Олимпийский мост между Древней Грецией и Сочи-2014

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задача урока:

  • познакомить учащихся с некоторыми фактами из истории Олимпийских игр, а также с местом проведения Олимпиады 2014;
  • подчеркнуть высокий уровень подготовки, применение новейших технологий, создание «безбарьерной среды» для людей с ограниченными способностями.

Развивающая цель: развивать навыки и умения устной монологической и диалогической речи, понимания на слух, чтения.

Учащиеся делятся на две группы, одна из которых получает задание найти материал и рассказать о первых Олимпийских играх, другая группа – «корреспонденты», отправленные в Сочи на олимпийскую стройку и ведущие оттуда свой репортаж.

Ход урока


Teacher. Do you know that sport and games were variants of some practical activities adapted for recreation? Competitions made sport more attractive and it became a mass phenomena. One of the most vivid examples of sports popularity is the Olympic movement. Some students had to find out about the history of it.

1. Аудирование учащимися сообщений об истории Олимпийских Игр.

Student 1. Long ago the ancient Greeks often waged wars. The ruler of a small state Elis wanted to live in a peace with all his neighbours. He was a good diplomat and Elis was recognized as a neutral state. To celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games. After that the games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis. All wars were stopped during the games.

Student 2. Usually The Olympic Games began before the middle of summer. The best athletes arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete. All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing well for the Games in gymnasiums, and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. The Olympic Games were accompanied by art festivals.

Student 3. Only men could take part in Olympic Games. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the penalty of death.

There was a single exception, when a woman coached her son and accompanied him to the stadium in men’s clothes. That brave woman was spared the penalty because her son excelled in many events. But from that time all athletes and their coaches had to compete without any clothes.

Student 4. The Olympic Games were held for about eleven hundred years, until the imperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons.

The revival of the Games began in 1892, when a young French teacher, Pierre de Coubertin, made a public speech before the Union of French sports clubs in Paris, and they made an important decision: to revive the Olympic movement.

Student 5. The first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens, Greece. The first Games saw competitions in nine kinds of summer sports. Winter sports made their Olympic debut in 1908, when ice figure – skating was included in the Olympic programme among summer sports.

At first only men took part in the Games. Later rules were changed many times. Women and girls were allowed to participate in the competition, many new sports and games were added to the Olympic programme.

2. Проверка понимания прослушанных сообщений.

Answer the questions.

  • Where were the first ancient Games organized?
  • When did the ancient Games begin?
  • Who could take part in the Olympic competitions?
  • What accompanied ancient Olympic Games?
  • Whose efforts helped to revive the Olympic movement?
  • When and where were the first Olympics of modern times held?

Teacher. I think it was very interesting to learn something about the history of the Olympic Games. But for us it’s more interesting to know about Sochi 2014 because they will take place in our region. Our "correspondents" are in Sochi now. They watch the preparing for the Games. Yesterday I received an interesting article from them. Here it is.

3. Чтение «статьи» о подготовке города Сочи к Играм 2014.

Ученики получают распечатанный или спроецированный на интерактивную доску текст, а также слова и выражения для снятия трудностей.

  • Test events – тестовые соревнования.
  • Trial competitions – тестовые соревнования.
  • The Olympic facilities – олимпийские объекты.
  • The most comfortable conditions – максимально удобные условия.
  • new modern transport interchanges – современная транспортная развязка.
  • A single electronic identification card – единая идентификационная карта.
  • Meet international environmental standarts – соответствовать международным экологическим стандартам.
  • Impediment – free environment – безбарьерная среда.
  • Easy access to sports facilities – хорошая доступность спортивных сооружений.
  • People with disabilities – люди с ограниченными возможностями.
  • Disabled people – люди с ограниченными возможностями.
  • IOC – МОК (Международный Олимпийский Комитет).
  • The Olympic nursery – Олимпийский питомник.

Games of the future.

Sochi is a national major construction project. The city is changing rapidly. Modern ice arenas, media centre, hotels, Olympic Village are almost ready to receive sportsmen, pressmen and visitors in February 2014.

In general, it is hard to invent anything new in the Olympic world. The IOC accumulates the best practices of all previous games. But there are several new things about the preparations for the Sochi Olympics that have been recognized as innovative.

Two thirds of Olympic investments are going into Sochi’s transport system. It will combine road, rail, sea ports, and air ports. The new interchange, the Krasnodar Ring is a unique project for the city and the country. It consists of a three – level tunnel, 7 viaducts and bridges and it is about two kilometers long.

The Sochi Games will, for the first time, use a single electronic identification card not only as a pass to attend sports events but also to gain access to information of a Games guest, pay for transport and other services.

One of the main IOC requirements on the preparations for the Sochi Olympic Games is that the sports facilities meet international environmental standarts.

Plants from every corner of the world will take their roots soon near the Olympic park. Trees, bushes, flowers and lianas existing on the five continents grow on four hectares of the Olympic nursery. They are taken care of on a round – the – clock basis

For many years Russia had no impediment – free environment. Stairways, lifts and doors – all these were designed as if the country didn’t have people with disabilities. The situation is changing dramatically thanks to the Sochi Games. Russia has a unique opportunity to integrate people with disabilities into the life of society. Transport, roads, sports and social infrastructure will provide a model for an impediment-free environment for the whole country.

Paralympic sport, the Paralympic movement have more important goals: to change society’s attitude towards people with disabilities.

4. Проверка понимания прочитанного.

Complete the sentences:

There are several new things about the preparations for the Sochi Olympics...

The new interchange, the Krasnodar Ring is a unique project...

The Sochi Games will, for the first time, use a single electronic identification card not only as a pass...

One of the main IOC requirements on the preparations for the Sochi Olympic Games is...

For many years Russia had...

Transport, roads, sports and social infrastructure will provide...

5. Заключительный этап урока.

Teacher. Hosting the Winter Olympics is both an honour and a challenge. But one thing remains unchanged – the popularity of these international festivals of health, youth and beauty. Welcome to Sochi 2014!