Урок английского языка с ИКТ по теме "Sport in our life" для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цели урока:

  • Образовательные - развитие лексических навыков; развитие навыка монологической речи; совершенствование навыков аудирования незнакомого текста
  • Развивающие - развитие логического мышления; развитие объема памяти, развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания; формирование познавательного интереса к учению;.
  • Воспитательный аспект - формирование ответственного отношения к спорту;

Вид урока: урок проблемного характера с элементами исследования;

Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная

Методы и приемы: метод беседы; метод исследовательских заданий; метод монологического изложения.

Оборудование и наглядные пособия - аудиозапись, компьютерная презентация, экран, опорные карточки, работы учащихся, учебник.

План урока

1. Организационный момент

2. Беседа о спорте.

3. Работа по тексту “History of the Olympic Games”.

4. Домашнее задание. Защита мини-проектов.

5. Итоги


1. Организационный момент


Good morning, glad to see you! How are you? What is the date today? Who is absent today? You know that sport plays great role in our life. (Слайды 1,2, 3)

“All sports for all people” Pierre de Coubertin, a French nobleman ones said.

“Wealth is nothing without health” (a proverb)

Tell me, please, what role does sport play in your lives?

You are right. Today we are going to talk about the most popular kinds of sports, the history of the Olympic Games, we‘ll do some projects about Summer and Winter Olympic Games and at the and of the lesson we’ll sing our new song “We are the champions”. Let’s begin! First, we are going to repeat some new words. Look at the screen and repeat after me. (Слайды 4, 5, 6)

Good for you. Are you good at any sports and games? What sports and games do you prefer?

Now, I’ll give you these cards, listen to the text “Favourite Sports And Games” and choose the right item. Don’t forget to write down your names.

2. Основная часть

I’m sure, that you are great lovers of sport, but have you ever taken part in sports competitions? Did you win?

You know that there are Summer and Winter kinds of sport and games and they are played all over the world. What is an international sports festival called? Would you like to know more about the history of the Olympic Games? (Слайд 7)

1. You’ve read the text at home and I want you to divide this text into two logical parts and give them the title.

2. The next task is to find in the text words and word combinations which mean: (Слайды 8-9)

3. The next task is to finish the sentences. (Слайды 10-11)

4. Now, answer my questions. (Слайды 12 -13)

5. Let’s make up some dialogues. (Слайд 14)

Thanks a lot. And it’s high time to look through your projects about different Summer and Winter Olympic Games. When you finish we’ll do a short quiz. (Слайды 15 - 34)

3. Окончание урока. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Good for you! Your home task is to retell the text.

Tell me please, what was especially interesting for you at the lesson? What have you learnt today?

Now, I’d like you to sing our new song “We are the champions”!

The lesson is over! Good bye!


  1. О.В. Афанасьева И. В. Михеева “Английский язык” VII класс Москва “Просвещение” 2010
  2. Интернет-ресурсы