What is Easter?

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Цель урока: систематизировать знания о традициях празднования Пасхи в Великобритании.



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Ход урока

1. Оргмомент

Good morning! Today we’ll speak about the main Christian festivals of the year, Easter.What is Easter? Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. But Easter means much more…

2. Презентация проекта “ Holy Week in Great Britain”

What is the Easter story? Easter is the story of Jesus' last days in Jerusalem before his death. It is a sad story because Jesus was killed. But the story has a very happy ending, because Jesus came back to life and visited his friends and followers once more. He did not die at all, but went back up to Heaven to be with God, his father.

What is Holy week? Holy Week is the week before Easter, commemorating events in the last days of Jesus' life on Earth. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Monday. Special Days in Holy Week:

  • Palm Sunday
  • Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)
  • Good Friday (Holy Friday)
  • Holy Saturday

The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday. It celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. Great crowds of people lined the streets waving palm branches to welcome him. The people were very excited. They shouted 'Hosanna!' which means 'Save us Now!'

On Palm Sunday, children are given crosses made from single palm leaves. Traditionally, many churches will have a procession in or around the church while people sing songs of praise and wave palm leaves. This is to help them imagine what Jesus' entry into Jerusalem might have been like.

Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday).On this day, Christians remember the Last Supper. During the meal Jesus took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples. Christians continue to share bread and wine as part of their worship in church. Jesus Christ, at the Last Supper, commanded: 'And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.' John 13:34. The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.

What is Good Friday? On Good Friday, Christians remember the day when Jesus was crucified on a cross. Jesus was arrested and was tried in a mock trial. He was handed over to the Roman soldiers to be beaten and flogged with whips. A crown of long, sharp thorns was thrust upon his head. Jesus was nailed to the cross. Two other criminals were crucified with him, their crosses.

Good Friday today is a public holiday in much of the UK. This day is special for all of Chrisitians.

Fasting: Some Christians fast (go without food) on Good Friday.

Procession: Some Christians take part in a procession of witness, carrying a cross through the streets and then into church.

Special Church Service: Many churches hold a special service. This may be a communion service in the evening or a time of prayer during the day, especially around 3 o'clock as that is about the time of day when Jesus died. Churches are not decorated on Good Friday. In some churches, pictures and statues are covered over. It is seen as a time of mourning.

Traditional Food: It is traditional to eat warm 'hot cross buns' on Good Friday. Hot Cross Buns with their combination of spicy, sweet and fruity flavours have long been an Easter tradition.

What is Holy Saturday? It is the Saturday before Easter, the last day of Lent and is the day when Christ's body lay in His Tomb. In the early church Holy Saturday was a day of fasting and preparation for the Easter Vigil.

3. Answer the questions:

  • What are the special days of Holy Week?
  • What does Palm Sunday celebrate?
  • What are Palm Sunday traditions?
  •  What do Christians remember on Holy Thursday?
  • Why is Good Friday a special day for Christians?
  • What time do many churches hold a special service on Good Friday? Why?
  • What is the last day of Lent?

4. Decide if these statement true or false.

  • Holy week is a week after Easter (False)
  • Holy Week ends on Easter Sunday (False)
  • Many churches have a procession in and around the church on Palm Sunday (True)
  • Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the night of Maundy Thursday. (True)
  • Churches are decorated on Good Friday (False)
  • It is traditional to eat warm “hot cross buns” on Good Friday (True)

5. Fill in the gaps using the following words: young, special, custom, back, celebrate, the, major, down, symbol, loser, dress, getting, performed, hold, people.

Easter Sunday is not just a holiday but also a ___________ day that is celebrated to honor the Jesus' return to life. It's a day to __________ the victory of life over death and light over darkness.

In the UK Easter is one of the _________ Christian festivals of the year. It is full of customs and traditions.

 Easter eggs are a very old tradition going to a time before Christianity. Eggs after all are a __________ of spring and new life.

 Exchanging and eating Easter eggs is a popular ____________ in many countries.

A traditional game is one in which eggs are rolled against one another or _______ a hill.

 There is _____ another game is played. You ________ an egg in the palm of the hand and bang against your opponent's egg. The ________ is the one whose egg breaks first.

British ________ to eat yummy hams, in order to commemorate the Easter Sunday.

Morris dancing is a traditional English form of folk dance which is also _____________ in other English-speaking countries such as the USA and Australia. The roots of Morris dancing seem to be very old, probably dating ________ to the Middle Ages.

In the dance men _________ up in costumes with hats and ribbons and bells around their ankles. They dance through the streets and one man often carries an inflated pig’s bladder on the end of a stick. He will run up to _________women in the street and hit them over the head with the pigs bladder, this is supposed to be lucky.

Easter was once a traditional day for _________ married, that may be why people often dress up for Easter. Women would make and _________ special Easter bonnets - decorated with flowers and ribbons. (Special, celebrate, major, symbol, custom, down, the, hold, loser, people, performed, back, dress, young, getting)

6. Подведение итогов урока

Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of coming to life of Jesus Christ. For Christians, the dawn of Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the high point of the Christian year.