Контрольная работа по английскому языку (I четверть). 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

1 четверть. 1 вариант

Задание №1. Послушай и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение 1. Приложение 2.

1. Paul entered a poetry competition two years ago.

2. He wrote a poem about winter.

3. There were three prizes.

4. The first prize was a computer.

5. The second prize was a football.

6. Paul got the second prize. (6 points)

Задание №2. Прочитай текст “Roald Dahl” и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение 3.

1. Roald Dahl was born in Norway.

2. He was named after his father.

3. Both children and adults read Dahl’s books.

4. He likes sports.

5. There are translations of his books in almost 50 languages. (5 points)

Задание №3. Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения.

1. You (laugh / are laughing)! Why? It’s not funny!

2. My Brownie never (does / is doing) it. He is afraid of ladders.

3. Maxim (watches / is watching) the news programme every day.

4. Look! A dog (climbs / is climbing) the ladder!

5. Come in, please! Sit down! We (watch / are watching) a funny comedy. (5 points)

Задание №4. Заполни пропуски глаголом to be going to, не забудь изменить форму глагола to be.

1. We’ ... win the first prize.

2. Kate ... enter a photo competition.

3. The magazine ... be in English.

4. Sam ... think of a new story.

5. You’ ... be the star of my film.

6. Vera and Maxim ... make a school magazine.

7. Kate ... visit the film studio.

8. I’... make a film about my school. (8 points)

Задание №5. Заполни пропуски словами. Внимание, одно слово лишнее. Travel, national, adventures, life, explore, arrive, sailing.

Roald Amundsen was a famous ... . His mother wanted him to become a doctor, but he liked sea ... . Amundsen was the first to ... to both the North and the South Pole. He was a ... hero in Norway. There are many books and films about his ... . (5 points)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса. УМК “Forward”.

1 четверть. 2 вариант

Задание №1. Послушай и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение 1. Приложение 2.

1. Paul entered a poetry competition two years ago.

2. He wrote a poem about winter.

3. There were three prizes.

4. The first prize was a computer.

5. The second prize was a football.

6. Paul got the second prize. (6 points)

Задание №2. Прочитай текст “Roald Dahl” и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение 3.

1. Roald Dahl was born in Britain.

2. He was named after the explorer Amundsen.

3. Both children and adults read Dahl’s books.

4. He didn’t like sports.

5. There are translations of his books in almost 13 languages. (5 points)

Задание №3. Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения.

1. My Brownie never (does / is doing) it. He is afraid of ladders.

2. Look! A dog (climbs / is climbing) the ladder!

3. Come in, please! Sit down! We (watch / are watching) a funny comedy.

4. You (laugh / are laughing)! Why? It’s not funny!

5. Maxim (watches / is watching) the news programme every day. (5 points)

Задание №4. Заполни пропуски глаголом to be going to, не забудь изменить форму глагола to be.

1. The magazine ... be in English.

2. I’... make a film about my school.

3. Sam ... think of a new story.

4. We’ ... win the first prize.

5. You’ ... be the star of my film.

6. Kate ... visit the film studio.

7. Vera and Maxim ... make a school magazine.

8. Kate ... enter a photo competition. (8 points)

Задание №5. Заполни пропуски словами. Внимание, одно слово лишнее. Travel, national, adventures, life, explore, arrive, sailing.

Roald Amundsen was a famous ... . His mother wanted him to become a doctor, but he liked sea ... . Amundsen was the first to ... to both the North and the South Pole. He was a ... hero in Norway. There are many books and films about his ... . (5 points)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса. УМК “Forward”.

1 четверть. 3 вариант

Задание №1. Послушай и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение 1. Приложение 2.

1. Paul entered a poetry competition two years ago.

2. He wrote a poem about winter.

3. There were three prizes.

4. The first prize was a computer.

5. The second prize was a football.

6. Paul got the second prize. (6 points)

Задание №2. Прочитай текст “Roald Dahl” и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение3.

1. Roald Dahl is a famous Norwegian writer.

2. He was born in 1916.

3. During the World War Roald Dahl was a doctor.

4. His hobby was photography.

5. There are translations of his books in almost 50 languages. (5 points)

Задание №3. Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения.

1. Look! A dog (climbs / is climbing) the ladder!

2. Come in, please! Sit down! We (watch / are watching) a funny comedy.

3. My Brownie never (does / is doing) it. He is afraid of ladders.

4. Maxim (watches / is watching) the news programme every day.

5. You (laugh / are laughing)! Why? It’s not funny! (5 points)

Задание №4. Заполни пропуски глаголом to be going to, не забудь изменить форму глагола to be.

