My favourite TV programme (Моя любимая программа)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: научиться выражать свое отношение к различным явлениям.


1. Лексические:

  • Освоить лексику по теме “ТВ программы”;
  • Освоить лексику – прилагательные;
  • Освоить реплики-клише по теме “Предложения”.

2. Грамматические:

  • Повторить The Present Simple Tense;
  • Повторить конструкцию безличного предложения.

3. Развить монологическую и диалогическую речь.

4. Развить умение аудировать.

5. Развить умение писать.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие. Greeting.

Hello! How are you? – We are fine, thanks!

2. Тема и цель урока.

Today our topic is attitude towards different things. Our main aim is to learn the way of expressing likes and dislikes. Today our active vocabulary is from topic “TV programmes”, “Food”, “Sports”, “Pastimes”. We use the Present Simple Tense.

3. Vocabulary “TV programmes”. Do you like watching TV? – Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Look at the pie-chart. Let’s explore the vocabulary.

Firstly, write down the words in the list.

музыкальное шоу  
спортивные передачи  
реалити шоу  
научная фантастика  

Secondly, let’s add some words: soap operas, quiz show, wild life programmes, cartoons.

программы о природе  

Thirdly, put a tickv against the words which are similar to Russian ones. Use coloured pencils. Then let’s divide them into two groups “Relax” and “Learning”. Make two spider nets.

Устная отработка: work in pairs, ask your classmate what programmes he or she likes.

Example: Do you like sitcoms? – Yes, I do.

Conclusion; Thank you! It’s not bad. But your dialogs are too simple. Do you agree?

4. Let’s make your dialogs more complicated. You need to remind adjectives. Ex. 3 p. 38.

Firstly we focus on the adjectives expressing positive attitude. They are: great, exciting, delicious, enjoyable, fantastic, fine, wonderful. Then we learn the negative adjectives: boring, awful, terrible, disgusting, dull, horrible.

Excite + ing =  
Fantasy + ic =  
Wonder + ful =  
Interest + ing =  
Hero + ic =  
Enjoy + able =  
Bore + ing =  
Horror + ible =  

So, let’s make a conclusion. What affixes are productive? - ing, -ful, -ible, -able, -ic.

Secondly, let’s write what and why you like as that is in the example. So, this is way you express your attitude.

Thirdly, let’s work in pairs. It’s do ex. 4 p. 38. Ask questions about preferences in food, sports and pastime and answer them. Use a model from the exercise.

What will be your plan? –

  1. Question
  2. Answer: statement + attitude. Question: What about you?
  3. Answer: statement + attitude.

5. Аудирование. Audio practice “Making suggestions”. Look at the ex. 5, read sentences and translate them. Match the remarks. Now let’s listen and check.

6. Conclusion.

Questions to students:

Do you like the lesson? What have you learnt?

So today we’ve learnt a lot of words especially adjectives. We practiced speaking, writing and listening.

7. Now write down your home task: W.B. № 1,2 р.24.

Thank you! Good bye!