Образовательные технологиии: урок с применением ИКТ "Страны и континенты"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

УМК V, И.Н.Верещагина, О.В Афанасьева (М.: Просвещение, 2006)

Цели: активизация лексического материала по теме «Страны и континенты»


  • Воспитательная:
  • развитие культурного уровня учащихся, развитие интереса к изучению английского языка
  • Учебная:
  • развитие речевых умений говорения, совершенствование навыков чтения и навыков работы с текстом, развитие интеллектуальных способностей
  • Коммуникативная: совершенствование навыков индивидуальной, парной и групповой работы

Оборудование: картинки (флаги разных стран и континентов), фотографии детей разных стран и континентов, карточки для проведения игры «Stairs of Fame», мультимедийная установка


1. Оргмомент

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!

Pupils: We are glad to see you too!

Teacher: Today we have a round-up lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Countries and Continents”

2. Введение в коммуникацию

Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: Say after me. All together, please.

Europe                                                Germany
Asia                                                    Vietnam
Australia                                              China
Antarctic                                             Iceland
The Vatican                                        Egypt
France                                                Italy

Teacher: P1, say it correctly

3. Речевая разминка (тренировка выражения «used to»)

Teacher: Transform my sentences using “USED TO”

  1. She wrote about animals=She used to write about animals.
  2. I rode a bike when I was a child=
  3. My father swam in the river in summer=

4. Совершенствование навыков чтения

Teacher: Read the text “Continents and Countries” to get some new information about the world around us (ex.19 p.88-89) P1 – P2 – P3

Teacher: Now you have learnt some facts about Geography. Could you answer the questions?

1. What is the name of the planet we live on?
2. What will you be able to see if you look at the Earth from the space?
3. How mane oceans are there on our planet?
4. How many continents are there? What are they?
5. What separates the continents from each other?
6. There are many countries on each continent, aren’t there?
7. What is the largest country in the world?

Teacher: The next task is: finish the sentences.

1. The planet we live on is the____________.
2. The Earth is _____________________.
3. There are ______ oceans and ______ continents.
4. The continents are_________________.
5. America consists of _______________.
6. Oceans and seas _____ separate them from each other.
7. There are more than _______ countries in Africa, but there is only _____ country in Australia.
8. ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___ are in Europe.
9. ___   ___   ___ are in Asia.
10. ___ and ___ are in America.
11. ___ is in Africa.
12. The largest country in the world is ____.
13. The smallest country is ______.
14. People of different ______ live in these countries.
15. Each country has its ______ flag.

Agree or disagree (Yes/ No)

1. Australia is an island.
2. The smallest country in the world is Ireland.
3. Oceans and seas separate continents from each other.
4. There are four continents in the world.
5. Great Britain is a big island, which is situated to the north-west of Europe.
6. Each country has its own flag, anthem and its own customs.

Make up the sentences of the given words.

1. the, live, we, on, planet, is, Earth, the
2. are, large, continents, the.
3. Australia, there, one, is, only, in, country.
4. Vietnam, are, in, and, Asia, India.
5. Egypt, African, country, an, is.
6. the, the world, country, in, largest, Russia, is.

5. Формирование навыков говорения по теме

Teacher: Now let’s work with the Reference Material and speak about capitals.

Teacher: Now let’s speak about nationalities and languages/

Teacher: Let’s copy the table and fill it in (ex.26 p.94)
Teacher: Could you, please name the colours of the national flags?

Teacher: Name 3 countries in Europe, 2 countries in Asia, 2 countries in America. What are their capitals? What are their national languages? Name the colours of their national flags.

Индивидуальная работа:

Ex.27 p.94 – P1
Ex.28 p.94 – P2

Teacher: Tell me about the flags.
Look at the pictures. Name countries; say what language people speak in these countries and what nationalities they are.

* It is the national flag of ______.
*_______ live in __________.
* They speak ____________.



My hands upon my head I place
On my shoulders, on my face
Then I put them in front of me
And gently clap 1, 2, 3.

6. Активизация лексического материала по теме

Teacher: Could you give me the name of the continent which is the same as the name of the country situated on it? What language do people speak there?
What is its capital? Describe its national flag.
What languages do people who live in Canada speak? What is the capital of Canada? What are the colours of the Canadian national flag?
Imagine that you are at the International Conference. Say what your name (nationality) is, where you are from and what language you speak.

* My name is Van Lee.
I am from Vietnam.
I am Vietnamese.
My language is Vietnamese.

Lorance / France
Tony / Italy
Lisa / Germany
Lucille / France
Carmen / Spain
Hans / Germany
John / Canada
Ahmad / Egypt

Teacher: Say in what countries and on what continents these cities are situated.

EXAMPLE: Cairo is in Africa. It is in Egypt.

Cairo Ottawa
Berlin Madrid
Rome Washington DC

7. Домашнее задание

Teacher: Ex.31 p. 108-109 make the right choice, you must write this exercise.

8. Подведение итогов урока

Teacher: You were very active. Thank you for the lesson. Your marks are…

Let’s play a game “A STAIRS OF FAME”

На доске расположены карточки в виде лесенки. На карточках написаны ранее изученные слова и словосочетания. Перед учеником стоит задача: открыть карточки, назвать слова по-английски и подняться по ступенькам на Вершину Славы.


  • готовить блины
  • сметана и мед
  • известный учёный
  • маленькая деревня
  • центральное отопление
  • мясник
  • икра
