Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Thanksgiving Day" (10–11-е классы)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Мероприятие сопровождается двумя компьютерными презентациями и музыкой. Эти материалы можно получить по запросу у автора статьи.

Презентация 1.

1, 2 слайд.

Compere 1: (Музыка – Celebrat_) Every year on the 4th Thursday in November Americans celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving. The first people to celebrate this day were the Pilgrims. In November 1621 they sat down to eat together and to give thanks to God. They have survived difficulties of their first year in America. Every Year nowadays The President of the United States of America presents his Proclamation. It is called Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. And now ladies and gentlemen the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation by George Bush.

3-26 слайд.

The president(Музыка – amerbeau)

Each year on Thanksgiving, we gather with family and friends to thank God for the many blessings He has given us, and we ask God to continue to guide and watch over our country.

Almost 400 years ago, after surviving their first winter at Plymouth, the Pilgrims celebrated a harvest feast to give thanks. George Washington proclaimed the first National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, and Abraham Lincoln revived the tradition during the Civil War. Since that time, our citizens have paused to express thanks for the bounty of blessings we enjoy and to spend time with family and friends. In want or in plenty, in times of challenge or times of calm, we always have reasons to be thankful.

America is a land of abundance, prosperity, and hope. We must believe a firm foundation of freedom, justice, and equality; democracy and the rule of law; and our fundamental rights to gather, speak, and worship freely.

On this day, we also remember those less fortunate among us. They are our neighbors and our fellow citizens, and we are committed to reaching out to them and to all of those in need in our communities.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 25, 2004, as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I encourage Americans to gather in their homes, places of worship, and community centers to share the spirit of understanding and prayer and to reinforce ties of family and community.

Слайд 27.

Thanksgiving history (Music – All things bright and beautiful.)

Compere 2: Actually, days of thanksgiving, are far older than the American Day. The American celebration is an adaptation of Hammas (Loaf Mass) Day, August 1, which was celebrated in Britain. Moreover, thanksgiving for successful crops is common enough to all agricultural peoples.

Слайд 28.

Compere 3: Pilgrims are the people who make a journey for religious reasons. It was a small group of English men and women who crossed the Atlantic in the year 1620. American Thanksgiving Day began in Plymouth Colony in 1621.

Слайд 29.

Compere 2: Time passed, and Thanksgiving changed from a regional holiday to a national one. The first officially designated day of Thanksgiving was in 1631 in Massachusetts.

Слайд 30.

Compere 3: In 1789 President George Washington appointed the last Thursday in November as a national Thanksgiving Day.

Слайд 31.

Compere2: In 1861, during the Civil War, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as an annual national Thanksgiving holiday.

Слайд 32.

Compere3: Today it is not a religious holiday. It is a national holiday.

Compere2: Families gather for the holiday. Churches are open; ministers deliver Thanksgiving sermons. Football teams do battle on Thanksgiving afternoon. And, of course, the traditional turkey dinner is eaten by families.

Compere3: There is something special about thanksgiving today – TV programs -  thanksgiving parades and after that football matches. (Music – anytоgo_)

Слайд 33.

Compere3: - T - is for the turkey. Steaming golden on each table.

Compere2: - H - is for the harvest gathered into barn and stable.

Compere3: - A - is for the autumn hues we marvel at eaсh year.

Compere2: - N - is for the neighbors, friends, and family we hold dear.

Compere3: - K - is for the kindnesses and blessing that we know.

Compere2: - S - is for the smiles that greet us everywhere we go.

Compere3: - G - is for the golden and pumpkinsin the field.

Compere2: - I - is - for the Indians who shared the Pilgrims' yield.

Compere3: - V - is for the vision of a land of liberty.

Compere2: - I - is for the immigrants who made the dream reality.

Compere3: - N - is for all natural wonders ~ Sky and birds and flowers.

Слайд 34.

Compere2: G - is gratitude for all the bounty that is ours. Come ye thankful people Music.

Переход на презентацию 2.

Слайд 1.

Compere 1: But there are some problems with this Day. Not all the people are glad and happy. They do quite different things on this Day. Meet the representative of pilgrims – We don’t know exactly her(his) name Let it be George (Penny), and the chief Quick Eye. Who is right? Let’s listen to them.

Слайд 2.

Pilgrim: On Thanksgiving Day Americans gather at their families and celebrate this holiday.

Native American: On Thanksgiving Day, many Native Americans gather at the top of Coles Hill, at Plymouth Rock, for the "National Day of Mourning."

Слайд 3.

Pilgrim: The first officially designated day of Thanksgiving was in 1631 in Massachusetts. Thanks God.

Native American:The first National Day of Mourning was held in 1970. Thanks Ancestors.

Слайд 4.

Pilgrim: In 1789 President George Washington appointed the last Thursday in November as a national Thanksgiving Day. It is much more older than Native Americans began to oppose us.

Native American: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts invited Wampanoag leader Frank James. It was a powerful statement of anger at the history of tyranny of the Native people of America. Only the XXth century brought us our voice again.

Слайд 5.

Pilgrim: On this Day we unite. We are glad to have a good harvest festival.

Native American: We have got another view. We have suffered the theft of our lands and the destruction of our traditional way of life.

Слайд 6.

Compare 1: History is not a set of "truths" to be memorized, history is an ongoing process of interpretation and learning. The true richness and depth of history come from multiplicity and complexity, from debate and disagreement and dialogue. There is a place for more than one history; there is a place for many voices. (Music – Holiday_)

Teacher: Were you attentive? Have you got a good memory? Can you answer some very easy questions. They are rather simple Look at the screen

1. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

1) for Food;
2) for New home;
3) for Freedom;
4) for travelling.

2. What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving Feast?

1) 1619;
2) 1620;
3) 1621;
4) 1935.

3. What food was probably NOT on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu?

1) Biscuits;
2) Corn;
3) Fish;
4) Dried Fruit.

4. In 1676, a Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed to take place during what month?

1) May;
2) June;
3) October;
4) November.

5. Which president established the date of Thanksgiving as a national celebration?

1) Jefferson;
2) Adams;
3) Lincoln;
4) Wilson.

Music - A shower of blessing.

Compare 4: What's the best part of Thanksgiving? The great Thanksgiving dinner, of course.  Make this year extra special with a delicious turkey recipes. You and your guests are sure to enjoy these savory recipes.

Benjamin Franklin

"I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country: he is a Bird of bad moral character: like those among Men who live by Sharping and Robbing, he is generally poor and very often lousy. The Turkey is a much more respectable Bird and withal a true original Native of North America"

Prepare a thanksgiving pie. It is made of apples.

Compere 4: Thanksgiving Entertaining.  Is it your turn to host the family Thanksgiving dinner? Want to throw a warm Thanksgiving party for friends? Whatever your plans, try our great ideas, recipes, and tips to make sure your event is a success.  Decorate your table with apple candles. Your guests will be very glad.

And another decoration is pumpkin candle. It is very exciting. Mabe these sunflowers will be more interesting. Arrange them on your table and have fun.

Decorate your house with such an interesting wreath of branches.

Don’t forget to send a postcard to members of you family, friends.

Wish them … One of the joys of thanksgiving is whishing you a happy Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Music Turkey.

Compare 1: Don’t forget about some Thanksgiving jokes. We will present you some of them. And if you find some more, you can tell us later. So listen and watch.

1 "What Are you thankful for on Thanksgiving,"
2 "I am thankful that I'm not a turkey."

3 What key has legs and can't open doors?
4 A Turkey.

1 Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers?
2 To clean his wigwam

3 If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
4 Pilgrims!