1. Kate ... enter a photo competition.

2. Sam ... think of a new story.

3. I’... make a film about my school.

4. The magazine ... be in English.

5. Vera and Maxim ... make a school magazine.

6. Kate ... visit the film studio.

7. We’ ... win the first prize.

8. You’ ... be the star of my film. (8 points)

Задание №5. Заполни пропуски словами. Внимание, одно слово лишнее. Travel, national, adventures, life, explore, arrive, sailing.

Roald Amundsen was a famous ... . His mother wanted him to become a doctor, but he liked sea ... . Amundsen was the first to ... to both the North and the South Pole. He was a ... hero in Norway. There are many books and films about his ... . (5 points)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса. УМК “Forward”.

1 четверть. 4 вариант

Задание №1. Послушай и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение 1. Приложение 2.

1. Paul entered a poetry competition two years ago.

2. He wrote a poem about winter.

3. There were three prizes.

4. The first prize was a computer.

5. The second prize was a football.

6. Paul got the second prize. (6 points)

Задание №2. Прочитай текст “Roald Dahl” и скажи верно, или неверно. Приложение3.

1. Roald Dahl is a famous British writer.

2. He was born in 1619 in Britain.

3. He wrote books only for children.

4. His birthday was on 13 November.

5. He played football and rugby. (5 points)

Задание №3. Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения.

1. Come in, please! Sit down! We (watch / are watching) a funny comedy.

2. Maxim (watches / is watching) the news programme every day.

3. You (laugh / are laughing)! Why? It’s not funny!

4. My Brownie never (does / is doing) it. He is afraid of ladders.

5. Look! A dog (climbs / is climbing) the ladder! (5 points)

Задание №4. Заполни пропуски глаголом to be going to, не забудь изменить форму глагола to be.

1. Sam ... think of a new story.

2. The magazine ... be in English.

3. You’ ... be the star of my film.

4. Vera and Maxim ... make a school magazine.

5. We’ ... win the first prize.

6. Kate ... enter a photo competition.

7. Kate ... visit the film studio.

8. I’... make a film about my school. . (8 points)

Задание №5. Заполни пропуски словами. Внимание, одно слово лишнее. Travel, national, adventures, life, explore, arrive, sailing.

Roald Amundsen was a famous ... . His mother wanted him to become a doctor, but he liked sea ... . Amundsen was the first to ... to both the North and the South Pole. He was a ... hero in Norway. There are many books and films about his ... . (5 points)

Пояснительная записка к контрольной работе для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса, обучающихся по УМК “Forward”, издательство “Вентана-Граф”, автор М. В. Вербицкая.

Данная контрольная работа предлагается учащимся 5-х классов, обучающихся по учебнику “Forward” (автор М. В. Вербицкая). Задания контрольной работы составлены по материалам четырёх изученных разделов: раздел 1 по теме “Давайте делать журнал” (Unit 1 – “Let’s make a magazine.”), раздел 2 по теме “Творческий конкурс” (Unit 2 – “The competition.”), раздел 3 по теме “На киностудии” (Unit 3 – “At the film studio.”) и раздел 4 по теме “На нефтяной вышке” (Unit 4 – “On the oil rig.”). Контрольная работа составлена в 4 вариантах и включает в себя по 5 заданий.

Задание №1. – Послушай и скажи верно, или неверно. С помощью этого задание у учащихся проверяется сформированность умений и навыков аудирования.

Задание №2. - Прочитай текст “Roald Dahl” и скажи верно, или неверно. С помощью этого задания проверяются умения и навыки поискового чтения.

Задание №3. - Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения. С помощью этого задания проверяются знания грамматического материала по теме “Образование глагольных форм в Present Simple и Present Continuous” и сформированность умений и навыков распознавать и употреблять их на практике в предложениях.

Задание №4. - Заполни пропуски глаголом to be going to, не забудь изменить форму глагола to be. Задание проверяет сформированность умений и навыков применять конструкцию to be going to и спрягать глагол to be в Present Simple.

Задание №5. - Заполни пропуски словами. Внимание, одно слово лишнее. С помощью этого задания проверяется знание лексического материала по изученным разделам 1 четверти.

Инструкция по проверке контрольной работы.

За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. В каждом задании указывается максимальное количество баллов, которые может получить учащийся. Максимальное количество баллов – 29 при наличии всех правильных ответов. При наличии ошибок в контрольной работе у учащихся предлагается следующая шкала оценивания:

  • 90% - 26 points - 29 points - “5”
  • 75% - 21 points – 25 points - “4”
  • 50% - 15 points – 20 points - “3”
  • 14 points и меньше – “2”

Ключи к заданиям прилагаются. Приложение 4. Приложение 5.

Инструктаж для учащихся по выполнению данной контрольной работы.

  1. Задания не нужно переписывать.
  2. Ответы к заданиям оформляются в виде теста.
  3. Ответы записываются разборчиво и чётко, исправления не допускаются.

Внимание! Не забудьте перед началом работы указать Ваше имя, фамилию и класс.

Желаем успеха!!!