Внеклассное мероприятие по иностранному языку по теме "Рождество"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Цели и задачи:

  • формировать и совершенствовать навыки и умения в говорении;
  • расширять кругозор учащихся;
  • поддерживать интерес учащихся к английскому языку;
  • ознакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями празднования Рождества в Великобритании.

Оформление: высказывания о Рождестве, газеты, ёлки, декорации, магнитофон(музыка).

Ход праздника

В зале висит плакат со словами:

A good old fashioned Christmas
Is being wished for you –
And may the season’s gladness
Brighten your New Year too!

На втором плакате слова:

Farewell, old year,
With goodness crowded,
A hand divine hath set thy bound.
Welcome, New Year,
Which shall bring
Fresh blessing from
Our Lord and King.
The old we leave without a tear,
The new we enter without fear.

Сцена украшена посвящёнными традициям празднования Рождества. На сцену выходят двое ведущих и учащиеся начальных классов.

1. Have you heard the night wind sing,
Christmas is almost here!

2. Have you heard the sparrows chirp
Christmas is very near!

1. Have you heard the sparrows chirp
Christmas is seconds away!

2. Have you heard the reindeer hoofs?
Wake up! It’s Christmas Day!

Звучит песня “Ding! Dong! Ding!”.

Ведущая 1: Hello, friends! We are very glad to see you at our party. Today we are going to tell you about Christmas, a Christian holiday, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, about traditions and customs of this great holiday. I think you’ll enjoy them!

Ведущая 2: Christmas, the feast which commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, is observed  annually on December 25th by Christians all over the world. It is one of the most  important holidays of the religious year. The name “Christmas” comes from Christ’s Mass the medieval way of saying the Mass of Christ. Indeed, this mass is probably one of the best loved ceremonies of the whole year.

Звучит песня “Christmas praise is in the year”.

Стихотворный монтаж:

1. My goodness, my goodness,
It’s Christmas again.
The bells are all ringing,
I do not know when.
2. I’ve been so excited,
The tree is all fixed.
The candles are lighted,
The pudding is mixed.
3. The wreath’s on the door
And the carols are sung.
The presents are wrapped
And the holly is hung.
4. The turkey is sitting
All safe in its pan,
And I am behaving
As calm as I can.
5. How will you your Christmas keep?
Feasting, fasting or asleep?
Will you laugh or will you pray,
Or will you forget the day?
6. Suddenly the shops are bright,
Changed by magic overnight –
Red and green against the white.
7. Suddenly the streets are gay
As the carols begin to play.
Up and down, across the way.
8. And the children, young and old,
Ruddy with December cold,
Suddenly are good as gold.
9. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
Don’t tell Mum,
I’m running away.
10. I’m afraid of Father Christmas
Coming down the chimney.
While I’m asleep –
He might come and grab me.
11. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
Don’t tell Mum,
I’m running away.
12. There it is cold, or there is snow –
And holly, fir and mistletoe,
And carols sung out in the street
By children, walking through the sleep.
13. Church bells break the frozen air
Ringing loudly everywhere.
There is where, white winter glory
Comes to tell the Christmas story.
14. Mommy, Daddy, quick! Let’s go
And stand beneath the mistletoe.
You kiss me and I’ll kiss you,
Here comes sister, kiss her too.
Mommy, Daddy, quick! Let’s go
And stand beneath the mistletoe.
15. I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

16. It’s Christmas! Marry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry Christmas!
It’s time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs,
It’s time for jolly greeting,
Snow and holly, overeating,
Oh, I love you, Merry Christmas!
You’re the best of holidays.

Звучит песня “Jingle, bells…”.

– Christmas is celebrated all over the world. In every country the customs and traditions vary slightly, but one thing which is the same everywhere is the spirit of joy and friendship, when people take the time to think of other people. Christmas is almost always the happiest day of the year. Children like to think of it as their own holiday. But for everyone it is a very special time. At Christmas we follow old customs. We feel the magic of the season. And we try to care more deeply for others.

– Decorating the houses at Christmas in the traditional way is very important. The English people like to brighten up their houses at Christmas time with holly, mistletoe and other evergreens. But who decorated the first Christmas tree? No one knows for sure.

- The custom of bringing an evergreen tree indoors and decorating it at Christmas started in Germany. One legend says that Martin Luther started the practice. Luther was an important Christian leader. According to the story, he noticed the starlit sky as he walked home one Christmas Eve about the year 1513. He thought the stars looked as if they were shining on the branches. When he arrived home, Martin Luther placed a small fir tree inside his house and decorated it. New ways of decorating Christmas trees developed. It became popular in England due to Prince Albert, the German husband of Queen Victoria, who brought the tradition to England.

