Сценарий спектакля по теме "One day of the king's life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа, Внеклассная работа

Для учеников начальной школы.

Продолжительность 10-15 минут

Действующие лица:

1,2,3,4 ведущие

1,2 охрана




1 Hello boys! Hello girls! Hello everyone!

2 We are students of a Moscow school № 843

3 We invite you to a magic castle

4 Enjoy the king's life


1, 2 It is a nice day. It's a nice day.

1 I'm here

2 I'm here

1 You are here

2 You are here

1, 2 It is a nice day. It's a nice day.


1 It is early in the morning! And the king is still in his bed.

2 His mother comes into the room


1, 2 It is a nice day. It's a nice day.

1 He is here.

2 He is here.

1 She is here.

2 She is here.

1, 2 It is a nice day. It's a nice day.

Королева (песня)

Get up! Get up! It's six o'clock.
Six o'clock, six o'clock.
Get up! Get up! It's six o'clock.
Six o'clock, in the morning.


But mum I'm tired

Королева (песня)

Get up! Get up! It's six o'clock.
Six o'clock, six o'clock.
Get up! Get up! It's six o'clock.
Six o'clock, in the morning.


O key
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips sit down
Bend right, bend left.

Hop, hop, hop, and stop.

Королева How are you my dear?

Король I'm thirsty

Королева Have some milk

Король Yum, yummy. Can I have some more?

Королева That's all. There is no more

Король No more?

Королева No more

Король I'm thirsty

Королева Have some juice

Король Yum, yummy. Can I have some more?

Королева That's all. There is no more

Король No more

Королева No more

Король I'm hungry

Королева Have some pizza


It was early in the morning
And the king jumped out of bed
He marched to the kitchen
And this is what he said

Все Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!

I want cheese I want tomatoes
I want peppers can't you see?
I want chicken, lots of chicken
That's the pizza for me

Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!

I want peas I want potatoes
I want beans can't you see?
I want carrots, lot's of carrots
That's the pizza for me

Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!

Король I want peas I want potatoes
I want beans can't you see?
I want carrots, lot's of carrots
That's the pizza for me

Все Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!

Король I want grapes I want bananas
I want apples can't you see?
I want strawberries, lot's of strawberries
That's the pizza for me

Все Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!

Ведущие They baked the king his pizza
He laughed happily
He hopped and skipped and shouted

Король That's the pizza for me

Все Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!
Ведущие It was afternoon. And the pizza was ready.

Повара We help our queen to lay the table
With a fork, a knife, a spoon
We help our queen to lay the table
Every afternoon

Король Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza Mmm delicious!!!

Ведущие It was late in the evening
And the king jumped into bed
He patted his tummy
And this is what he said

Все Pizza for the king! Pizza for the king!
Can you make it? Can you bake it?
Pizza for the king!

Король Oh I have terrible stomachache!!!

Все Poor king! Take some medicines


Король Oh I’m fine now!!!

Boys and girls 123
Boys and girls jump with me
Jump, jump, jump like me
Boys and girls 123

Boys and girls 123
Boys and girls dance with me
Dance, dance, dance like me
Boys and girls 123

Boys and girls 123
Boys and girls clap with me
Clap, clap, clap like me
Boys and girls 123

12 That was the end of one king’s day

Король Dear boys and girls just remember!!!
Drink with measure, Eat with pleasure!!!


См. презентацию.