Открытый урок английского языка в 5-м классе по теме "Животный мир" по учебнику "Cambridge English for schools in Russia"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Активизация введенной лексики.
  • Повторение и закрепление в речи речевых образцов «It can… It can’t… Can it…?»
  • Развитие навыков аудирования и диалогической речи.
  • Тренировка навыков монологической речи.
  • Активизация навыков чтения.

Оборудование: Географическая карта мира; карточки с изображением различных животных; доска; магнитофон; аудио кассета; игрушки животных.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children!

- Are you all ready for your English lesson?

- Today we are going to talk about animals, where do they live, what can they do and what can’t they do.

II. Речевая разминка

Look at the map.

  • What continents do you know? (Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North and South America)
  • What animals do you remember?
  • Please, tell me what are they? (Pictures of animals)
  • Does anybody know who lives in Africa? (Zebras, elephants, lions, camels, monkeys, hippos, giraffes, crocodiles and so on)
  • What animals live in Asia? (Bears, deers, pandas, wolves, camels, monkeys)
  • What animals live in Europe? (Deers, horses, hares, foxes, wolves)
  • What animals live in Antarctica? (Penguins, polar bears, polar foxes, birds)
  • Who lives in Australia? (Kangaroos, emu, koalas, crocodiles, dingo)
  • Who lives in North America? (Foxes, bears, hares, deers, wolves, lynxes)
  • Who lives in South America? (Foxes, bears, parrots, pelicans)
  • Well done! You know Geography and Biology very well.

III. Актуализация изученных моделей предложений.

Correct my sentences, if they are wrong.

  • Lions are from Asia.
  • Giraffes are from Europe.
  • Elephants are from India.
  • Koalas are from Antarctica.
  • Zebras are from Africa.

- Great!

- Let’s remember some verbs.

- What the English for:

Бегать, прыгать, плавать, летать, ходить, лазить.

- What the English for:

Могу, умею, не могу, не умею.

- Let’s say what things can animals do?

- What can penguins do?

- What can toucan do?

- What can kangaroo do?

- What can tiger do?

- What can bear do?

IV. Тренировка речевого образца «Can it…? » в устной речи.

- Answer the questions and give me short answers.

- Can penguins swim?

- Can giraffes run?

- Can bears swim?

- Can a toucan climb?

- Can a tiger run?

- Can a kangaroo fly?

V. Тренировка навыков неподготовленной диалогической речи.

- Make your questions about animals. (dialogues)

- Work in pairs, ask and answer your questions.

- Well done!

VI. Развитие навыков письменной речи.

- Look at the blackboard.

- I have an exercise for you (can/ can’t)

- Circle the odd word out.

E.g. rabbits tortoises frog

Rabbits and frogs can jump, but tortoises can’t.

  1. birds parrots dogs
  2. fish giraffes penguins
  3. crocodiles horses zebras
  4. bears monkeys deers


  1. Birds and parrots can fly, but dogs can’t.
  2. Fish and penguins can swim, but giraffes can’t.
  3. Horses and zebras can run, but crocodiles can’t.
  4. Bears and monkeys can climb, but deers can’t.

VII. Тренировка навыков чтения.

Pupils read about the monkeys and spot the mistakes and then correct them.

Monkeys can walk. They can sing. They can’t play tennis. They can eat bananas. They can’t drink water. They can fly. They can’t climb. They can read. They can’t write. They can’t cook. They can drive. They can run. They can’t jump. They are big animals. They’ve got five legs. They are blue. They’ve got three eyes.

VIII. Актуализация навыков грамматики (модальный глагол can).

Write what these animals can or can’t do. (Birds, Cats, Fish, Frogs)


Birds can fly. They can’t swim. Birds can sing. They can’t read.

Cats can run. They can’t fly. Cats can climb. They can’t write.

Fish can swim. They can’t walk. Fish can eat. They can’t speak.

Frogs can swim. They can’t fly. Frogs can jump. They can’t run.

IX. Тренировка навыков аудирования и вопросно-ответной работы по тексту.

- Сhildren, I want you to listen to this text on the cassette and then you will answer my questions.

Учащиеся прослушивают запись текста на аудиокассете.


Kangaroos can jump 9 metres. They can jump very fast – 30 kilometres per hour. Baby kangaroos are very small – only 3 centimetres long. They can’t jump and they can’t see. They can see when they are 9 weeks old. They can jump when they are 8 months old. They can’t run and they can’t walk. Kangaroos live in Australia.

- Now let’s check what have you learnt about kangaroos?

  1. Can they jump?
  2. Are baby kangaroos very small?
  3. Can baby kangaroos jump and see?
  4. Can they run and walk?
  5. Where do kangaroos live?

X. Тренировка орфографического навыка.

- Now, children, come to the blackboard and do a gap fill exercise.

  1. Kangaroos can …… very fast. (run)
  2. Baby kangaroos can’t …… and they can’t ….. . (jump, see)
  3. They can’t …… and they can’t…… . (run, walk)
  4. Kangaroos live…… . ( Australia)

- Pupils, at home you’ve written some sentences about tigers.

- What have you learnt about them?

- Answer my questions:

  1. Can tigers jump?
  2. Can tigers climb?
  3. Can baby tigers see?
  4. Where are tigers from? 

XI. Формирование навыков составления схемы Венн. (Сравнительная характеристика)

- Now, children, let’s compare kangaroos and tigers.

- Is there anything in common between them?


XII. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

- Children, what do you know about other animals?

- What can they do?

- What can’t they do?

- Where do they live?

- What do they eat?

Some pupils tell the class about penguins, elephants, giraffes, leopards and bears.

Penguins are birds, but they can’t fly.
They are good swimmers.
Penguins live in Antarctica.
They eat fish. They can’t run, but they can walk.

Elephants live in India and Africa.
They are big and grey. Elephants can swim.
They eat grass and fruit.

Giraffes are tall and very strong.
They eat leaves and fruit.
Giraffes have very beautiful eyes.
Giraffes can live for a month without water.
They live in Africa.

Bears are big. They live in the forest.
Bears eat fruit and honey.
They sleep in winter.

Leopards live in Africa and Asia.
They can climb trees very well.
They are strong. Leopards can be two meters long.
They eat monkeys, antelopes, wild pigs, rats and snakes.

- Thank you very much.

- It was very interesting.

- You’ve worked hard, let’s have a rest.

- I’ve got some riddles for you.

- Listen and guess what animal is it?


  • It is a long, green animal. It swims very well, but it can walk very well too. It eats animals. What is it? ( a crocodile)
  • It has got long ears. It has got a small tail. It can run well. It likes salad. What is it? (a rabbit)
  • It is a brown animal. It’s got two arms and two legs. It lives in trees. It runs and jumps very well. What is it? (a monkey)
  • It’s very tall animal. It’s got long legs and it eats leaves. It’s yellow and black. What is it? (a giraffe)
  • It is a big cat. It’s brown. It can climb trees and it eats meat. What is it? (a tiger)
  • It is a bird. It can swim but it can’t fly or climb trees. What is it? (a penguin)

XIII. Подведение итогов урока.

- That’s all we have time for. Thank you for your work.

- You’ve all done that quite well. Now I want you to write down your homework.

- Get your things together.

- Have a nice day! See you tomorrow! Good bye, children!