– The holly with its brilliant red berries is the most cheerful of all the evergreens they use at Christmas. Of all the trees that are in the wood the holly bears the crown. Holly is a symbol of good luck. People think the use of the holly and ivy together would bring fertility to the household. Christians told stories about the holly to link it with the Christmas story. Even its name reminds us of these stories, for holly comes from the same word as holy.

– Mistletoe is another Christmas Symbol. It is an interesting green parasitic plant which grows in globe – like formations high up in the branches of oak-trees. Mistletoe is hung above the door and pretty girls who walk under it often get kissed. This custom is so old that no one is really sure how it began. Long ago, the people thought that this plant had powers to protect them from evil. If a sprig of mistletoe was laid on a cradle, it would protect a child from fairies. People would wear a sprig as a charm or hang it in a doorway for good luck in the coming year. Mistletoe became a symbol of peace and friendship.

– Church goers are familiar with the symbol of the advent wreath which does not hang on the door like an ordinary Christmas wreath. Four large candles stand up right on the advent wreath. One candle is lit each Sunday before Christmas in anticipation of the arrival of Christ. A large creche or nativity scene is usually displayed in front of most churches representing Jesus place of birth. Here we can see Joseph, Mary, stable animals, shepherds, angels, the wise men and of course, the baby Jesus asleep in manger back to the original Christmas story. Now, let’s listen to the Christmas story which comes from the Bible.

Драматизация Рождественской истории.

Во время драматизации звучит песня “Jesus our Saviour.”

В конце Рождественской истории звучит песня “Silent night”.

– Another very popular tradition is singing Christmas carols. Christmas carols have a special history. The word “Carol” means “circle dance”. Among many ancient people, caroling was common at festivals. Groups would dance arm-in-arm, often singing simple, happy songs. Carols became a natural way for Christians to express their joy at Christmas.

– Lunch is the most important point of Christmas Day. By Tudor times, Christmas dinner in Britain lasted nine hours. Trumpets sounded when servants carried in roast goose, roast swan and the big boar’s head. The roast peacock was very special. Important ladies of the court, not servants had to carry it in. In the 16th century explorers returned to Britain from Mexico with the first turkeys. Since that time turkey became the traditional British Christmas dinner. Usually the turkey is followed by Christmas pudding which is made with dried fruit and brandy.

– Some cooks put silver coins and lucky charms into the pudding mixture. But many years ago, other simple things were added and it became part of the fun to see who got what! A dried bean in your portion meant that you were going to be a king. A dried pea meant that you were going to be a queen. A clove meant that you would grow up to be a rascal. A twig meant that you would grow up to play the fool. A bit of rag in your pudding meant that you were lazy and would rather buy a Christmas pudding than go to the trouble of making one.

– There is a legend about how Christmas puddings were invented. One Christmas Eve, a king of England found himself in a forest with no food. Night was drawing on, so he stopped at a woodcutter’s cottage and asked for food and shelter. The woodcutter was very popular, but he and the king mixed together all the food they had. The king had only some brandy. The result was a sweet, sticky mixture which they put into a bag and boiled. They had made the first Christmas pudding.

– Not all Christmas customs and traditions are of ancient origin. Sending Christmas cards is a modern custom. It began about the middle of the 19th century. In 1842 William Egley, an English artist, desighed his own card and sent it to one hundred of his friends. Today, sending Christmas cards is one of the most popular of all Christmas activities.

– On Christmas Eve, children hang their stockings at the end of their beds or over the fireplace. They are told that Father Christmas, or Santa clause, arrives at night from the North Pole on his flying sleigh pulled by flying sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, climbs down the chimney and fills each stocking with presents. The children open their presents on Christmas morning. They are very happy.

Звучит песня “Must be Santa”.

- Today is Jesus’s birthday and we must give Him a present too. But … what can we give Him?

– If I were a the shepherds I’d give Him a lamb.

If I were a wise man I’d give Him my part.

Oh, I Know. I’ll give Him my heart.

– What does it mean? I’ll give Him my heart?

– It means that we love Jesus and try to make Him happy. And we’ll make other people

Happy! Remember it! Merry Christmas!

Звучит песня “Come and see Jesus.”

This is the end of our party. Remember you should take care of every person and try to make the other people happy. Marry Christmas! Thank you very much!