.

(Учащиеся выстраиваются в форме предложений)


Окончен наш праздник,
Был весел наш путь,
Ты, дружок, не забудь
Части речи на английском,
Кто на праздник приходил,
Это: nouns, pronouns,
verbs and adverbs,
prepositions, adjectives.

Учащиеся получают таблицу частей речи в подарок.


  1. Английская грамматика в стихах. Grammar Rhymes. Йоанна Зараньска БММ АО Москва 1997
  2. Grammarchants More Jazz chants Carolyn Graham Oxford University Press Copyright 1993. стр1, стр37
  3. Cartoon
  13. grammar song