Урок по теме "Проблемы и конфликты подростков"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: обобщение лексического материала по теме.


  • Развивающий аспект – развитие навыков самостоятельного сбора и обобщения информации, развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
  • Учебный аспект – совершенствование умений монологической и диалогической речи, развитие умений аудирования и письма;
  • Воспитательный аспект – формирование потребности и способности понимать чужую точку зрения, выражать свою точку зрения, воспитание уважения к изучаемому языку.

Оборудование: аудио средства, плакаты, карточки с заданиями, учебные пособия.


I. Оргмомент

–  Dear students, I am glad to see you at our English lesson. What new books have you read? What places have you been to? What is new in your lives? Is there anything that has troubled you this week?

II. Введение в тему урока

1. Today we are going to talk about teenagers' problems and conflicts and find some ways how to solve problems and resolve conflicts that modern teenagers have. You'll share your points of view on this theme.

– What is the difference between a problem and a conflict?
– A conflict is more serious than a problem. It is more difficult to resolve a conflict and it takes more time, much effort and personal strength.
– What kinds of conflicts do you know?
– Conflicts with parents, with friends, at school, with society's norms and rules.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

At first we are having some phonetic exercises. Look at the words on the blackboard and read them after me, please.

have /cause/solve a problem                    quarrel-quarrelling
prevent/avoid/resolve a conflict                argue-argument
trust people                                             agree-disagree
respect rights                                           violence-violent
observe rules                                           by peaceful means
tell lies
deserve punishment
bully classmates

 III. Проверка домашнего задания. Монологическая речь

–  Your home task was to prepare a project on the topic " Problems of British Teenagers" and to conduct a survey among the pupils of our school on the problems that worry them. It is a group work. Now we can see the products of your work and listen to your talks.

(The pupils present their projects. The posters with pictures, short texts are placed on the blackboard.)

IV. Активизация лексического материала.  Диалогическая речь

1. There are 3 main groups of conflicts: at home, at school, with friends. Now we are going to listen to how the teenagers talk to each other and try to resolve some conflicts. Some of you have cards with phrases and you should make your dialogues. Other students have a task to use the words in the gaps. (They have cards too.)

(The students role play the 3 dialogues.)

(The other students read their texts.)

2. Now, please, answer the question:

– What problems and conflicts do YOU have?

(The students, in turns, tell the class about their problems.)

3. It's time to talk about the ways of solving your problems. Answer the question:

– How can teenagers cope with their problems?

– Teenagers should get along with their parents, help and understand them.

spend more time with parents and relatives.
try to control what they do and say.
observe the law of co-existence.
respect other people's rights.

–   Teens should  follow the rules of behavior at home, at school, in public places.

spend their spare time with benefit for themselves.

– Teens should ask for psychological help.

ask grown ups for help and follow their advice.

– Teenagers shouldn't quarrel with other people and should avoid conflicts with them.
– We shouldn't shout at each other.
– They shouldn't show off.
– They mustn't be aggressive and bully other people.
– They mustn't use dirty language.

– Thank you for your ideas. I am sure, you'll be able to find a way from a difficult situation.

4. Now you deserve a short rest.

V. Развитие умений аудирования

1. Now it's time to listen to the conversations about some conflict situations in the families. Open your books on page 125 ex. 76, please. Read the questions and get ready to answer them. (The students do the exercise.)

– What caused the conflicts in the families?
– Who started the conflicts?
– Are these conflicts typical?

VI. Развитие умений письма

The last thing for you to do today is to give your pieces of advice on some certain problem or some conflict. You've got pieces of paper with situations written on them. You have your own problem. When you are ready, read your notes to us and place it on the stand.

1. If I have problems at school and miss classes, I should …..
2. If my parents don't understand me and don't listen to me, I should ….
3. If I have arguments with my friends, we should …..
4. If your parents don't allow you go out with your friends late, you should …..
5. If your parents make fuss about silly things, you should …..
6. If parents don't approve their children's friends, they should …..
7. If your brother or sister doesn't observe the low of co-existence, you should ….
8. If children ignore their parents, they should …..
9. If parents have too many responsibilities at home, their children should …..
10. If children don't obey their parents, the parents can …..
11. If we have nobody to talk to, we can …..
12. If someone bullies your friend, you should ….

VI. Заключительный этап

1. Домашнее задание.

Your home task is ex. 91 p. 130. Think of a conflict situation. Describe the situation and people in it. Say, if it was resolved or it was not.

2. Подведение итогов.

– Now we are making the conclusion of our serious work at this lesson. You'll agree with me that our life is full of problems and conflicts of different sorts. But we cannot be happy and successful if we don't know how to solve different problems and we don't want to find ways out of difficult situations. It's very important to have people that we can rely on and who can give us help and support.
I thank you for your creative and fruitful work. Your marks are" good" and "excellent".
Good bye.

Урок подготовлен по материалам:

1. Учебник "Enjoy English" М.З. Биболетовой для 9 класса.
2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику "Enjoy English" для 9 класса.
3. Аудио запись к учебнику.
4. Журнал "Speak Out" № 6  2006,   № 5  2004.
"Hot Issues".
